4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

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Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
Posts: 473
Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension - Summary

.................Ca . Extraliterary forms of SF

.............................Ca-a . SF & Sci-Fi, medias & audiences
.................................................Ca-aa . fiction into film : from the page to the screen ...& vice versa ?
.................................................Ca-ab . cross media narrative analysis, adaptations & novelizations: some case studies
.................................................Ca-ac . what is intermediality ?
.................................................Ca-ad . images &/vs. ideas ? SF & Sci-fi
.................................................Ca-ae . adaptations, fiction networks & merchandise
..............................Ca-b . film & TV
.................................................Ca-ba . search instruments
.................................................Ca-bb . overview/history
.................................................Ca-bc . comparative & theoretical works
.................................................Ca-bd . from Méliès to Harryhausen, early pioneers
.................................................Ca-be . flying saucers, monsters & apocalypse (1950-1970)
.................................................Ca-bf . 2001 to 1984, the turn of the Seventies
.................................................Ca-bg . postmodern Future Noir, SFX, & entertainment
.................................................Ca-bh . television series
.................................................Ca-bi . TV series: case studies
..............................Ca-c . graphic arts & architecture
.................................................Ca-ca . search instruments
.................................................Ca-cb . overview/history
.................................................Ca-cc . illustration, visual & conceptual arts
.................................................Ca-cd . pulp, cover art & posters: vintage SF
.................................................Ca-ce . tomorrow now ? SF, design & urban utopia
..................................................Ca-cf . photography, digital/virtual art : from illusion to immersion ?
.................................................Ca-cg . alien landscapes, dreams & chimeras of the space opera
.................................................Ca-ch . case study : Star Wars & the Fetish Empire
..................................................Ca-ci . case study : chinese ink, pastels & pixels... eclectic Arda
..................................................Ca-cj . case studies : other fictional universes
..............................Ca-d . comics, graphic novels & mangas
.................................................Ca-da . search instruments
.................................................Ca-db . overview/history
.................................................Ca-dc . heroes, villains ...& superlatives
.................................................Ca-dd . case study : Marvel expanded & shared universe
.................................................Ca-de . case studies : some fictional universes
..............................Ca-e . sounds, music & film score
.................................................Ca-ea . music & literature, studies & anthologies
.................................................Ca-eb . confidential filks & popular radio broadcasts
.................................................Ca-ec . words 'n sounds ... 'avant-gardes' & pop culture
.................................................Ca-ed . films & musical landscapes
..............................Ca-f . games, role-playing & immersion
.................................................Ca-fa . what is role playing ?
.................................................Ca-fb . video game culture
.................................................Ca-fc . virtual worlds, digital poetics ?
.................................................Ca-fd . game design & storytelling
.................................................Ca-fe . avatars & communities, immersion & communication
.................................................Ca-ff . artefacts, companions & case studies

.................Cb . Sociocritical & subcultural issues

.............................Cb-a . short stories & magazines
.................................................Cb-aa . Golden age, pulp writers ...digest SF ?
.................................................Cb-ab . formula fiction ? Campbellian era & the SF canon
.................................................Cb-ac . composite novels, fix-up, anthologies, collections ...
.................................................Cb-ad . magazine anthology series
..............................Cb-b . novels & fictional universes
.................................................Cb-ba . series, cycles, chronicles, serial stories, collections...
.................................................Cb-bb . case study : Doctor Who, discontinuity & retcon
.................................................Cb-bc . the writer as demiurge : conworlding & secondary worlds
.................................................Cb-bd . specular reflections, Mimesis & possible world systems
.................................................Cb-be . anthologies, booklists & fictions
..............................Cb-c . polytextual/transfictional: authors & fans
.................................................Cb-ca . workshops & SF writing
.................................................Cb-cb . shared universes ? collaborative authorship
.................................................Cb-cc . collaborative writing : some case studies
.................................................Cb-cd . case study : Abdul Alhazred, Lovecraft, Derleth, Bloch, C.A. Smith, Howard & cie...
.................................................Cb-ce . case study : Arda Legendarium, from the Inklings to the Tolkien Estate
.................................................Cb-cf . case studies : the Hero with a thousand avatars
.................................................Cb-cg . cult fiction, audiences, communities & participatory culture
.................................................Cb-ch . case study : Star Wars Fanon
.................................................Cb-ci . case study : the neverending story ? Star Trek & its "fandomcracy"
..............................Cb-d . sociocritic, markets & audiences
.................................................Cb-da . inside the SF "ghetto"... sociology, economy & culture
.................................................Cb-db . subculture, reception theory & sociocriticism
.................................................Cb-dc . paraliteratures, mass-medias & popular fiction


Index auctorum



Index auctorum operumque anonymorum & pseudonymorum



Index titulorum alphabeticus



Operum index chronologicus


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    ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞
      Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
      Posts: 473
      Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
      Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

      Re: 4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

      Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

      [REF. LIST]

      © ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


      4.2.2 - HISTORY & CRITICISM
      C . SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension

      .................Ca . Extraliterary forms of SF

      .............................Ca-a . SF & Sci-Fi, medias & audiences


      Ca-aa . fiction into film : from the page to the screen ...& vice versa ?


      ANDERS (Lou) /ed.
      Projections: Science Fiction in Literature and Film
      MonkeyBrain Books, 2004


      BROWN (David Michael)
      Welcome Bedfellows: Science Fiction Texts and Their Cinematic Adaptations
      [Frank Herbert; Philip K. Dick; David Lynch; Ridley Scott]
      Master, Utah SU, 1998


      CARTER (Douglas)
      Cross Media Narrative Analysis of The Martian Chronicles: Novel, Radio, Theater,
      Film, and Television
      Thèse, Ohio SU [Colombus], 1983


      TV Tropes [wiki]
      → on line :


      GARCIA (Alexandre Stéphane), FAUCONNIER (Fabrice), DOLHEN (René-Marc) et al. /ed.
      Base de données nooSFere Littérature [Icarus]
      → on line [Cinéma et télévision : adaptations et novellisations] :
      → on line [recherche d'une adaptation] :
      <http://www.noosfere.com/icarus/livres/r ... ations.asp>


      LARSEN (Lynn Curtis)
      Writing the Science Fiction Screenplay
      Master, Denver, 1997


      NOVELLI (Novella) /ed.
      Au cœur de l’avenir : littérature d’anticipation dans les textes et à l’écran
      (Actes du séminaire international de l’Aquila 29-30 septembre 2000)
      Angelus Novus edizioni, 2002
      → recueil centré sur la SF québecquoise avec les contributions de Bozzetto, Saint-Gelais, Carpentier


      ROTH (Ellen S.)
      The Rhetoric of First-Person Point of View in the Novel and Film Forms:
      A Study of Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange and Henry James' A Turn of the Screw
      and Their Film Adaptations
      These, New York Univ., 1978


      SCHMIDT (Greg)
      FIFD- Fiction Into Film Database
      → on line :
      → spécialisé dans l'adaptation de la littérature de l'imaginaire à l'écran


      TRAVERS (Olivier), BELLAIS (Sophie) & HARRIS (Jim)
      SciFan: books & links for the science fiction fan
      → on line [themes: became a film] :
      → on line [themes: media tie-in /movie & TV] :
      → on line [themes: media tie-in /RPGs, wargames, video games] :


      Ca-ab . cross media narrative analysis, adaptations & novelizations: some case studies


      AYERS (Jeff)
      Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion
      Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books, 2006


      CLARK (Virginia M.)
      Aldous Huxley and Film
      These, Univ. of Maryland, 1983


      EDWARDS (Ted)
      The Unauthorized Star Wars Compendium: The Complete Guide to the Movies,
      Comic Books, Novels, and More
      Little Brown and Company, 1999


      GLUT (Donald F.)
      The Frankenstein Archive: Essays on the Monster, the Myth, the Movies, and More
      McFarland & Co Inc, 2002


      HOLTE (James Craig)
      Dracula in the Dark: The Dracula Film Adaptations
      Greenwood Press, 1997


      MIGLIORE (Andrew) & STRYSIK (John)
      The lurker in the Lobby: The Guide to Lovecraftian Cinema
      Night Shade Books, 2006


      PORTER (Lynnette R.)
      Unsung Heroes Of The Lord Of The Rings: From The Page To The Screen
      Greenwood Press, 2005


      SAMMON (Paul)
      Conan the Phenomenon
      Dark Horse, 2007


      UNDERWOOD (Alva)
      Star Trek Reader's Reference to the Novels [1970-1989]
      1stbooks/Author House (5 vol.), 2001-2008


      VEST (Jason)
      Future Imperfect: Philip K. Dick at the Movies
      University of Nebraska Press, 2009


      WYKES (Alan)
      H.G. Wells in the cinema
      Jupiter Books, 1977


      Ca-ac . what is intermediality ?


      AKNIN (Laurent)
      Analyse de l'image: Cinéma et littérature
      Presses Pocket, 2005
      → nombreux exemples empruntés à la SFF


      CARTMELL (Deborah)
      The Cambridge Companion to Literature on Screen
      Cambridge University Press, 2007


      DUMONT (Renaud)
      De l'écrit à l'écran : Réflexions sur l'adaptation cinématographique
      L'Harmattan, 2007


      ELLIOTT (Kamilla)
      Rethinking the Novel/Film Debate
      Cambridge University Press, 2003


      GRIFFITH (James J.)
      Adaptations as Imitations: An Evaluative Study of Recent Film Adaptations of Novels
      These, Ohio SU [Colombus], 1984


      HUTCHEON (Linda)
      A theory of Adaptation
      Routledge, 2006


      JENKINS (Henry)
      Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide
      NYU Press, 2008


      LARSON (Randall D.)
      Films Into Books: An Analytical Bibliography of Film Novelizations, Movie and TV Tie-Ins
      Scarecrow Press, 1995


      MERCIER (Andrée) & PELLETIER (Esther)
      L'adaptation dans tous ses états. Passage d'un mode d'expression à un autre.
      Nota Bene, 1999


      NGUYEN (Nhu-Hoa)
      Narration graphique : l’ellipse comme figure et signe peircéen dans la bande dessinée
      These, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), 2009


      SAMOYAULT (Tiphaine)
      L'intertextualité: Mémoire de la littérature
      A.Colin 128, 2005


      SANDERS (Julie)
      Adaptation and Appropriation
      Routledge, 2005


      Ca-ad . images &/vs. ideas ? SF & Sci-fi


      ANDRÉ (Danièle), TRON (Daniel) & VILLERS (Aurélie) /ed.
      Comment rêver la science-fiction à présent ? Colloque de Cerisy 2009
      Bragelonne, (forthcoming 2010)


      BERTHELOT (Francis) & CLERMONT (Philippe) /ed.
      Science-fiction et imaginaires contemporains. Colloque de Cerisy 2006
      Bragelonne, 2007


      BOZZETTO (Roger) & MENEGALDO (Gilles) /ed.
      Les Nouvelles formes de la Science-Fiction. Colloque de Cerisy 2003
      Bragelonne, 2006


      CASSOU-NOGUÈS (Pierre) & BAROT (E.) /ed.
      Revue Alliage Culture-Science-Technique (n°60), Juin 2007
      → actes du colloque international tenu à Lille-III les 1er & 2 Avril 2005
      (Que prouve la science-fiction ? raisons et corps, mondes et machines)


      Science Fiction and the Non-Print Media
      Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 7, special issue), Nov. 1980


      Extraliterary Forms of Science Fiction
      Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 10, special issue), Nov. 1983


      NICOT (Stéphane) /dir.
      Les Univers de la Science-Fiction
      Revue Galaxies [Ed.Galaxiales], supplément au n°8, Printemps 1998
      → recueil de 12 articles, dont un consacré à FH


      ROUILLER (François)→ cf.supra 421


      WRIGHT (Gene)
      The Science Fiction Image: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science Fiction in Film,
      Television, Radio and the Theater
      Facts on File, 1983


      Ca-ae . adaptations, fiction networks & merchandise


      ANELLI (Melissa)
      Harry, A History: The True Story of a Boy Wizard, His Fans, and Life Inside the Harry Potter Phenomenon
      Pocket Books, 2008


      BEAHM (George)
      The Essential J.R.R. Tolkien Sourcebook: A Fan's Guide to Middle-earth and Beyond
      New Page Books, 2003
      → richement illustré, un document incontournable


      BESSON (Anne)
      « Les formes à épisodes, des structures multi-médiatiques (parallélisme et interaction
      des ensembles paralittéraires et télévisés) »
      Webzine Belphégor, (vol. 1, n° 2), June 2002
      → on line :


      CRAFT (Jason Todd)
      Fiction networks: The emergence of proprietary, persistent, large-scale popular fictions
      The University of Texas at Austin/UMI, 2004


      FRANTIK (Jacob) et al.
      Star Wars Merchandise Wiki
      → on line (since 2007) :
      <http://swmerchandise.wikia.com/wiki/Sta ... ndise_Wiki>


      JULLIER (Laurent)
      Star Wars: Anatomie d'une saga
      A.Colin, 2005


      ROBINSON (Jeremy Mark)
      J.R.R. Tolkien: The Books, The Films, The Whole Cultural Phenomenon,
      Including a scene by scene analysis of the Lord of the Rings Films
      Crescent Moon Publishing, 2008


