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4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:13 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ
© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography - Summary

.................Aa . Age of Wonders

.............................Aa-a . introductory books
.................................................Aa-aa . guides, lists & dictionaries
.................................................Aa-ab . introductions, essays, popularizations & educational resources
.................................................Aa-ac . thematic overviews
.................................................Aa-ad . timelines & chronologies
.............................Aa-b . historiographical approaches
.................................................Aa-ba . literary history
.................................................Aa-bb . socio-cultural history
.................................................Aa-bc . critical historiography
.............................Aa-c . historical anthologies
.................................................Aa-ca . Hall of Fame
.................................................Aa-cb . themes
.................................................Aa-cc . authors' series
.............................Aa-d . Proto-SF & Golden Age (1870-1950)
.................................................Aa-da . proto-industrial growth & european genesis
.................................................Aa-db . anticipations & explorations (1865-1925)
.................................................Aa-dc . postwar America & the rise of modern SF (1925-1965)
.................................................Aa-dd . anthologies
.............................Aa-e . new utopias,"avant-garde" & maturity (1950-2010)
.................................................Aa-ea . Speculative fiction & New Wave (1950-1980)
.................................................Aa-eb . cyberpunks, postmoderns & posthumanists
.................................................Aa-ec . anthologies (1950-1980)
.................................................Aa-ed . anthologies cyberpunk/steampunk
.................................................Aa-ee . anthologies: best of the last decades

.................Ab . Area Studies

.............................Ab-a . British Isles & former Dominions
.................................................Ab-aa . instruments (dictionaries, chronologies, anthologies, booklists & fictions)
.................................................Ab-ab . a very British genre ...
.................................................Ab-ac . Shelley, Welles, Stapledon, Orwell ...
.................................................Ab-ad . New Worlds
.................................................Ab-ae . Fantastic Ireland
.................................................Ab-af . Canada (anglophone)
.................................................Ab-ag . Australia & New-Zealand
.............................Ab-b . France & francophones
.................................................Ab-ba . France : overview
.................................................Ab-bb . Verne to Barjavel (1850-1950)
.................................................Ab-bc . 1945-1975: Yankee hegemony ?
.................................................Ab-bd . 1975-2000
.................................................Ab-be . Québec
.................................................Ab-bf . Belgium & Switzerland
.................................................Ab-bg . french-speaking anthologies & booklists
.............................Ab-c . "continental SF"
.................................................Ab-ca . Benelux & nordic countries
.................................................Ab-cb . Germany, Austria, Switzerland
.................................................Ab-cc . Eastern Europe
.................................................Ab-cd . Soviet & russian SF
.................................................Ab-ce . german-speaking anthologies & booklists
.................................................Ab-cf . russian anthologies & booklists
.................................................Ab-cg . european anthologies & booklists
.............................Ab-d . Mediterranean SF
.................................................Ab-da . Italy
.................................................Ab-db . Spain & hispanic SF (overview)
.................................................Ab-dc . Northern Africa/Levant/Turkey
.................................................Ab-dd . Israël & Diaspora
.................................................Ab-de . italian anthologies & booklists
.................................................Ab-df . spanish anthologies & booklists
.................................................Ab-dg . arabo-islamic SF : anthologies & booklists
.............................Ab-e . Latin America
.................................................Ab-ea . overview
.................................................Ab-eb . national monographs
.................................................Ab-ec . Brazil & lusophone SF
.................................................Ab-ed . anthologies & booklists
.............................Ab-f. Japan /Far East
.................................................Ab-fa . comparative works & national monographs
.................................................Ab-fb . anthologies & booklists


Index auctorum



Index auctorum operumque anonymorum & pseudonymorum



Index titulorum alphabeticus



Operum index chronologicus



Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:37 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ
© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Aa . Age of Wonders

.............................Aa-a . introductory books


Aa-aa . guides, lists & dictionaries


AZIZA (Claude) & GOIMARD (Jacques)
Encyclopédie de poche de la science-fiction. Guide lecture
Presses Pocket, 1986
→ public scolaire


HERALD (Diana Tixier)
Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests
Libraries Unlimited, 2002
→ important guide de lecture, classement thématique


HERALD (Diana Tixier)
Fluent in Fantasy: A Guide to Reading Interests
Libraries Unlimited, 1999
→ important guide de lecture, classement thématique


LAURIE (Alain), GUIOT (Denis) & NICOT (Stéphane)
Dictionnaire de la science-fiction
Hachette, 1998
→ découpage thématique; destiné à un public scolaire; de très bonne facture


MURAIL (Lorris)
La Science-fiction
Larousse, Guides Totem, 1999
→ copie conforme d'un précédent livre paru en 1993 et enrichi de notices abordant les autres médias


ROCHETTE (Marguerite)
La Science Fiction
Larousse, 1975
→ ouvrage conçu pour "tous les types d'enseignement, de la seconde à la terminale"


PITON (Jean-Pierre) & SCHLOCKOFF (Alain)
L'Encyclopédie de la science-fiction
Grancher, 1996
→ tournée vers le cinéma ; des approximations


The A to Z of Science Fiction Literature
The Scarecrow Press, 2005


The A to Z of Fantasy Literature
The Scarecrow Press, 2009


VINCENT (Jérôme), DEMETZ (Pierre) & FAKHOURI (Anne)
Le Petit Guide à trimballer de la Fantasy
ActuSF/Les Trois Souhaits, 2007


VINCENT (Jérôme) & HOLSTEIN (Éric) /ed.
Le Petit Guide à Trimbaler de la SF étrangère
ActuSF/Les Trois Souhaits, 2008


VINCENT (Jérôme) & VOLPER (Charlotte) /ed.
Le Petit Guide à Trimbaler de l'Imaginaire Français
ActuSF/Les Trois Souhaits, 2008


