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Film-worthy books -- a list

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:12 pm
by Liege-Killer
Ok, what think you of this list?

I haven't read most of those, actually. The only thing I can say for sure is that I don't think A Fire Upon the Deep would work out too well. So many of the things that make it a great book would NOT translate well to film -- the Known Net communications, the changing psychological quirks of the Tines as they lose and gain members, etc. And just a lot of subtle complexities in the book. No, I would not want to see Hollywood screwing with this one.

I think The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress could be filmed faithfully, but I never cared for the book much, so I don't know if a movie would be any better.

How about the others? Any comments?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:36 pm
by Omphalos
I think Gateway would make a great movie. So would Earth Abides. I have only paged a bit through Old Man's War, but it seems like it would be a good one too. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress would too. There really is no point to that one. A bunch of stuff just happens, although it is a good primer on how to run a revolution. The studio heads could turn their brains off and make a faithful adaptation of that one. As for the rest? No. Stranger in a Strange land would SUCK!!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:12 pm
by Robspierre
I'm with Omph, though Stranger as a HBO mini series would be good.


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:57 pm
by Himachil
There is an un-produced script for Moon is a Harsh Mistress online here:

As far as I've read, there area few changes, but I think it would have worked. I would like to see Harsh Mistress as a film.
Stranger in a Strange land would SUCK!!!!
Yes it would. A lot of Heinlein's stuff would be great to see on screen... not so much Stranger though.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:08 am
by Trang
nueromancer, no its been done in so many ways and they just arent very good.

I havent read the Vinge books so no opinion.
I havent read Earth Abides.

The Gods themselves is to complicated for the big screen.

Gateway would be a blast I think on film.

Armor, no way, Hated this book with a passion. Whiny, to simplistic and predictable. I guess if they took SST and screwed it up, they couldnt do any worse for this book. Giant mindless ants on a planet called banshee, please!!

Moon is harsh mistress would be pretty good I think.

Stranger in strange land not cinema, but small screen mini sereis would be possible 8-12 hours minimum.

Old mans war is an EXCELLENT book and very adaptable to the Big screen. The only part I think they would have to change is everyone running around with the green skinned bodies. If you havent read it, wont ruin it. But other than that would fit into two hours fairly well. Great story, loved that book and the series.


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:39 pm
by Star Dust
Neil Gaiman's Good Omens would be good. Actually it's been started and stopped a few times.

Supposedly GRR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire has been greenlighted by HBO. Like someone else said, some projects would better as HBO quality miniseries productions.