      SMITH (Don G.)
      H.P. Lovecraft in Popular Culture: The Works And Their Adaptations in Film,
      Television, Comics, Music And Games
      McFarland & Co Inc, 2005


      SUTHERLAND (John)
      Bestsellers: A Very Short Introduction
      Oxford University Press, 2007


      WELLS (Stuart W.)
      Science Fiction Collectibles: Identification and Price Guide
      KP Books, 1999


        Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
        ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞
          Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
          Posts: 473
          Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
          Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

          Re: 4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

          Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

          © ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


          4.2.2 - HISTORY & CRITICISM
          C . SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension

          .................Ca . Extraliterary forms of SF

          .............................Ca-b . film & TV


          Ca-ba . search instruments


          BAUDURET (Thomas) /ed.
          L'année de la science-fiction, du fantastique et de la fantasy au cinéma [2000-2006]
          L'Oeil du Sphinx (annuel, 7 vol.), 2000-2006


          CALDER (Josh) /ed.
          A Futurist at the Movies [Film database]
          → on line :


          IMDB- Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror/Animation
          → on line :


          DENIS (Paul)
          AllSF: La SF au cinéma [chronologie]
          → on line :


          FISCHER (Dennis)
          Science Fiction Directors, 1895-1998
          McFarland & Co Inc, 2000


          HARDY (Phil)
          Science Fiction : The Complete Film Sourcebook
          Morrow, 1985


          HARDY (Phil)
          The Overlook Film Encyclopedia: Science Fiction
          Overlook TP, 3°ed.1995


          HENDERSON (C.J.)
          The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Movies: from 1897 to the Present
          Facts on File, 2001


          LENTZ (Harris M.)
          Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film and Television Credits: Over 10,000 Actors,
          Actresses, Directors
          McFarland & Co Inc (3 vol.), 2001


          MAXFORD (Howard)
          The A-Z of Science Fiction and Fantasy Films
          Batsford Ltd, 1998


          SENN (Bryan) & JOHNSON (John)
          Fantastic Cinema Subject Guide: A Topical Index to 2,500 Horror, Science Fiction,
          and Fantasy Films
          McFarland & Co Inc, 2008
          → un découpage thématique qui fait toute la différence


          SHATNER (William) & HENDERSON (C.J.)
          The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Movies
          Facts On File Inc, 2001


          WILLIS (Donald c.)
          Horror and Science Fiction Films
          Scrarecrow Press (4 vol.), 1972-1997
          → le premier volume s'étend jusqu'en 1971, le 2° traite de la période 1972-1981,
          le 3° de 1981-1983, le dernier de la décennie 1984-1994


          Ca-bb . overview/history


          AUMONT (Yves) & SAURAT (Thierry)
          Cinémas de science-fiction
          L'Atalante, 1985


          BROSNAN (John)
          The Primal Screen: A History of Science Fiction Film
          Little Brown & Co, 1995


          CHION (Michel)
          Les Films de science-fiction
          Cahiers du cinéma / L'Etoile, 2009


          GRESSARD (Gilles)
          Le Film de science-fiction
          J'ai Lu, 1988


          HUGHES (David)
          Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made
          Chicago Review Press, 2003
          → l'histoire du cinéma vue par ses projets avortés...et leur postérité


          KING (Geoff) & KRZYWINSKA (Tanya)
          Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace
          Wallflower Press, 2001
          → une histoire du genre acclamée par la critique


          PELOSATO (Alain)
          Fantastique et Science-fiction au cinéma
          Naturellement, 1999


          ROGER (Frank) & TEIXIDOR (Emili)
          Cinéma d'aventures cinéma de science-fiction
          Grammont, 1979


          ROMER (Jean-Claude) & TCHERNIA (Robert)
          80 grands succès de la Science-Fiction
          Casterman, 1989


          TELOTTE (J.P.)
          Science Fiction Film: Genres in American Cinema
          Cambridge University Press, 2001
          → une des meilleures histoires du genre


          Ca-bc . comparative & theoretical works


          AMELIO (Ralph J.) /ed.
          Hal in the Classroom: Science Fiction Films
          Pflaum Publishing, 1974
          → recueil d'essais fondateurs (dont Sontag, Peary, Schwartz, Johnson..)


          ATKINS (Thomas) /ed.
          Science Fiction Films
          Monarch Press, 1976
          → recueil d'essais (dont Sobchack, Kaminsky, Chappell..)


          Science Fiction Film
          Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 14, special issue), Nov. 1987


          Forum on Science Fiction Film
          Revue Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts (2, special issue), Summer 1989


          ELLISON (Harlan) & CLARK (Marty)
          Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed: Essays
          Borgo Press, 1984


          GRIVEL (Charles)
          PUF, 1992


          JOHNSON (William) /ed.
          Focus on the Science Fiction Film
          Prentice-Hall, 1972
          → recueil de 23 essais


          KUHN (Annette) /ed.
          Alien Zone: Cultural Theory and Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema
          Verso, 1990
          → recueil de contributions (dont Sobchack, Telotte, Penley, Bukatman, Kelner, Virilio, Neale)


          KUHN (Annette) /ed.
          Alien Zone II: The Spaces of Science-Fiction Cinema
          Verso, 2000
          → recueil de contributions (dont Sobchack, Bukatman, Springer)


          LANDON (Brooks)
          The Aesthetics of Ambivalence: Rethinking Science Fiction Film in the Age of Electronic (Re)Production
          Greenwood Press, 1992
          → l'un des trop rares ouvrages à interroger le prisme littéraire des analyses du
          cinéma SF et à poser les jalons d'une critique intermédiale


          MATHER (Philippe )
          L'éloignement cognitif: vers une sémiologie du cinéma de science-fiction
          These, Paris III, 1995


          POHL (Frederik)
          Science Fiction Studies in Film
          Ace Books, 1981


          POPOVICH (George Lee)
          Structural Analyses of Selected Modern Science Fiction Films
          These, Ohio SU [Colombus], 1987


          REDMOND (Sean) /ed.
          Liquid Metal: The Science Fiction Film Reader
          Wallflower Press, 2004
          → recueil de contributions (dont Sobchack, Sontag, Neale, Telotte, Penley)


          RICKMAN (Greg) /ed.
          The Science Fiction Film Reader
          Limelight Editions, 2004
          → recueil d'articles classiques & d'interviews (dont Campbell, Spielberg, Zizek, A.C.Clarke, Anthony Burgess, Sontag)


          SLUSSER (George E.) & RABKIN (Eric S.) /ed.
          Shadows of the Magic Lamp. Fantasy and Science fiction in Film
          Southern Illinois University Press, 1985
          → contributions de Sobchack, Burns, Franklin


          SOBCHACK (Vivian C.)
          Screening Space. The American Science Fiction Film
          Ungar, 1997
          → ouvrage fondamental


          Ca-bd . from Méliès to Harryhausen, early pioneers


          BAXTER (John)
          Science Fiction in the Cinema
          Paperback Library, 1970


          BENSON (Michael)
          Vintage Science Fiction Films
          McFarland, 1985


          BOUYXOU (Jean-Pierre) & LETHEM (Roland)
          La science-fiction au cinéma
          10/18, 1971


          BRODERICK (Mick)
          A Critical Analysis and Filmography of International Feature Length Films Dealing with
          Experimentation, Aliens, Terrorism, Holocaust, and Other Disaster Scenarios, 1914-1990
          McFarland, 1991


          BROSNAN (John)
          Future Tense. The Cinema of Science Fiction
          St Martin's Press, 1979
          → l'une des meilleures histoires du genre, malgré son âge (traite marginalement des 70's)


          COOK (Bruce Randall)
          Science, Fiction, and Film: A Study of the Interaction of Science, Science Fiction
          Literature, and the Growth of Cinema
          These, Univ. of Southern California[Los Angeles] , 1976


          LEE (Walt)
          Reference Guide to Fantastic Films, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror
          Chelsea-Lee Books (2 vol.), 1974
          → un dictionnaire inégalé


          MENVILLE (Douglas) & REGINALD (Robert)
          Things to Come. An Illustrated History of the Science Fiction Film
          New York Times Books, 1977


          MENVILLE (Douglas)
          A Historical and Critical Survey of the Science Fiction Film
          Arno Press, 1975
          → histoire du genre entre 1900 et 1960


          TELOTTE (J.P.)
          A distant technology: science fiction film and the machine age
          Wesleyan University Press, 1999
          → histoire du genre entre les deux guerres mondiales


          Ca-be . flying saucers, monsters & apocalypse (1950-1970)


          HENDERSHOT (Cynthia)
          Paranoia, the Bomb, and 1950s Science Fiction Films
          Bowling Green State Univ Popular Press, 1999


          KNEE (Adam)
          The American Science Fiction Film and Fifties Culture
          These, New York Univ., 1996


          LUCIANO (Patrick)
          Them or Us: Archetypal Interpretation of Fifties Alien Invasion Films
          Indiana University Press, 1988


          SALEH (Dennis) /ed.
          Science Fiction Gold: Film Classics of the 1950's
          McGraw-Hill, 1979


          SHAPIRO (Jerome F.)
          Atomic Bomb Cinema: The Apocalyptic Imagination on Film
          Routledge, 2002


          SOBCHACK (Vivian Carol)
          The Limits of Infinity. The American Science Fiction Film 1950-1975
          A.S.Barnes, 1980


          VIETH (Errol)
          Screening Science: Contexts, Texts, and Science in Fifties Science Fiction Film
          Scarecrow Press, 2001


          WARREN (Bill)
          Keep Watching the Skies! American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties
          McFarland & Company, 1997


          Ca-bf . 2001 to 1984, the turn of the Seventies


          ANDERSON (Craig)
          Science Fiction Films of the Seventies
          Mcfarland & Co Inc Pub, 1985


          ANDRÉ (Danièle)
          Cinéma de science-fiction et sociétés anglophones contemporaines
          These, Paris III, 1998


          BONNER (Frances Jane)
          Stories of What Is to Come: The Future in Film and Television, 1959-1989
          These, The Open Univ.[Milton Keynes], 1991


          D'ALESSANDRO (Kathryn C.)
          Mixed Competence: The Tendency Toward Hybridization in Post-1976 Science Fiction Films
          These, Univ. of Wisconsin[Madison], 1992


          FRANK (Alan G.)
          Sci-fi now: 10 exciting years of science fiction from 2001 to Star Wars and beyond
          Octopus Books, 1978


          HANSEN (Zia)
          American Films of the 1970s: Star Wars (1977), Network (1976), Annie Hall (1977),
          Coming Home (1978)
          These, Oklahoma SU, 1980


          MENVILLE (Douglas), REGINALD (Robert) & BURGESS (Mary A.)
          Future Visions : The Golden Age of the Science Fiction Film
          Greenbriar, 1986
          → histoire du cinéma de 1977 à 1985


          NICHOLLS (Peter)
          The world of fantastic Films. An Illustrated Survey
          Dodd & Mead, 1985
          → histoire du cinéma de 1968 à 1985 (édition britannique -1985- chez
          Multimedia Ebury Press sous le titre : Fantastic Cinema. An Illustrated Survey)


          PARISH (James Robert) & PITTS (Michael R.)
          The Great Science Fiction Pictures II
          Scarecrow Press, 1990
          → sur le cinéma post-Star Wars (1978-1989)


          PEARY (Danny) /ed.
          Omni's Screen Flights, Screen Fantasies: The Future According to the Cinema
          Doubleday, 1984
          → recueil de critiques parues dans Omni (1978-1984)


          SHORT (Richard)
          The Gospel from Outer Space
          Harper and Row, 1983
          → traite des échos spirituels dans E.T., Star Wars, Superman, 2001


          SMITH (Thomas)
          Industrial Light and Magic. The Art of Special Effects


          SNYDER (Thomas Lee)
          Sacred Encounters: The Myth of the Hero in the Horror, Science Fiction,
          Fantasy Films of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg
          These, Northwestern Univ. [Evanston/Illinois], 1984


          Ca-bg . postmodern Future Noir, SFX, & entertainment


          ANDRÉ (Daniele)
          Cinéma de science-fiction et sociétés anglophones contemporaines
          These, Paris III, 1998


          BOOKER (M.Keith)
          Alternate Americas: Science Fiction Film and American Culture
          Praeger Publishers, 2006
          → étude d'une quinzaine de films au prisme des évolutions récentes de la société américaine


          BOYD (Katrina G.)
          Imagined Spaces: Entertainment and Utopia in Science Fiction Films and Television
          Series of the 1980s and 1990s
          These, Indiana Univ.[Bloomington], 2001


          CORNEA (Christine)
          Science Fiction Cinema: Between Fantasy and Reality
          Rutgers University Press, 2007
          → suite d'études particulières (prisme féministe et postcolonial pour certaines d'entre elles)


          EBERT (John David) → cf.supra Anthropology


          GABILONDO (Joseba)
          Cinematic Hyperspace: New Hollywood Cinema and Science Fiction Film:
          Image and Commodification in Late Capitalism
          These, UC San Diego, 1992


          GRAILLAT (Ludovic) /ed.
          De Tron à Matrix, réflexions sur un cinéma d’un genre nouveau
          SCÉRÉN-CRDP Midi-Pyrénées/La Cinémathèque de Toulouse, 2006


          HOUGRON (Alexandre)
          → cf.supra Anthropology


          KAVENEY (Roz)
          From Alien to the Matrix: Reading Science Fiction Film
          IB Tauris & Co Ltd., 2005


          PIERSON (Michele)
          Special Effects: Still in Search of Wonder
          Columbia University Press, 2002


          TAYLOR (Aaron E. N.)
          World Without End: Historicity and the Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema
          Master, Carleton Univ.[Ottawa], 2000


          THIBAULT (Isabel)
          La Fin de siècle du cinéma américain (1981-2000)
          La Méduse, 2006
          → ouvrage général qui emprunte beaucoup de ses exemples à la scifi


          TORRES (Sandy)
          Le monde du film. Étude sociologique du cinéma de science-fiction comme forme
          de connaissance du temps
          These, Toulouse II, 1996


          TORRES (Sandy)
          Les Temps recomposés du film de science-fiction
          Presses de l’Université Laval/ Éditions de l’IQRC, 2004


          WOOD (A.)
          Technoscience in the Cinema: Beyond Science Fiction
          Thèse, Nottingham, 1999


          Ca-bh . television series


          BADEN (Chaz Boston), JAFFE (Saul), GIRARDOT (Jean-Jacques) et al.
          SFRG/Sf-Lovers [Science Fiction Resource Guide Directory]
          → on line [Archives and resource guides for individual TV shows - last rev. 2001/2006]:


          BAUDOU (Jacques) & SCHLERET (Jean-Jacques)
          Merveilleux, fantastique et science-fiction à la télévision française
          INA/Huitième Art, 1995


          BOOKER (M.Keith)
          Science Fiction Television
          Praeger, 2004


          BOOKER (M.Keith)
          Strange TV: Innovative Television Series from The Twilight Zone to The X-Files
          Greenwood, 2002


          CROUCH (Janie K.)
          The Role of Relational Maintenance and Equity in Parasocial Relationships Within
          the Scope of Science Fiction/Fantasy Television Programming
          These, Regent Univ., 2002


          ELLISON (Harlan)
          The Other Glass Teat: Further Essays of Opinion on Television
          Pyramid, 1975


          FULTON (Roger) & BETANCOURT (John Gregory)
          Encyclopedia of TV Science Fiction
          Boxtree, 2000


          JOHNSON-SMITH (Jan)
          American Science Fiction TV: Star Trek, Stargate, and Beyond
          Wesleyan, 2005


          MARCEL (Patrick), PAYGNARD (Philippe) & VALÉRY (Francis)
          Superhéros en série
          DLM Éditions, 1995


          TELOTTE (J.P.) /ed.
          The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader
          University Press of Kentucky, 2008


          VANDEVYVER (Stéphanie)
          Les Humains et les extraterrestres venant sur Terre dans les séries télévisées
          américaines des origines à nos jours : relations, thématiques, fonctions et idéologies
          These, Paris IV, 2002


          Ca-bi . TV series: case studies
          Doctor who cf. infra Cb-bb


          BENNETT (Tara) & TERRY (Paul)
          Lost Encyclopedia
          DK Publishing, forthcoming 2011


          BENTLEY (Chris)
          The Complete Book of Thunderbirds
          Carlton, 2005


          BERGERON (Alain) & SPEHNER (Laurine)
          The X-Files
          Alire, 1999


          CARRAZÉ (Alain) & OSWALD (Hélène)
          The Prisoner - A Televisionary Masterpiece
          W. H. Allen Ltd, 1990


          CHUNOVIC (Louis)
          Quantum Leap Book
          Boxtree, 1993


          FAGEOLLE (Pierre)
          Cosmos 1999: l'épopée de la blancheur
          DLM Éditions, 1996


          GANGEY (Richard)
          Inside the Wild Wild West
          Cangey Pub Co, 1996


          GENGE (N.E.)
          Tout sur Buffy, Angel et les vampires
          Fleuve Noir, 2000


          GRAMS (Martin)
          The Twilight Zone: Unlocking the Door to a Television Classic
          OTR Publishing, 2008


          GREENWALD (Jeff)
          Future Perfect: How Star Trek Conquered Planet Earth
          Viking Press, 1998


          HARRISON (Taylor), PROJANSKY (Sarah), ONO (Kent A.) & HELFORD (Elyce Rae) /ed.
          Enterprise Zones: Critical Positions on Star Trek
          Westview Press, 1996


          JAMES (Edward) & Mendlesohn (Farah) /ed.
          Parliament of Dreams: Conferring on "Babylon 5"
          University of Reading, 1998


          KESLER (Susan E.)
          Dossier West, les nuits des Mystères de l'Ouest
          Encrage, 1997


          LAVERY (David) /ed.
          Deny All Knowledge: Reading The X-Files
          Syracuse University Press, 1996


          MARCEL (Patrick)
          Code Quantum: Itinéraire d'un ange gardien
          ...Car Rien N'a d'Importance, 1995


          MOREL (Max-Philippe)
          Au coeur du temps
          Sol'Air, 1998


          MUIR (John Kenneth)
          Exploring "Space 1999": An Episode Guide and Complete History of the Mid-1970s
          Science Fiction Television Series
          McFarland & Company, 2005


          ROSIN (James)
          The Invaders
          Autumn Road Company, 2010


          RUAUD (André-François)
          Star Trek: le fabulaire du futur
          ...Car Rien N'a d'Importance, 1995


          RUAUD (André-François)
          Star Trek, the Next Generation : l'utopie des étoiles
          DLM Éditions, 1998


          STANYARD (Stewart T.)
          Dimensions Behind the Twilight Zone: A Backstage Tribute to Television's Groundbreaking Series
          Ecw Press, 2007


          STEVENSON (Gregory)
          Televised Morality. The Case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
          Hamilton Books, 2003


          VALÉRY (Francis)
          Le Prisonnier
          ...Car Rien N'a d'Importance, 1994


          VALÉRY (Francis)
          Les Envahisseurs
          ...Car Rien N'a d'Importance, 1993


          VALÉRY (Francis)
          Thunderbirds : une utopie ambiguë
          ...Car Rien N'a d'Importance, 1993


          VALÉRY (Francis)
          V : L'autre guerre des mondes
          DLM Éditions, 1995


          VALÉRY (Francis)
          Aux frontières du réel: une mythologie moderne
          DLM Éditions (3 vol.), 1996
          → autour des thèmes de The X-Files


            Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
            ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞
              Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
              Posts: 473
              Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
              Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

              Re: 4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

              Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

              [REF. LIST]

              © ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


              4.2.2 - HISTORY & CRITICISM
              C . SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension

              .................Ca . Extraliterary forms of SF

              .............................Ca-c . graphic arts & architecture


              Ca-ca . search instruments
              Cf. also supra 421 Cover art & zines' bases


              BADEN (Chaz Boston), JAFFE (Saul), GIRARDOT (Jean-Jacques) et al.
              SFRG/Sf-Lovers [Science Fiction Resource Guide Directory]
              → on line [SF, Fantasy & Horror Artists] (last rev. 2001/2006) :
              <http://www.noreascon.org/users/sflovers ... tists.html>
              → on line [SF, Fantasy & Horror Art Galleries & Studios] :
              <http://www.noreascon.org/users/sflovers ... eries.html>


              BRETENOUX (Éric)
              Revues SF
              → on line [index illustrateurs] :
              <http://www.noosfere.com/heberg/ericb33/ ... ateurs.asp>


              The Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA) Gallery/Portfolios
              → on line [Index of Artists] :
              → on line [Websites of interest: individual artists] :


              Agence Martienne: Photothèque spécialisée sur l'imaginaire scientifique,
              le paranormal, la science-fiction populaire, les ovnis
              → on line :


              FRANK (Jane) /ed.
              Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists of the Twentieth Century: A Biographical Dictionary
              McFarland & Co Inc, 2009


              GARCIA (Alexandre Stéphane), FAUCONNIER (Fabrice), DOLHEN (René-Marc) et al. /ed.
              Base de données nooSFere Littérature [Icarus]
              → on line [liste des illustrateurs] :
              <http://www.noosfere.com/icarus/livres/a ... rvention=3>


              GIBBONS (Terry)
              VISCO: The Visual Index of Science Fiction Cover Art
              → on ligne [Artist Name Index] :


              HAGERTY (Donald J.)
              Leading the West: One Hundred Contemporary Painters and Sculptors
              Northland Publishing, 1997


              GRANT (John) & TINER (Ron)
              The Encyclopedia of Fantasy and Science Fiction Art Techniques
              Titan Books Ltd, 1997


              TURNER (Rodger) /ed.
              SF Site: The Home Page for Science Fiction and Fantasy
              → on line [artists] :
              → on line [gallery collections] :


              VEGETTI (Ernesto), COTTOGNI (Pino) & BERTONI (Ermes) /ed.
              Catalogo SF, Fantasy e Horror
              → on line [indice per Illustratore di copertina] :


              WEINBERG (Robert)
              A Biographical Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists
              Greenwood Press, 1988


              WOJTOWICZ (Sławek)
              The ultimate guide to SF, fantasy, space and surreal art
              → on ligne (last rev Nov. 8, 2007)
              → galeries et liens vers les sites d'artistes


              Ca-cb . overview/history


              ALDISS (Brian)
              Science Fiction Art
              New English Library, 1975
              → traduction française chez Delville,1976 (Science-fiction:graphisme SF)


              DEAN (Martyn) /ed.
              The Guide to Fantasy Art
              Arco Publishing, 1984
              → recueil d'articles, d'illustrations et interviews (Burns, Foss, Vallejo...)


              DI FATE (Vincent)
              Infinite Worlds.The Fantastic Visions of Science Fiction Art
              The Wonderland Press,1997


              EISLER (Steven)
              Images de la Science-Fiction
              Gründ, 1980


              FREEWIN (Anthony)
              One hundred years of science fiction illustrations
              Jupiter Books, 1974


              HOLLAND (Steve) et al.
              Sci-Fi Art: A Graphic History
              ILEX, 2009


              JUDE (Dick)
              Fantasy Art Masters: The Best in Fantasy and SF Art Worldwide
              Watson-Guptill Publications, 1999


              JUDE (Dick)
              More Fantasy Art Masters: The Best Fantasy and Science Fiction Artists Show How They Work
              Watson-Guptill Publications, 2003


              KYLE (David)
              The Illustrated Book of Science Fiction Ideas. The visions and inventions of the
              great sf writers and artists


              MARSH (Graham) & NOURMAND (Tony) /ed.
              Film Posters Science Fiction
              Evergreen, 2008


              ROBINSON (Frank M.), WEINBERG (Robert E.) & BROECKER (Randy)
              Art of Imagination: 20th Century Visions of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy
              Collectors Press, 2003
              → ouvrage monumental


              SACKS (Janet)
              Visions of the Future. An Exiting and Novel Selection of Science Fiction Art of Today
              New English Library, 1976


              WESTPHAL (Gary), SLUSSER (George) & PLUMMER (Kathleen Church)/ed.
              Unearthly Visions: Approaches to Science Fiction and Fantasy Art
              Greenwood Press, 2002


              WOLFE (Gary K.)
              The Known and the Unknown : The Iconography of Science Fiction
              Kent State University Press,1979
              → ouvrage fondamental


              Ca-cc . illustration, visual & conceptual arts


              BOZZETTO (Roger)
              Du fantastique iconique -Pour une approche des effets du fantastique en peinture
              E.C Editions, 2001


              BRION (Marcel)
              L'Art fantastique
              Albin Michel, 1961


              CALABRESE (John A.)
              Elements of Myth in J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and Selected Painting of Paul Klee
              These, Ohio SU [Colombus], 1980


              FOX (Patricia L.)
              The Influence of Surrealist Art in the Novels of J. G. Ballard
              Master, Univ. of Kent [Canterbury], 1992


              MACLEAN (Heather L.)
              Science Fiction and Surrealism: A Reader's Dream
              These, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994


              PETERS (Jefferson Marlowe)
              Art, Artists, and Artistry in Science Fiction
              These, Michigan SU, 1993


              PETERSEN (Stephen Bruce)
              Space and the Space Age in Postwar European Art: Lucio Fontana, Yves Klein, and
              Their Contemporaries
              These, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 2001


              TSAI (Eugenie Mae)
              Reconstructing Robert Smithson (Sculpture, Science Fiction)
              These, Columbia Univ.[New York], 1995


              Ca-cd . pulp, cover art & posters: vintage SF


              ACKERMAN (Forrest J.) & LINAWEAVER (Brad)
              Worlds of Tomorrow: The Amazing Universe of Science Fiction Art
              Collectors Press, 2004


              ALDISS (Brian)
              Fantastic science fiction art, 1926-1954
              Ballantine, 1975


              DEL REY (Lester)
              Fantastic science Fiction Art 1926-1954
              Ballantine Books,1975


              FREWIN (Anthony)
              One Hundred Years of Science Fiction Illustration 1840-1940
              Jupiter Books,1974


              GRAFTON (Carol Belanger)
              Classic Science Fiction Movie Posters: 24 Cards
              Dover Publications, 2006


              HERSHENSON (Bruce)
              Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Movie Posters
              Bruce Hershenson Pub., 1999


              HERSHENSON (Bruce)
              60 Great Sci-Fi Movie Posters
              Bruce Hershenson, 2003


              HERSHENSON (Bruce)
              Who Goes There?: 1950'S Horror & Sci-Fi Movie Posters & Lobby Cards
              Bruce Hershenson, 2001


              LESSER (Robert)
              Pulp Art: Original Cover Paintings for the Great American Pulp Magazines
              Gramercy, 1997


              ROBINSON (Frank M.)
              The Incredible Pulps: A Gallery of Fiction Magazine
              Art Collector Press, 2006


              SADOUL (Jacques)
              Hier, l'An 2000. L'illustration de Science Fiction des Années 30


              SCHREUDERS (Piet)
              Paperbacks, USA. A Graphic History, 1939-1959
              Blue Dolphin,1981


              WRIGHT (Bruce Lanier)
              Yesterday's Tomorrows: The Golden Age of the Science Fiction Movie Posters, 1950-1964
              Taylor Pub, 1993


              Ca-ce . tomorrow now ? SF, design & urban utopia


              BONNEFOY (Jean)
              Leur ville est une idée. La notion de cité dans la littérature de science-fiction
              Mémoire, Institut d'urbanisme-Paris VIII, 1974


              BORSI (Franco)
              Architecture et utopie
              Hazan, 1997


              BROSTERMAN (Norman)
              Out of Time: Designs for the Twentieth-Century Future
              Harry N. Abrams, 2000


              Cities of the Future
              Revue Paradoxa (2.1), 1996


              DILAS-ROCHERIEU (Yolande), GERVEREAU (Laurent) & PAQUOT (Thierry)
              Rêver demain. Utopies, science- fiction et cités idéales
              Éd. Alternatives, 1994


              FORTHOMME (Gérôme)
              L'architecture au travers de l'imaginaire "barjavélien"
              Mémoire, ISAI Victor Horta, 2003


              GAUTHIER (Guy)
              Villes imaginaires: Le theme de la ville dans l'utopie et la science-fiction : litterature,
              cinema, bande dessinee
              CEDIC, 1977


              GOREUX (Josette)
              Image de la ville dans la science-fiction française contemporaine
              Thèse d'État, Nice, 1981


              HANSON (Matt)
              Building Sci-Fi Moviescapes: The Science Behind the Fiction
              Rotovision, 2005
              → traite des décors de cinéma et de leurs visions urbanistiques (Dune est abordé)


              HEIMANN (Jim)
              Future Perfect. Vintage futuristic graphics
              Taschen, 2002
              → visions du futur par les artistes des années 50


              MIDAL (Alexandra) /ed.
              Tomorrow Now : When design meets Science Fiction [texte bilingue]
              MUDAM -Musée d'art moderne de Luxembourg Grand Duc Jean (2 vol.), 2007


              RACINE (Guillemette)
              Quand nos grands-pères imaginaient l'an 2000
              Nathan, 1991


              ROUILLER (François)
              Après-demain, cent vues imprenables sur le futur
              L'Atalante, 2002


              SCHECKLEY (Robert)
              Futuropolis: Impossible Cities of Science Fiction and Fantasy
              Bergstrom & Boyle Books Ltd, 1979


              THIEM (Jon Edgar)
              The Artist in the Ideal State. A Study of the troubled relations between the Arts
              and Society in Utopian Fiction
              These, 1976


              WHITE (Anthony G.)
              Science Fiction and Architecture. A Selected Bibliography
              Vance Bibliographies, 1979


              WILSON (Daniel)
              Où est passée ma combinaison spatiale ? : Petit guide de voyage dans ce futur
              incroyable que nous promettait la science-fiction
              Dunod, 2008


              Ca-cf . photography, digital/virtual art : from illusion to immersion ?


              COLLECTIF [3DTotal.com]
              Digital Art Masters
              Focal Press (4 vol.), 2006-2009


              COUCHOT (Edmond) & HILLAIRE (Norbert)
              L'art numérique: Comment la technologie vient au monde de l'art
              Flammarion, 2009


              GRAU (Oliver)
              Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion
              MIT Press, 2003


              JENISCH (Josh)
              The Art of the Video Game
              Quirk Books, 2008


              Le Troisième oeil. La photographie et l'occulte
              Gallimard, 2004


              Ca-cg . alien landscapes, dreams & chimeras of the space opera


              BURNS (Jim) & HARRISON (Harry)
              Planète story
              Denoël, 1979


              CALDWELL (Steven)
              Mondes en guerre
              Nathan, 1980


              CARROLL (Michael)
              Space Art: How to Draw and Paint Planets, Moons and Landscapes of Alien Worlds
              Watson-Guptill, 2007


              COWLEY (Stewart) & HERRIDGE (Charles)
              Les Grandes batailles de l'espace
              Dargaud, 1979
              → recueil d'illustrations (dont Burns, Hay, McKie, Roberts ...)


              EISLER (Steven)
              Space Wars : Worlds and Weapons
              Octopus, 1979
              → traduction française en 1980 chez Gründ (Images de la Science-fiction)


              HARRISON (Harry)
              Mechanismo. An Illustrated Manual of Science Fiction Hardware
              Red books, 1978
              → traduction française en 1979 chez Denoël (Mechanismo)


              HOLDSTOCK (Robert) & EDWARDS (Malcolm)
              Alien Landscapes
              Ed. Pierrto Publishing Limited, 1979
              → recueil d'illustrations de 10 univers de la SF dont Arrakis
              (Burns, Edwards, Fowke, Garland, Harris, Hay, Hugues, McKie, Oakes, Roberts)
              trad.fr Ultramondes, Alexander Mosley Publications, 1980


              POIX (Pierre)
              Ils ont rêvé l'espace: de Plutarque au Space Art
              Hatier, 1992


              RICKITT (Richard)
              Designing Movie Creatures and Characters: Behind the Scenes with the Movie Masters
              Rotovision, 2006


              Ca-ch . case study : Star Wars & the Fetish Empire


              ANDERSON (Kevin J.) & McQUARRIE (Ralph)
              The Illustrated Star Wars Universe
              Spectra, 1997


              BLACKMAN (Haden) & RECTOR (Brett)
              The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
              Insight Editions, 2008


              BRESMAN (Jonathan)
              The Art of Star Wars, Episode I : The Phantom Menace
              Del Rey Books, 1999


              BULLUCK (Vic) & HOFFMAN (Valerie)
              The Art of Star Wars, Episode V : The Empire Strikes Back
              Del Rey Books, 1994


              BULLUCK (Vic) & HOFFMAN (Valerie)
              The Art of The Empire Strikes Back
              Ballantine Books, 1980


              COLLECTIVE [LucasFilmLtd]
              The Art of Return of the Jedi
              Ballantine Books, 1983


              PARISI (Frank) & SCHEPPKE (Gary)
              The Art of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
              Chronicle Books, 2009


              PETERSON (Lorne)
              Sculpting a Galaxy: Inside the Star Wars Model Shop
              Insight Editions, 2006


              RINZLER (J.W.)
              The Art of Star Wars, Episode III : Revenge of the Sith
              Del Rey Books, 2005


              TITELMAN (Carol W.)
              The Art of Star Wars
              Ballantine Books, 1979


              TITELMAN (Carol W.)
              The Art of Star Wars, Episode IV : A New Hope
              Del Rey Books, 1997


              TITELMAN (Carol W.)
              The Art of Star Wars, Episode VI : Return of the Jedi
              Del Rey Books, 1997


              VAZ (Mark)
              The Art of Star Wars, Episode II : Attack of the Clones
              Del Rey Books, 2002


              WINDHAM (Ryder)
              Star Wars Blueprints: The Ultimate Collection
              Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 2008


              Ca-ci . case study : chinese ink, pastels & pixels... eclectic Arda


              Le Royaume de Tolkien: Visions des Terres-du-Milieu
              Glénat, 1996


              DESNEUVE (Alph)
              Tolkiennerie: De quelques dessins pour Bilbo le Hobbit de J.R.R. Tolkien
              Ponte Mirone, 1979


              EDELFELDT (Inger) et al.
              Tolkien's World : Paintings of Middle-Earth
              HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 1994


              HAMMOND (Wayne G.) & SCULL (Christina)
              J.R.R.Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator
              HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 1995


              HILDEBRANDT (Gregory)
              Greg and Tim Hildebrandt: The Tolkein Years
              Watson-Guptill Publications Inc, 2002


              HOWE (John)
              Myth and Magic. The Art of John Howe
              HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 2001


              HOWE (John)
              Sur les terres de Tolkien
              L'Atalante, 2002


              LEE (Alan)
              Cahier de croquis du Seigneur des Anneaux
              Christian Bourgois, 2006


              NASMITH (Ted) & EDELFELDT (Inger)
              Realms of Tolkien: Images of Middle-earth
              Harper Prism, 1996


              RUSSELL (Gary)
              The Art of the Lord of the Rings
              Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004


              RUSSELL (Gary)
              The Art of the Fellowship of the Ring
              HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 2002


              RUSSELL (Gary)
              The Lord of the Rings: The Art of the Two Towers
              HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 2003


              RUSSELL (Gary)
              The Art of The Return of the King
              HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 2004


              Ca-cj . case studies : other fictional universes


              The Crafting of Narnia: The Art, Creatures and Weapons from Weta Workshop
              HarperCollins, 2008


              KIDBY (Paul) & PRATCHETT (Terry)
              The Pratchett Portfolio: A Compendium of Characters from the Discworld
              Gollancz, 1996


              KIDBY (Paul) & PRATCHETT (Terry)
              L'Art du Disque-Monde
              L'Atalante, 2007


              MORROW (Gray)
              The Illustrated Roger Zelazny
              Byron Press, 1978


              REEVES-STEVEN (Judith) & (Garfield) /ed.
              The Art of Star Trek
              Prentice Hall & IBD, 1997


              VAZ (Mark Cotta)
              Star Trek: The Art of the Film
              Titan Books, 2009


                Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
                ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞
                  Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
                  Posts: 473
                  Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
                  Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

                  Re: 4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

                  Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

                  © ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


                  4.2.2 - HISTORY & CRITICISM
                  C . SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension

                  .................Ca . Extraliterary forms of SF

                  .............................Ca-d . comics, graphic novels & mangas


                  Ca-da . search instruments


                  CLEMENTS (Jonathan) & McCARTHY (Helen)
                  The Anime Encyclopedia: A Guide to Japanese Animation Since 1917
                  Stone Bridge Press, 2006


                  DENIS (Paul)
                  AllSF: La SF dans la BD
                  → on line :


                  GOULART (Ron) /ed.
                  The Encyclopedia of American Comics: From 1897 to the Present
                  Facts On File, 1990


                  KANNENBERG (Gene) et al.
                  ComicsResearch.org: Comics Scholarship Annotated Bibliographies
                  → on line :


                  KLEIN (Bob), STROUP (Tim), INGERSOLL (Jon), TJARKS (Tim), REED (Gene) & LOVSTAD (Jon) /ed.
                  GCD - The Grand Comic-Book Database
                  → on line :


                  LENSSEN (Philipp) /ed.
                  Cover Browser [galleries of comic book (and book, pulp, games, DVD or magazine) covers ]
                  → on line :


                  MOLITERNI (Claude), MELLOT (Philippe), TURPIN (Laurent), DENNI (Michel)
                  & MICHEL-SZELECHOWSKA (Nathalie)
                  BDGuide: Encyclopédie de la bande dessinée internationale: son histoire,
                  ses auteurs, ses héros, ses journaux
                  Omnibus, 2003


                  PATOZ (Pascal), FAUCONNIER (Fabrice), DOLHEN (René-Marc) et al. /ed.
                  Bases de données nooSFere: Bandes dessinées [Icarus-BD]
                  → on line [page d'accueil-critiques récentes] :
                  → on line [parutions récentes-cadre mensuel-] :
                  → on line [recherche générale] :
                  → on line [liste des auteurs] :
                  → on line [critiques-classées par titres d'album] :
                  → on line [liste des séries] :
                  → on line [critiques-classées par séries] :
                  → on line [critiques-classées par revues] :


                  Ca-db . overview/history


                  BENTON (Mike)
                  Science Fiction Comics: The Illustrated History
                  Taylor Pub, 1992


                  BERGER (Arthur Asa)
                  The Comic-Stripped American
                  Penguin Books, 1973
                  → histoire populaire, sociologique et psychologique des comics américains


                  DUNCAN (Randy) & SMITH (Matthew J.)
                  The Power of Comics: History, Form and Culture
                  Continuum, 2009


                  EIZYKMAN (Boris) & RICHE (Daniel)
                  La Bande dessinée de science-fiction américaine
                  Albin Michel, 1976


                  GABILLIET (Jean-Paul)
                  Des comics et des hommes : Histoire culturelle des comic books aux Etats-Unis
                  Éditions du Temps, 2005


                  HEER (Jeet) & WORCESTER (Kent) /ed.
                  A Comics Studies Reader
                  University Press of Mississippi, 2008


                  HELLER (Karin)
                  Une expression contemporaine du mythe: analyse de bandes dessinées dites
                  fantastiques des années 1980-1990
                  Thèse, Paris IV, 1997
                  → Jodo est abordé


                  JENNEQUIN (Jean-Paul)
                  Histoire du Comic Book. Des origines à 1954
                  Vertige Graphic, 2002
                  → tiré d'une thèse


                  PATTEN (Fred)
                  Watching Anime, Reading Manga: 25 Years of Essays and Reviews
                  Stone Bridge Press, 2004


                  PERRY (George) & ALDRIDGE (Alan)
                  The Penguin Book of Comics
                  Penguin, 1971


                  STERANKO (Jim)
                  The Steranko History of Comics
                  Supergraphics (2 vol.), 1970-1972


                  Ca-dc . heroes, villains ...& superlatives


                  BONGCO (Mila)
                  Reading Comics: Language, Culture, and the Concept of the Superhero in Comic Books
                  Routledge, 2000


                  COOGAN (Peter)
                  Superhero: The Secret Origin of a Genre
                  MonkeyBrain, 2006


                  MISIROGLU (Gina) & ROACH (David)
                  The Superhero Book: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Comic Book Icons and Hollywood Heroes
                  Visible Ink Press, 2004


                  MISIROGLU (Gina) & EURY (Michael)
                  The Supervillain Book: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Comic Book and Hollywood
                  Masterminds, Magalomaniacs, and Menaces
                  Visible Ink Press, 2006


                  MUIR (John Kenneth)
                  The Encyclopedia of Superheroes on Film and Television
                  McFarland & Co Inc, 2003


                  REYNOLDS (Richard)
                  Super Heroes: A Modern Mythology
                  University Press of Mississippi, 1994


                  ROVIN (Jeff)
                  The Encyclopedia of Superheroes
                  Facts on File, 1987


                  ROVIN (Jeff)
                  The Encyclopedia of Super Villains
                  Facts on File, 1987


                  YARIAN (Sharon)
                  The Comic Book Hero. A Cultural Fantasy
                  These, ?


                  Ca-dd . case study : Marvel expanded & shared universe


                  BYRNE (John), SANDERSON (Peter) et al.
                  Essential Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe
                  Marvel Comics (3 vol.), 2006


                  DeFALCO (Tom) et al.
                  Marvel Chronicle: A Year by Year History
                  Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 2008


                  DOUGALL (Alastair) /ed.
                  The Marvel Comics Encyclopedia: The Complete Guide to the Characters of
                  the Marvel Universe
                  Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 2007


                  OLSHEVSKY (George) & FRUTTI (Tony)
                  The Complete Marvel Comics Index
                  G & T Enterprises, 1978


                  SANDERSON (Peter)
                  Marvel Universe: The Complete Encyclopedia of Marvel's Greatest Characters
                  Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1998


                  Ca-de . case studies : some fictional universes


                  BEATTY (Scott), GREENBURGER (Robert) & JIMINEZ (Phil)
                  The DC Comics Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Characters of the Dc Universe
                  Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 2008


                  COLLECTIVE [LucasFilmLtd]
                  The Art of Star Wars Comics: 100 Collectible Postcards
                  Chronicle Books, 2009


                  NEVINS (Jess)
                  A Blazing World: The Unofficial Companion to the Second League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
                  MonkeyBrain, 2004


                  POUSSIN (Gilles) & MARMONNIER (Christian)
                  Métal Hurlant : La machine à rêver (1975-1987)
                  Denoël Graphic, 2005


                  WINDHAM (Ryder), WALLACE (Daniel) & SANDA (Tsuneo)
                  Star Wars Comics Companion
                  Dark Horse, 2006


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                    ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞
                      Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
                      Posts: 473
                      Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
                      Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

                      Re: 4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

                      Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

                      [REF. LIST]

                      © ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


                      4.2.2 - HISTORY & CRITICISM
                      C . SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension

                      .................Ca . Extraliterary forms of SF

                      .............................Ca-e . sounds, music & film score


                      Ca-ea . music & literature, studies & anthologies


                      DOZOIS (Gardner) et al.
                      Rock'n'roll altitude
                      Denoël PdF, 2000


                      HEUMANN (Michael Douglas)
                      Ghost in the Machine: Sound and Technology in Twentieth Century Literature
                      These, UC Riverside, 1998


                      LACHAUD (Max) & (Lise) /ed.
                      Aux limites du son
                      Éditions La Volte, 2006
                      → livre avec CD dans lequel sept écrivains proposent dix nouvelles de science-fiction avec leur bande originale


                      MASS (Noah)
                      I Speak Now Of These Matters: Philip K. Dick's Radio Free Albemuth As Self-Analysis
                      Master, San Francisco SU, 2000


                      TRAVERS (Olivier), BELLAIS (Sophie) & HARRIS (Jim)
                      SciFan: books & links for the science fiction fan
                      → on line [themes: ballet-dance] :
                      → on line [themes: music-musical instruments-musicians] :


                      WILLIS (Jesse), DANIELSON (Scott D.) & CUTLER (Dani)
                      → on line :
                      → audiobooks directory


                      Ca-eb . confidential filks & popular radio broadcasts


                      CHANDLER (Dixon Hall)
                      The Sounds of Dissension: Science Fiction Programing on American Popular Radio
                      Through Dimension X (1950/1)
                      Master, Bowling Green SU, 1992


                      EISTER (Garry Martin)
                      Frankenstein: A Lecture/Demonstration for the Musical Theater
                      These, UC Santa Barbara, 1983


                      LAGRANGE (Pierre)
                      La Guerre des mondes a-t-elle eu lieu ?
                      Robert Laffont, 2005


                      LEWIS (Anthony R.) /ed.
                      Rivets!!! The Science Fiction Musicals of Mark M. Keller and Sue Anderson
                      NESFA Press, 2003


                      PIRKLE (George Emory)
                      History of Science Fiction and the Supernatural in Radio Drama
                      Master, Univ. of Georgia [Athens], 1971


                      TRIAS (Jean-Philippe)
                      Le Procès d'Orson Welles
                      Cahiers du Cinéma/SCÉRÉN-CNDP, 2005


                      WELLS (Linda Jane)
                      The Martian Chronicles: A Science Fiction Opera in 6 Small Scenes,
                      Libretto by Frances Hillagard: Based on the Novel by Ray Bradbury
                      Master, UC Riverside, 1974


                      Ca-ec . words 'n sounds ... 'avant-gardes' & pop culture


                      BURNS (Gary Curtis)
                      Utopia and Dystopia in Popular Song Lyrics: Rhetorical Visions in the United States, 1963-1972
                      These, Northwestern Univ. [Evanston/Illinois], 1981


                      KOSMICKI (Guillaume)
                      Musiques électroniques : des avant-gardes aux dance-floors
                      Le Mot & le Reste, 2009


                      KULAWIEC (Rich), LEEPER (Evelyn C.) et al.
                      SF in Music List
                      → on line [last rev. 2000] :
                      <ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/rec.arts. ... music_List>


                      KYROU (Ariel)
                      Techno Rebelle: Un siècle de musiques électroniques
                      Denoël, 2002


                      Ca-ed . films & musical landscapes


                      DAVISON (Annette)
                      Hollywood Theory, Non-Hollywood Practice: Cinema Soundtracks in the 1980s and 1990s
                      Ashgate, 2004
                      → comprend un chapitre sur Lynch


                      DESSEAUX (Jean-Christophe)
                      Problématique générale, rôle et analyse de la musique de film dans le cinéma hollywoodien :
                      étude de la dialectique bande sonore / images à travers le film Le Seigneur des Anneaux
                      de Peter Jackson (musique de Howard Shore)
                      Master, Lille 3, 2002


                      EVENSEN (Kristian)
                      The Star Wars series and Wagner's Ring. Structural, thematic and musical connections
                      → on line [last rev. 2008] :


                      HAYWARD (Philip)
                      Off the Planet: Music, Sound and Science Fiction Cinema
                      John Libbey & Co, 2004


                      LARSON (Randall D.)
                      Musique Fantastique. A Survey of Film Music in the Fantastic Cinema
                      Scarecrow Press, 1985


                      McKAY (Frances T.)
                      Movements in Time and Space: The Synthesis of Music and Visual Imagery
                      in Luchino Visconti's Death in Venice and Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey
                      Master, Peabody Conservatory of Music [Johns Hopkins Univ.], 1982


                      OBLAK (Jerica)
                      Part 1: Ash Matrix (for Orchestra and Voice); Part 2: Altered States: Analysis of
                      the Collaboration Between Ken Russell and John Corigliano (with Original Composition)
                      These, Pittsburgh, 1999


                      PECQUEUR (Antoine)
                      Les Écrans sonores de Stanley Kubrick
                      !éditions!, 2007


                      WHITTINGTON (William)
                      Sound Design and Science Fiction
                      University of Texas Press, 2007
                      → tiré d'une thèse soutenue en 1999 à l'Univ. of Southern California[Los Angeles]


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                        ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞
                          Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
                          Posts: 473
                          Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
                          Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

                          Re: 4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

                          Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

                          © ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


                          4.2.2 - HISTORY & CRITICISM
                          C . SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension

                          .................Ca . Extraliterary forms of SF

                          .............................Ca-f . games, role-playing & immersion


                          Ca-fa . what is role playing ?


                          CAÏRA (Olivier)
                          Jeux de rôle: Les forges de la fiction
                          CNRS Éditions, 2007


                          HARRIGAN (Pat) & WARDRIP-FRUIN (Noah) /ed.
                          Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media
                          The MIT Press, 2007


                          SCHICK (Lawrence)
                          Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role Playing Games
                          Prometheus Books, 1991


                          SWAN (Rick)
                          The Complete Guide to Role-Playing Games
                          St Martin's Press, 1990


                          TRÉMEL (Laurent)
                          Jeux de rôles, jeux vidéo, multimédia. Les faiseurs de mondes.
                          Presses universitaires de France, 2001
                          → centré sur le JdR sur table


                          Ca-fb . video game culture


                          BARTON (Matt)
                          Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-playing Games
                          A.K. Peters Ltd, 2008


                          GALLOWAY (Alexander R.)
                          Gaming: Essays On Algorithmic Culture
                          Univ Of Minnesota Press, 2006


                          HARRIGAN (Pat) & WARDRIP-FRUIN (Noah) /ed.
                          First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game
                          The MIT Press, 2006


                          HARRIGAN (Pat) & WARDRIP-FRUIN (Noah) /ed.
                          Third Person: Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives
                          The MIT Press, 2009


                          KENT (Steven L.)
                          The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong to Pokemon
                          The Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World
                          Three Rivers Press, 2001


                          TAYLOR (T.L.)
                          Play Between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture
                          The MIT Press, 2009


                          Ca-fc . virtual worlds, digital poetics ?


                          BEAU (Frank) /ed.
                          Culture d'Univers. Jeux en réseau, mondes virtuels, le nouvel âge de la société numérique
                          FYP Éditions, 2008


                          BONNARDON (Brigitte)
                          De l’appropriation du monde de JRR Tolkien par les rôlistes sur l’Internet à la réalisation
                          de jeux de rôle grandeur nature
                          These, Montpellier 3, 2009


                          GRELLIER (Delphine)
                          Socio-anthropologie de l’imaginaire : les univers de jeux de rôles
                          Mem. DEA, Montpellier III, 2004


                          MEAD (David) & FRELIK (Pawel) /ed.
                          Playing the Universe: Games and Gaming in Science Fiction
                          Wydawnictwo U Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej, 2007


                          Ca-fd . game design & storytelling


                          ATKINS (Barry)
                          More Than a Game: The Computer Game As Fictional Form
                          Manchester University Press, 2003


                          DESPAIN (Wendy)
                          Writing for Video Game Genres: From FPS to RPG
                          A.K. Peters Ltd, 2009


                          GENVO (Sébastien) /ed.
                          Le Game Design des jeux vidéo. Approches de l'expression vidéo-ludique
                          L'Harmattan, 2006


                          GENVO (Sébastien)
                          Le Game Design de jeu vidéo. Approche communicationnelle et interculturelle
                          These, Metz, 2006, on line :


                          HOWARD (Jeff)
                          Quests: Design, Theory, and History in Games and Narratives
                          A.K. Peters Ltd, 2008


                          SHELDON (Lee)
                          Character Development and Storytelling for Games
                          Course Technology PTR, 2004


                          Ca-fe . avatars & communities, immersion & communication


                          AZUMA (Hiroki) → cf.infra Fandom


                          BARRAL (Étienne)
                          Otaku, les enfants du virtuel
                          Denoël, 2000


                          BARRY (Patrick)
                          Communication and the Culture of Fantasy in Role-Playing Games
                          Master, Texas A&M Univ., 1995


                          DENMAN (John F.)
                          Misfit Dragons: The Psycho-Social Implications of Fantasy Role-Playing Games
                          Master, UCLA[Los Angeles], 1988


                          FINE (Gary Alan Fine)
                          Shared Fantasy: Role Playing Games as Social Worlds
                          University Of Chicago Press, 2002


                          GYGAX (Gary)
                          Role-Playing Mastery
                          Perigee Trade, 1987


                          HOLCOMB (Jack Andrew)
                          Playing Popular Culture: A Folkloristic Perspective on Role-Playing Games and Gamers
                          These, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2000


                          JUUL (Jesper)
                          Half-Real: Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds
                          The MIT Press, 2005


                          LANCASTER (Kurt)
                          Performing the Force: Essays on Immersion into Science-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror
                          McFarland & Company, 2001


                          MACKAY (Daniel)
                          The Fantasy Role-Playing Game: A New Performing Art
                          McFarland & Company, 2001


                          Ca-ff . artefacts, companions & case studies


                          COLLECTIVE [Blizzard Entertainment]
                          World of WarCraft Atlas
                          Brady Games, 2005


                          CORNELIUSSEN (Hilde G.) & RETTBERG (Jill Walker)
                          Digital Culture, Play, and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader
                          The MIT Press, 2008


                          FAWCETT (Bill)
                          The Battle For Azeroth
                          BenBella Books, 2009


                          FOX (Talima)
                          Les Guerres pour l'Armageddon
                          Bibliothèque Interdite, 2003


                          MERETT (Alan)
                          Insignium Astartes
                          Bibliothèque Interdite, 2002


                            Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
                            ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞
                              Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
                              Posts: 473
                              Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
                              Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

                              Re: 4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

                              Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

                              © ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


                              4.2.2 - HISTORY & CRITICISM
                              C . SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension

                              .................Cb . Sociocritical & subcultural issues

                              .............................Cb-a . short stories & magazines


                              Cb-aa . Golden age, pulp writers ...digest SF ?


                              ASHLEY (Michael)
                              The History of the Science Fiction Magazine
                              [vol.1:The Time Machines. The story of the science-fiction pulp magazines from the beginning to 1950
                              vol.2:Transformations. The story of the science-fiction magazines from 1950 to 1970
                              vol.3:Gateways to forever: the story of the science-fiction magazines from 1970 to 1980]
                              Liverpool University Press (3 vol.), 2000-2007
                              → un 4° volume couvrant la période 1980-2000 est annoncé


                              BROKS (Peter)
                              Science and the Popular Press: A Cultural Analysis of British Family Magazines, 1890-1914
                              These, Lancaster, 1988


                              CARTER (Paul A.)
                              The Creation of Tomorrow : Fifty Years of Magazine SF
                              Columbia University Press, 1977


                              DROWN (Eric M.)
                              Usable Futures, Disposable Paper: Popular Science, Pulp Science Fiction, and
                              Modernization in America, 1908-1937
                              These, Univ. of Minnesota, 2001


                              MOSKOWITZ (Sam)
                              Science Fiction by Gaslight: A History and Anthology of Science Fiction in the
                              Popular Magazines, 1891-1911
                              World Publishing Company, 1968


                              TYMN (Marshall) & ASHLEY (Mike)
                              Science Fiction, Fantasy and Weird Fiction Magazines
                              Greenwood Press, 1985
                              → histoire d'un siècle de magazines SFF (1882-1985)


                              Cb-ab . formula fiction ? Campbellian era & the SF canon


                              CIOFFI (Frank)
                              Formula Fiction ? An Anatomy of American SF 1930-1940
                              Greenwood Press, 1982


                              FAVIER (Jacques)
                              La nouvelle dans la science-fiction anglo-saxonne de 1950 à 1970
                              These, Paris VII, 1972


                              GOIZET (Annette)
                              La nouvelle de science-fiction anglaise
                              These, Caen,1984


                              HUNTINGDON (John)
                              Rationalizing Genius: Ideological Strategies in the Classic American Science Fiction Short Story
                              Rutgers University Press, 1989


                              MONTFORT (Bruno)
                              « La nouvelle et son mode de publication. Le cas américain »
                              Revue Poétique (n°90), April 1992


                              SAMUELSON (David N.)
                              Visions of Tomorrow. Six Journey from Outer to Inner Space
                              Arno Press, 1975
                              → tiré d'une thèse soutenue en 1969 à l'Univ. of Southern California (Studies in the Contemporary American and British Science Fiction Novel)


                              Cb-ac . composite novels, fix-up, anthologies, collections ...


                              AUDET (René)
                              Des textes à l'oeuvre. La lecture du recueil de nouvelles
                              Éditions Nota Bene, 2000


                              AUDET (René)
                              Le recueil : enjeux poétiques et génériques
                              These, Université Laval [Québec], 2003


                              DUMONT (François) /ed.
                              Poétiques du recueil
                              Revue Études littéraires (vol.30, n° 2), Winter 1998


                              DUNN (Maggie) & MORRIS (Ann)
                              The Composite Novel. The Short Story Cycle in Transition
                              Twayne Publishers, 1995
                              → le composite novel comme forme à mi-chemin entre le roman et le "simple" recueil de nouvelles


                              INGRAM (Forrest L.)
                              Representative Short Story Cycles of the Twentieth Century : Studies in a Literary Genre
                              Mouton, 1971
                              → ouvrage fondamental


                              KENNEDY (J. Gerald) /ed.
                              Modern American Short Story Sequences. Composite Fictions and Fictive Communities
                              Cambridge University Press, 1995


                              LANGLET (Irène)
                              « L'écart futuriste comme donnée métalittéraire. Une lecture des Chroniques martiennes de Ray Bradbury »
                              Revue Poétique (n°109), Feb. 1997


                              LANGLET (Irène) /ed.
                              Le recueil littéraire. Pratiques et théorie d'une forme
                              Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2003


                              MONTREUIL (Sophie)
                              Le Livre en série : Histoire et théorie de la collection littéraire
                              These, McGill University, 2001


                              RABKIN (Eric S.)
                              « The composite Novel in Science-Fiction »
                              Revue Foundation (vol. 66), Spring 1996


                              RICARD (François)
                              « Le recueil »
                              Revue Études françaises (vol. XII, n°1-2), April 1976


                              Cb-ad . magazine anthology series


                              ASHLEY (Michael) /ed.
                              The History of the Science Fiction Magazine
                              New English Library (4 vol.), 1974-1978


                              ASIMOV (Isaac) & GREENBERG (Martin H.) /ed.
                              Isaac Asimov Present the Great SF Stories
                              Daw Books (25 vol.), 1979-1992
                              → trad.fr. partielle sous la dir. de Patrice DUVIC chez Presses Pocket (11 vol., 1990-1995) : Isaac Asimov présente ...


                              CLUTE (John), PRINGLE (David), OUNSLEY (Simon), GREENLAND (Colin) /ed.
                              Interzone: The Anthology
                              Everyman Fiction/Simon & Schuster/New English Library (5 vol.), 1985-1991


                              ELLISON (Harlan) /ed.
                              Dangerous Visions
                              Doubleday, 1967
                              → trad.fr. chez J'ai Lu (2 vol.) en 1975: Dangereuses visions


                              KNIGHT (Damon) /ed.
                              G. P. Putmam's Sons (11 vol.), 1966-1973
                              → trad.fr. très partielle chez Presses Pocket (LOSF, n°35), 1983


                              MOORCOCK (Michael) /ed.
                              New Worlds Quarterly
                              Sphere Science Fiction (5 vol.), 1971-1973


                              PRINGLE (David) /ed.
                              The Best of Interzone
                              Voyager, 1996


                              SADOUL (Jacques) /ed.
                              Les Meilleurs récits de ...
                              J'ai Lu (14 vol.), 1974-1989


                                Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
                                ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞
                                  Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
                                  Posts: 473
                                  Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
                                  Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

                                  Re: 4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

                                  Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

                                  © ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


                                  4.2.2 - HISTORY & CRITICISM
                                  C . SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension

                                  .................Cb . Sociocritical & subcultural issues

                                  .............................Cb-b . novels & fictional universes


                                  Cb-ba . series, cycles, chronicles, serial stories, collections...


                                  ARANDA (Daniel)
                                  Le retour des personnages dans les ensembles romanesques. Essai de synthèse
                                  These, Paris III, 1997


                                  AUDET (René) & SAINT-GELAIS (Richard) /ed.
                                  La Fiction, suites et variations
                                  Nota Bene/Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007


                                  BESSON (Anne)
                                  D’Asimov à Tolkien, Cycles et séries dans la littérature de genre
                                  CNRS Editions, 2004
                                  → tiré d'une thèse soutenue en 2001 à Paris III (« A suivre »: cycles romanesques
                                  en paralittérature contemporaine, domaines français et anglo-saxon)


                                  BESSON (Anne)
                                  « La fiction cyclique, au-delà des frontières du roman : Asimov, King, Tolkien »
                                  Webzine Belphégor (vol.2, n°1), Nov. 2002
                                  → on line :
                                  <http://www.dal.ca/~etc/belphegor/vol2_n ... r_con.html>


                                  BESSON (Anne), FERRÉ (Vincent) & PRADEAU (Christophe) /ed.
                                  Cycle et collection
                                  Revue Itinéraires & Contacts de Cultures (vol.41), Feb. 2008


                                  HUSBAND (Janet G.) & (Jonathan)
                                  Sequels: An Annotated Guide to Novels in Series
                                  American Library Association, 2009


                                  PRINGLE (David)
                                  « Of Sequels and Prequels - and Sequels by Other Hands »
                                  Revue Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction (n°9), May-June 1993


                                  Cb-bb . case study : Doctor Who, discontinuity & retcon


                                  CORNELL (Paul) et al.
                                  The Discontinuity Guide: The Definitive Guide to the Worlds & Times of Doctor Who
                                  MonkeyBrain Books, 1995


                                  LANGLEY (R.H.)
                                  The "Doctor Who" Error Finder: Plot, Continuity and Production Mistakes in the
                                  Television Series and Films
                                  McFarland & Co Inc, 2004


                                  LOFFICIER (Jean-Marc)
                                  Doctor Who: The Universal Databank
                                  Dr Who/ Mti edition, 1992


                                  MUIR (John Kenneth)
                                  A Critical History of Doctor Who on Television
                                  McFarland, 2009


                                  RUSSELL (Gary)
                                  Doctor Who The Encyclopedia: A Definitive Guide to Time and Space
                                  BBC Books, 2007


                                  WOOD (Tat)
                                  About Time: The Unauthorized Guide to Doctor Who
                                  Mad Norwegian Press (6 vol.), 2006-2007


                                  Cb-bc . the writer as demiurge : conworlding & secondary worlds


                                  ALDEA (Bogdan)
                                  Worlds in the Making. Science Fiction between Fabulation and Mannerism
                                  Napoca Star, 2006


                                  BESSON (Anne) /ed.
                                  Autres Mondes
                                  Revue Cahiers Robinson/Revue du CRELID [Université d'Artois] (n°17), 2005


                                  BOUSQUET (Charlotte)
                                  Les mondes imaginaires et le déplacement du réel :un questionnement de l'être humain
                                  These, Paris IV, 2002


                                  BOZZETTO (Roger)
                                  « De l'univers des galaxies aux livres-univers »
                                  in REY (Pierre K.) Univers 1990
                                  J'ai Lu, 1990


                                  CHEREL (Benoît)
                                  Les mondes imaginaires à travers The Fellowship Of The Ring, de John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,
                                  Dune, de Frank Herbert et La Nuit des Temps de René Barjavel
                                  Master, I.C.E.S. La Roche sur Yon, 2001


                                  Décors de l'irréel
                                  Revue Cahiers du Cerli (n°11), 1986
                                  → contributions de Bozzetto, Fondanèche, Goizet


                                  DURAND (Yves)
                                  L'exploration de l'imaginaire : introduction à la modélisation des univers mythiques
                                  L'espace bleu,1988


                                  FLAMMARION (Camille)
                                  Les Mondes imaginaires et les mondes réels
                                  Didier, 1865
                                  → considéré comme l'un des textes fondateurs de l'exobiologie


                                  GENEFORT (Laurent)
                                  Architecture du livre-univers dans la science-fiction
                                  ANRT, 1997


                                  GILLETT (Stephen) & BOVA (Ben)
                                  World Building. A writer's guide to constructing star systems and life-supporting planets
                                  Writer's Digest Books, 2001


                                  GUTHKE (Karl S.)
                                  The Last Frontier: Imagining Other Worlds, from the Copernican Revolution to Modern Science Fiction
                                  Cornell University Press, 1990


                                  HABER (Karen) /ed.
                                  Meditations on Middle-Earth: New Writing on the Worlds of J. R. R. Tolkien
                                  by Orson Scott Card, Ursula K. Le Guin, Raymond E. Feist, Terry Pratchett,
                                  Charles de Lint, George R. R. Martin, and more
                                  St. Martin's Press, 2001
                                  → contributions éclairantes pour qui s'intéresse à l'influence de Tolkien sur les auteurs de ...science-fiction


                                  HUME (Kathryn)
                                  Fantasy and Mimesis: Responses to Reality in Western Literature
                                  Methuen, 1985


                                  HUNT (Peter) & LENZ (Millicent)
                                  Alternative Worlds in Fantasy Fiction
                                  Continuum International Publishing, 2004


                                  KOLBE (Martha E.)
                                  Three Oxford Dons as Creators of Other Worlds for Children: Lewis Carroll, C.S. Lewis,
                                  and J.R.R. Tolkien
                                  These, Univ. of Virginia, 1981


                                  LANCASTER (Kurt) → cf.supra


                                  MORGAN (Trevor James)
                                  Acknowledging the Lie: Extreme Self-Consciousness in Contemporary Fantasy Fiction
                                  These, Texas Tech Univ., 1995
                                  → on line (.pdf) :
                                  <http://etd.lib.ttu.edu/theses/available ... 462994.pdf>


                                  OZIEWICZ (Marek), PALUMBO (Donald) & SULLIVAN (C.W.)
                                  One Earth, One People: The Mythopoeic Fantasy Series of Ursula K. Le Guin,
                                  Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L'Engle and Orson Scott Card
                                  McFarland, 2008


                                  PALMER (Catherine L.C.)
                                  A Far Green Country Under a Swift Sunrise: The Secondary Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien,
                                  Mary Norton, and Anne McCaffrey
                                  Master, Baylor Univ.[Texas], 1981


                                  SLUSSER (George) & RABKIN (Éric S.) /ed.
                                  Styles of Creation. Aesthetic Technique and the Creation of Fictional Worlds
                                  University of Georgia Press, 1992


                                  SMITH (Robert B.)
                                  Hogwarts, Narnia, and Middle Earth: Places Upon a Time
                                  Drinian Press, 2007


                                  WENDLAND (Albert)
                                  Science, Myth, and the Fictional Creation of Alien Worlds
                                  University of Michigan Research Press, 1984
                                  → tiré d'une thèse soutenue en 1979 à Pittsburgh (The Form and Functions of Science Fiction :
                                  A Theoretical Study of its Dualistic Nature and Its Depiction of Alien Worlds)


                                  Cb-bd . specular reflections, Mimesis & possible world systems


                                  AUERBACH (Erich)
                                  Mimésis : La Représentation de la réalité dans la littérature occidentale
                                  Tel Gallimard, 1977


                                  BALTRUSAITIS (Jurgis)
                                  Le miroir: Essai sur une legende scientifique. Revelations, science-fiction et fallacies
                                  Elmayan, 1978


                                  BARTHES (Roland) et al.
                                  Littérature et réalité
                                  Points Seuil, 1982


                                  BLUMENBERG (HANS)
                                  La lisibilité du monde
                                  Le Cerf, 2007


                                  CLARK (Beverly Lyon)
                                  The Mirror Worlds of Carroll, Nabokov, and Pynchon: Fantasy in the 1860's and 1960's
                                  These, Brown Univ., 1979


                                  DÄLLENBACH (Lucien)
                                  Le récit spéculaire. Essai sur la mise en abyme
                                  Seuil, 1977


                                  FRYE (Northrop)
                                  L'Écriture profane. Essai sur la structure du romanesque
                                  Circé, 1998


                                  JOST (François)
                                  « Le Feint du monde »
                                  Revue Réseaux (n°72-73), 1995


                                  JOURDE (Pierre) → cf.supra Geofiction


                                  KUUSISTO (Pekka Johannes)
                                  From the Center to the Circumference: Encyclopedia Topologies in Literature
                                  from Dante through Modern Science Fiction
                                  These, UC Riverside, 2001


                                  MIHAILESCU (Calin-Andreï) & HAMARNEH (Walid) /ed.
                                  Fiction Updated, Theories of Fictionality, Narratology and Poetics
                                  University of Toronto Press, 1996


                                  MORETTI (Franco)
                                  The Modern Epic. The World-System from Goethe to Garcia Marquez
                                  Verso, 1996


                                  PAVEL (Thomas)
                                  Univers de la fiction
                                  Seuil, 1988


                                  RICE (Thomas)
                                  Joyce, Chaos and Complexity
                                  University of Illinois Press, 1997


                                  RYAN (Marie-Laure)
                                  Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence and Narrative Theory
                                  Indiana University Press, 1991


                                  SAMOYAULT (Tiphaine)
                                  L’Excès du roman
                                  Maurice Nadeau, 1999
                                  → tiré d'une thèse soutenue en 1996 à Paris-VIII (Romans-mondes. Les formes de la totalisation romanesque au XX°siècle. 3 vol.)


                                  THIHER (Allen)
                                  Fiction Refracts Science: Modernist Writers From Proust To Borges
                                  University of Missouri Press, 2005


                                  WALTON (Kendall)
                                  Mimesis as Make-Believe. On the Foundations of the Representational Arts
                                  Harvard University Press, 1990


                                  Cb-be . anthologies, booklists & fictions


                                  GOIMARD (Jacques), KLEIN (Gérard) & IOAKIMIDIS (Demètre) /ed.
                                  Histoires de mondes étranges
                                  Livre de Poche (GASF), 1984


                                  TRAVERS (Olivier), BELLAIS (Sophie) & HARRIS (Jim)
                                  SciFan: books & links for the science fiction fan
                                  → on line [themes: world building] :


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                                    ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞
                                      Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
                                      Posts: 473
                                      Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
                                      Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

                                      Re: 4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

                                      Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

                                      4.2.2 /Cb-c - SF/SCI-FI AND ITS SOCIAL DIMENSION: EXTRALITERARY FORMS OF SF: SF & SCI-FI, MEDIAS & AUDIENCES
                                      [REF. LIST]

                                      © ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


                                      4.2.2 - HISTORY & CRITICISM
                                      C . SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension

                                      .................Cb . Sociocritical & subcultural issues

                                      .............................Cb-c . polytextual/transfictional: authors & fans


                                      Cb-ca . workshops & SF writing


                                      BERTHELOT (Francis)
                                      Du rêve au roman. La création romanesque
                                      Éditions Universitaires de Dijon, 2003


                                      BOVA (Ben)
                                      Notes to a Science Fiction Writer
                                      Houghton Mifflin, 1981


                                      BOVA (Ben)
                                      The Craft of Writing Science Fiction That Sells
                                      Writers Digest Books, 1994


                                      CARD (Orson Scott)
                                      Comment écrire de la fantasy et de la science-fiction
                                      Bragelonne, 2006


                                      CARD (Orson Scott)
                                      Elements of Writing Fiction - Characters & Viewpoint
                                      Writers Digest Books, 1999


                                      COLLECTIVE [Editors of Analog & Asimov's Science Fiction]
                                      Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy
                                      St. Martin's Griffin, 1993


                                      DELANY (Samuel R.)
                                      About Writing: Seven Essays, Four Letters, & Five Interviews
                                      Wesleyan, 2006


                                      ESBACH (Lloyd Arthur)/ ed.
                                      Of Worlds Beyond .The Science of SF Writing, A Symposium
                                      Advent, 1947, reed.1964
                                      → textes d'Heinlein, Sprague de Camp, A.E.Van Vogt, Campbell....


                                      GILLETT (Stephen) & BOVA (Ben)
                                      → cf.supra


                                      GOORDEN (Bernard)
                                      Science-fiction, Fantastique et ateliers créatifs
                                      Revue Cahiers JEB (n°3),1978


                                      GUNN (James)
                                      The Science of Science-fiction Writing
                                      Scarecrow Press, 2000


                                      HARDING (Lee)
                                      The Altered I : Ursula K. Le Guin's Science Fiction Writing Workshop
                                      Berkley, 1978


                                      LONGYEAR (Barry)
                                      Science Fiction Writer's Workshop: An Introduction to Fiction Mechanics
                                      IUniverse, 2002


                                      NAZZARO (Joe)
                                      Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy Television
                                      Titan Books Ltd, 2002


                                      PAGNUCCI (Gian Stefan)
                                      Cyberwriting: A Story of Teaching, Learning, and Co-Authoring [cyberpunk]
                                      These, Univ. of Wisconsin[Madison], 1995


                                      RILEY (Dick) /ed.
                                      Critical Encounters : Writers and Themes in Science Fiction
                                      Ungar, 1978
                                      → contributions d'universitaires et d'auteurs professionnels autour des oeuvres d'Herbert, Heinlein, A.C.Clarke, Asimov, Sturgeon, Le Guin...


                                      SILVERBERG (Robert)
                                      Science Fiction 101: Robert Silverberg's Worlds of Wonder
                                      iBooks, 2005


                                      STABLEFORD (Brian)
                                      The Way to write Science Fiction
                                      Elm Tree Books, 1989


                                      VONARBURG (Élisabeth)
                                      Comment écrire des histoires
                                      Les Éditions de la lignée, 1986


                                      WHITING (Daisy J.)
                                      The Impact of Audience on Isaac Asimov's Popular Science Writing
                                      Master, Univ. of Tennessee[Knoxville], 1987


                                      WILSON (Robin Scott)
                                      Clarion : An Anthology of Speculative Fiction and Criticism from the Clarion Writer's Workshop
                                      Signet SF, 1971


                                      Cb-cb . shared universes ? collaborative authorship


                                      AUDET (René) & SAINT-GELAIS (Richard) → cf.supra


                                      AUDET (René), SAINT-GELAIS (Richard) & GUAY (Patrick)
                                      « Avatars du recueil. Les turbulences génériques des fictions collectives »
                                      in DION (Robert) et al. /ed.
                                      Enjeux des genres dans les écritures contemporaines
                                      Nota Bene, 2001


                                      BEURG (Frédéric)
                                      Fred-SF-Web: Bibliothèque de SF
                                      → on line [univers partagés] :


                                      DOUCET (Isabelle)
                                      L’innovation formelle en science-fiction: mutations génériques et conséquences
                                      lecturales [notamment sur les formes recueillistique et polytextuelle en science-fiction]
                                      Master, Université Laval, 2001


                                      LAFON (Michel) & PEETERS (Benoît)
                                      Nous est un autre. Enquête sur les duos d'écrivains
                                      Flammarion, 2006


                                      MILLER (Pat)
                                      Script supervising and film continuity
                                      Focal Press, 1998


                                      SAINT-GELAIS (Richard)
                                      «La fiction à travers l'intertexte: pour une théorie de la transfictionnalité»
                                      → eColloque on line (Fabula «Frontières de la fiction», 1999/2000) :


                                      SAINT-GELAIS (Richard)
                                      « Le texte capturé par sa fiction : réflexions sur les artefacts science-fictionnels »
                                      Revue Protée (vol.22, n°3), Fall 1994
                                      [repris et augmenté in :] L'Empire du pseudo. Modernités de la science-fiction
                                      Éditions Nota Bene, 1999


                                      SAINT-GELAIS (Richard)
                                      « La fiction à travers l'intertexte:pour une théorie de la transfictionnalité »
                                      in GEFEN (Alexandre) & AUDET (René) /ed. Frontières de la fiction
                                      Éditions Nota Bene, 2001


                                      Cb-cc . collaborative writing : some case studies


                                      ANDREVON (Jean-Pierre) et al.
                                      Compagnons en terre étrangère
                                      Denoël PdF (2 vol.), 1979-1980


                                      ELLISON (Harlan) et al.
                                      Partners in Wonder
                                      Avon, 1972


                                      GREENBERG (Martin H.) /ed.
                                      Les Fils de Fondation [Hommage à Isaac Asimov]
                                      Presses Pocket, 2005


                                      MARTIN (George R.R.) & DOZOIS (Gardner) /ed.
                                      Songs of the Dying Earth
                                      Subterranean, 2009
                                      → volume d'hommage rassemblant des fictions se déroulant dans l'univers de Dying Earth


                                      YEFFETH (Glenn) /ed.
                                      The Anthology at the End of the Universe
                                      BenBella Books, 2005


                                      Cb-cd . case study : Abdul Alhazred, Lovecraft, Derleth, Bloch, C.A. Smith, Howard & cie...


                                      ALLART (Patrice)
                                      Guide du mythe de Cthulhu
                                      Encrage (Cahier d'études lovecraftiennes, n°6), 1999
                                      → un guide indispensable pour se retrouver dans le plus dense des shared universe


                                      HARMS (Daniel)
                                      The Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia
                                      Elder Signs Press, 2007


                                      HARMS (Daniel)
                                      Encyclopedia Cthulhiana: A Guide to Lovecraftian Horror
                                      Chaosium, 2003


                                      JAROCHA-ERNST (Chris)
                                      Cthulhu Mythos: Bibliography and Concordance
                                      Wizard's Attic, 1999
                                      → bibliographic notes on line (1992) :
                                      <http://www.noreascon.org/users/sflovers ... mythos.txt>


                                      JOSHI (S.T.) /dir.
                                      Qu'est-ce que le Mythe de Cthulhu ?
                                      La Clef d'Argent, 2007


                                      JOSHI (S.T.) /dir.
                                      The Rise and Fall of the Cthulhu Mythos
                                      Poplar Bluff, 2008


                                      MARCEL (Patrick)
                                      Les Nombreuses Vies de Cthulhu
                                      Les Moutons Électriques, 2009


                                      NIELSEN (Leon)
                                      Arkham House Books: A Collector's Guide
                                      McFarland & Company, 2004


                                      PEARSALL (Anthony Brainard)
                                      The Lovecraft Lexicon: A Reader's Guide to Persons, Places and Things in the Tales of H.P. Lovecraft
                                      New Falcon Publications, 2005


                                      SCHULTZ (David E.) & JOSHI (S.T.)
                                      An H.P. Lovecraft Encyclopedia
                                      Greenwood Press, 2001


                                      SHREFFLER (Philip A.)
                                      The H.P. Lovecraft Companion
                                      Greenwood Press, 1977


                                      WEINBERG (Robert) & BERGLUND (E.P.)
                                      Reader's Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos
                                      Silver Scarab Press, 1973


                                      Cb-ce . case study : Arda Legendarium, from the Inklings to the Tolkien Estate


                                      FLIEGER (Verlyn) & HOSTETTER (Carl F.) /ed.
                                      Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on The History of Middle-earth
                                      Greenwood Press, 2000


                                      KANE (Douglas Charles)
                                      Arda Reconstructed: The Creation of the Published Silmarillion
                                      Lehigh University Press, 2009
                                      → analyse du rôle de Christopher Tolkien dans l'édition des oeuvres inédites de son père


                                      PAVLAC GLYER (Diana)
                                      The Company They Keep: C.S. Lewis And J.R.R. Tolkien As Writers in Community
                                      Kent State University Press, 2006


                                      QUESTIN (Marc-Louis)
                                      La Sagesse de Tolkien ou les prodiges du Silmarillion
                                      Trajectoires, 2002


                                      ROSEBURY (Brian)
                                      Tolkien: A Cultural Phenomenon
                                      Palgrave Macmillan, 2004


                                      SEGURA (Eduardo) & HONEGGER (Thomas M.) /ed.
                                      Myth and Magic: Art According to the Inklings
                                      Walking Tree Publication, 2007


                                      WHITTINGHAM (Elizabeth A.)
                                      Evolution Of Tolkien's Mythology: A Study of the History of Middle-earth
                                      McFarland, 2007


                                      Cb-cf . case studies : the Hero with a thousand avatars


                                      CROCI (Pascal) & PAULY (Françoise-Sylvie)
                                      À la recherche de Dracula. Carnet de voyage de Jonathan Harker
                                      Le pré aux Clercs, 2008


                                      FALCONER (Lee N.)
                                      A Gazeteer of The Hyborian World of Conan and An Ethnogeographical Dictionary of Principal Peoples of the Era
                                      Starmont House, 1977


                                      MENEGALDO (Gilles) /ed.
                                      Autrement, 1997


                                      POZZUOLI (Alain)
                                      Dracula, le lexique du vampire
                                      Oxymore, 2005


                                      RUAUD (André-François)
                                      Les Nombreuses vies de Dracula
                                      Les Moutons Électriques, 2008


                                      RUAUD (André-François)
                                      Les Nombreuses vies de Conan
                                      Les Moutons Électriques, 2008


                                      RUAUD (André-François)
                                      Les Nombreuses vies de Frankenstein
                                      Les Moutons Électriques, 2008


                                      RUAUD (André-François)
                                      Les Nombreuses vies d'Harry Potter
                                      Les Moutons Électriques, 2009


                                      VANDER ARK (Steve)
                                      The Lexicon: An Unauthorized Guide to Harry Potter Fiction and Related Materials
                                      RDR Books, 2009


                                      Cb-cg . cult fiction, audiences, communities & participatory culture


                                      AZUMA (Hiroki)
                                      University of Minnesota Press, 2009
                                      → trad.fr. chez Hachette, 2008 : Génération Otaku : Les enfants de la postmodernité


                                      BEAHM (George) → cf.supra 422


                                      BLOOM (Clive)
                                      Cult Fiction: Popular Reading and Pulp Theory
                                      Palgrave Macmillan, 1998


                                      GRAY (Jonathan)
                                      Fandom: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World
                                      New York University Press, 2007


                                      HELLEKSON (Karen) & BUSSE (Kristina) /ed.
                                      Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays
                                      McFarland & Co Inc, 2006


                                      HILLS (Matthew)
                                      Fan cultures
                                      Routledge, 2002


                                      JENKINS (Henry)
                                      Fans, Bloggers and Gamers: Essays on Participatory Culture
                                      New York University Press, 2006


                                      JENKINS (Henry)
                                      Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture
                                      Routledge, 1992


                                      PUGH (Sheenagh)
                                      The Democratic Genre: Fan Fiction in a Literary Context
                                      Seren, 2005


                                      PUSTZ (Matthew John)
                                      Fanboys and True Believers: Comic Book Reading Communities and the Creation of Culture
                                      These, University of Iowa, 1998


                                      WERTHAM (Fredric)
                                      The World of Fanzines : A Special Form of Communication
                                      Southern Illinois University Press, 1973


                                      WHISSEN (Thomas R.)
                                      Classic Cult Fiction: A Companion to Popular Cult Literature
                                      Greenwood, 1992
                                      → Dune fait l'objet d'un chapitre


                                      Cb-ch . case study : Star Wars Fanon


                                      BARBRY (Chad), GREENWOOD (Steven) et al.
                                      Star Wars Fanon
                                      → on line (since 2005) :


                                      HARPER (Benjamin)
                                      Obsessed with Star Wars
                                      Chronicle Books, 2008
                                      → un livre rare qui compile à la manière d'un trivial pursuit les inépuisables spéculations (fandex) du fandom SW


                                      Cb-ci . case study : the neverending story ? Star Trek & its "fandomcracy"


                                      BARTON (Bernadette C.)
                                      Star Trek Fandom: Creating a History of the Future
                                      Master, Univ. of Kentucky[Lexington], 1994


                                      DODDEMA (Harry), CARLSON (Dan) et al.
                                      Memory Beta
                                      → on line (since 2003) :


                                      JENKINS (Henry)
                                      « Star Trek rerun, reread, rewritten. Fan writing and textual poaching »
                                      in PENLEY (Constance) et al.
                                      Close Encounters : Film, Feminism, and Science Fiction
                                      University of Minnesota Press, 1991


                                      JENKINS (Henry) & TULLOCH (John)
                                      Science Fiction Audiences: Watching "Star Trek" and "Doctor Who"
                                      Routledge, 1995


                                      KOZINETS (Robert V.)
                                      To Boldly Go: A Hypermodern Ethnography of Star Trek Fans' Culture and Communities of Consumption
                                      These, Queen's Univ. at Kingston, 1997


                                      ROBY (Steve)
                                      The Complete Starfleet Library
                                      → on line :


                                      SAINT-GELAIS (Richard)
                                      « De la constellation Star Trek : science-fiction et transfictionnalité »
                                      in : L'Empire du pseudo. Modernités de la science-fiction
                                      Éditions Nota Bene, 1999


                                      UNDERWOOD (Alva)
                                      Star Trek Reader's Reference To The Novels 1970-1987
                                      AuthorHouse (4 vol.), 2001-2006


                                        Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
                                        ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞
                                          Joseph-Vintimille Tariki Askaris
                                          Posts: 473
                                          Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:25 am
                                          Location: Jacurutu Ф TΛU Ф MdC

                                          Re: 4.2.2 /C - SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension [REF. LIST]

                                          Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

                                          © ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


                                          4.2.2 - HISTORY & CRITICISM
                                          C . SF/Sci-Fi and its social dimension

                                          .................Cb . Sociocritical & subcultural issues

                                          .............................Cb-d . sociocritic, markets & audiences


                                          Cb-da . inside the SF "ghetto"... sociology, economy & culture


                                          BAINBRIDGE (William Sims)
                                          Dimensions of Science Fiction
                                          Harvard University Press, 1986


                                          CLERC (Susan J.)
                                          The Influence of Computer-Mediated Communication on Science Fiction Media Fandom
                                          Master, Bowling Green SU, 1994


                                          The Sociology of Science Fiction
                                          Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 4, special issue), Nov. 1977


                                          Science Fiction and Academe
                                          Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 23.3, special issue), Nov. 1996


                                          HARRIS (Cheryl) & ALEXANDER (Alison)
                                          Theorizing fandom : Fans, subculture and identity
                                          Hampton Press, 1998


                                          KNIGHT (Damon)
                                          The Futurians. The Story of the Science Fiction Family of the 30's That Produced Todays
                                          Top SF Writers and Editors
                                          John Day, 1977


                                          LERNER (Frederick A.)
                                          Modern Science Fiction and the American Literary Community
                                          Scarecrow Press, 1985
                                          → tiré d'une thèse (Modern Science fiction and Its Reception by the American Literary and Educational Communities, 1926-1970)


                                          MILSTEAD (John) /ed.
                                          Sociology Through Science Fiction
                                          St James Press, 1976


                                          MOSKOWITZ (Sam)
                                          The Immortal Storm: A History of Science Fiction Fandom
                                          Hyperion Press, 1974


                                          RESNICK (Mike) & MALZBERG (Barry N.)
                                          The Business of Science Fiction: Two Insiders Discuss Writing and Publishing
                                          Mcfarland & Co Inc Pub, (forthcoming 2010)


                                          ROGOW (Roberta) → cf.supra 421


                                          SANDERS (Joseph L.)
                                          Science Fiction Fandom
                                          Praeger, 1994


                                          SICLARI (Joe) & WEAVER (Jack) /ed.
                                          The Fanac Fan History Project
                                          → on line (last rev. June 4, 2010) :


                                          TORRES (Anita)
                                          La science-fiction française : auteurs et amateurs d'un genre littéraire
                                          L'Harmattan, 1998
                                          → tiré d'une thèse


                                          WARNER (Harry Jr)
                                          All Our Yesterdays: An Informal History of Science Fiction Fandom in the Forties
                                          Advent, 1969


                                          WARNER (Harry Jr)
                                          A Wealth of Fable : The History of Science Fiction Fandom in the 1950s
                                          Fanhistoria Press, 3 vol., 1976-1977


                                          WESTPHAL (Gary) & SLUSSER (George) /ed.
                                          Science Fiction, Canonization, Marginalization, and the Academy
                                          Greenwood Press, 2002


                                          WESTPHAL (Gary), SLUSSER (George) & RABKIN (Eric S.) /ed.
                                          Science Fiction and Market Realities
                                          University of Georgia Press, 1996


                                          Cb-db . subculture, reception theory & sociocriticism


                                          ANGENOT (Marc)
                                          « A Select Bibliography of the Sociology of Literature»
                                          Revue Science Fiction Studies (vol. 4), 1977


                                          BACON-SMITH (Vamille)
                                          Science Fiction Culture
                                          University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999


                                          CORDESSE (Gérard)
                                          La nouvelle science-fiction américaine
                                          Aubier, 1984
                                          → ouvrage fondamental


                                          FLEMING (Linda A.)
                                          The Science Fiction Subculture: Bridge Between Two Cultures
                                          These, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1976


                                          HARTWELL (David G.)
                                          Age of Wonders : Exploring The World of Science Fiction
                                          Walker & Co., 1984
                                          → acclamé en son temps par FH lui-même


                                          JAUSS (Hans-Robert)
                                          Pour une esthétique de la réception
                                          Tel Gallimard, 1974


                                          KINCAID (Paul)
                                          What It Is We Do When We Read Science Fiction
                                          Beccon, 2008


                                          KLEIN (Gérard)
                                          Malaise dans la science-fiction
                                          L'Aube enclavée, 1977 [réed. in LE GUIN (Ursula K.), Le Dit d'Aka, Livre de Poche, 2005]


                                          KOFMEL (Kim Grace)
                                          Adult Readers of Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Qualitative Study of Reading Preference
                                          and Genre Perception
                                          These, Univ. of Western Ontario, 2002


                                          MILLER (Barbara Diane)
                                          Status Passage of the Science Fiction Fan: Becoming a Member of the Science Fiction
                                          Fan Subculture
                                          Master, Univ. of North Dakota, 1996


                                          PETTUS (David P.)
                                          Examination of Science Fiction as a Special Case for the Sociology of Literature
                                          Master, Middle Tennessee SU, 1976


                                          ROBINSON (Michael Gerald)
                                          Genre from the Audience Perspective: Science Fiction
                                          These, Bowling Green SU, 2000


                                          ROCQUET (Sandra)
                                          Entre phénomène littéraire et culture singulière: typologie du lectorat de science-fiction
                                          These, Paris IV, 1999


                                          SAWYER (Andy) & SEED (David) /ed.
                                          Speaking Science Fiction: Dialogues and Interpretations
                                          Liverpool University Press, 2001


                                          STABLEFORD (Brian)
                                          The Sociology of Science Fiction
                                          Borgo Press, 1987


                                          STRANGE (Judith M.)
                                          Folkfan: Science Fiction Fandom as Folk Identity
                                          Master, Bowling Green SU, 1988


                                          Cb-dc . paraliteratures, mass-medias & popular fiction


                                          ANGENOT (Marc)
                                          Le roman populaire: recherches en paralittérature
                                          Presses de l'Université de Québec, 1975


                                          ARTIAGA (Loïc) /ed.
                                          Le roman populaire 1836-1960. Des premiers feuilletons aux adaptations télévisuelles
                                          Autrement, 2008


                                          BENNETT (Tony)
                                          Popular Fiction: Technology, Ideology, Production, Reading
                                          Routledge, 1990


                                          BOYER (Alain-Michel)
                                          Les Paralittératures
                                          A.Colin 128, 2008


                                          Récit paralittéraire et culture médiatique
                                          Revue Études littéraires [Université Laval] (vol.30, n°1), automne 1997


                                          COMPÈRE (Daniel)
                                          Dictionnaire du roman populaire francophone
                                          Nouveau Monde éditions, 2007


                                          COUÉGNAS (Daniel)
                                          Introduction à la paralittérature
                                          Seuil, 1992


                                          DELÈGUE (Yves) & FRAISSE (Luc) /ed.
                                          Littérature majeure, littérature mineure
                                          Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 1996


                                          FONDANÈCHE (Daniel)
                                          Vuibert, 2005


                                          FRAISSE (Luc) /ed.
                                          Pour une esthétique de la littérature mineure
                                          Honoré Champion, 2000


                                          PAWLING (Christopher)
                                          Popular Fiction and Social Change
                                          Macmillan Press, 1984


                                          ROBERTS (Thomas J.)
                                          An Aesthetics of Junk Fiction
                                          Georgia University Press, 1990


                                          THOVERON (Gabriel)
                                          Deux siècles de paralittératures: lecture, sociologie, histoire
                                          CEFAL, 1996


                                          VOLPIHAC-AUGER (Catherine)
                                          Oeuvres majeures, oeuvres mineures?
                                          E.N.S. éditions, 2004


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                                            ۞ Shaihuludata gigantica Gratia, Fidei defensor ۞

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