Aa-ab . introductions, essays, popularizations & educational resources


ALLEN (L.David)
Science Fiction: An Introduction
Hungry Minds Inc, 1973


AMIS (Kingsley)
New Maps of Hell: A Voyage with Kingsley Amis into the Fantastic Realms of Science Fiction
Gollancz, 1960


BAUDIN (Henri)
La science-fiction
Bordas, 1971
→ dépassé mais présente un certain intérêt historiographique


BAUDOU (Jacques)
La science-fiction
Que sais-je ? 2003
→ contraint par son format à certains raccourcis


BOGDANOFF (Igor) & (Grichka)
Clefs pour la science-fiction
Seghers, 1976
→ typologie aujourd'hui dépassée


BOULD (Mark), BUTLER (Andrew M.), ROBERTS (Adam) & VINT (Sherryl) /ed.
The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction
Routledge, (forthcoming 2011)


La science-fiction
A.Colin 128, 2007
→ contraint par son format à certains raccourcis


La science-fiction
Que sais-je ?, 1971
→ dépassé mais présente un certain intérêt historiographique


HOLMBERG (John-Henri)
Science Fiction History
Askild & Karnekull, 1974


Science Fiction: What It's All About
Ace Books, 1971


MANFRÉDO (Stéphane)
La science fiction
Le Cavalier Bleu (Idées reçues), 2005


The History of Science Fiction
Children's Press, 2000


MURAIL (Lorris)
Les Maîtres de la science–fiction
Bordas (Les Compacts), 1993
→ entaché de quelques approximations


Aa-ac . thematic overviews


ASH (Brian)
Faces of the Future. The Lessons of Science Fiction
Pemberton, 1975


GUIOT (Denis) et al.
La science-fiction
M.A.Éditions, 1987
→ de bonne facture (collectif universitaire dont R.Bozzetto, JP.Andrevon..)


LABBÉ (Denis) & MILLET (Gilbert)
La Science-fiction
Belin, 2002
→ de bonne facture


Strange Horizons : The Spectrum of Science Fiction
Scribners, 1976
→ thèmes originaux (droits civiques, crime, religion, contrôle des naissances...)


PIERCE (John J.)
A Study in Imagination and Evolution
Greenwood Press (3 vol.), 1987-1989
→ vol.1 : Foundations of Science Fiction / vol.2 : Great Themes of Science Fiction / vol.3 : When World Views Collide


VAN HERP (Jacques)
Panorama de la science-fiction. Les thèmes, les genres, les écoles, les problèmes
Marabout, 1973 (rééditions en 1976 & 1996)
→ modèle du genre, beaucoup d'analogies avec le Versin


WOLLHEIM (Donald A.)
The Universe Makers
Harper & Row, 1971
→ trad. fr. en 1974 chez Laffont (Ailleurs & Demain): Les Faiseurs d'univers. La science-fiction aujourd'hui.
→ ouvrage dépassé, mais utile d'un point de vue historiographique


Aa-ad . timelines & chronologies


DENIS (Paul)
AllSF: Historique de la Science-fiction
→ on line :


VOS POST (Jonathan) & CARMICHAEL (Christine)
SF Timeline
→ on line archives (1997) :


Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:36 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ

© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Aa . Age of Wonders

.............................Aa-b . historiographical approaches


Aa-ba . literary history


ALDISS (Brian) & WINGROVE (Dave)
Trillion Year Spree. The History of Science Fiction
Gollancz, 1986
→ considéré comme le modèle du genre


COLSON (Raphaël) & RUAUD (André-François)
Science-fiction. Une littérature du réel
Klincksieck (50 questions), 2006


GUNN (James E.), BARR (Marleen) & CANDELARIA (Matthew) /ed.
Reading Science Fiction
Palgrave Macmillan, 2008
→ mélange de considérations historiques, théoriques, thématiques et pratiques


Age of Wonders. Exploring the World of Science Fiction
McGraw Hill, 1985
→ préfacé par FH


JAMES (Edward) & MENDLESOHN (Farah) /dir.
The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction
Cambridge University Press, 2003
→ histoire, courants critiques, sous-genres, thèmes


LANDON (Brooks)
Science Fiction After 1900: From the Steam Man to the Stars
Routledge, 2002
→ fait suite à ALKAN (cf.infra)


Science Fiction.The New Critical Idiom
Routledge, 2000
→ ouvrage synthétique avec des éclairages thématiques (Dune fait l'objet d'une petite étude de cas)


The Palgrave History of Science Fiction
Palgrave, 2006


SADOUL (Jacques)
Histoire de la Science Fiction Moderne (1911-1984)
Laffont (Ailleurs & Demain), 1984
→ la SF vue de l'intérieur du ghetto (paru chez J'ai Lu -1975- en 2 vol. : 1/domaine anglo-saxon & 2/domaine français)


SCHOLES (Robert) & RABKIN (Éric)
Science Fiction : History, Science, Vision
Oxford University Press, 1977


SEED (David)
A Companion to Science Fiction
Wiley-Blackwell, 2005
→ histoire, courants critiques, sous-genres, thèmes


Aa-bb . socio-cultural history


BOULD (Mark), BUTLER (Andrew), ROBERTS (Adam), VINT (Sherryl) /ed.
The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction
Routledge, 2009
→ histoire intermédiale, courants critiques, thèmes & arrière-plan sociétal, une somme indispensable


COLSON (Raphaël) & RUAUD (André-François)
Science-Fiction. Les frontières de la modernité
Mnemos, 2008


JAMES (Edward)
Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century
Oxford 1994


Science Fiction
Polity (Cultural history of literature), 2005


PANSHIN (Alexei) & (Cory)
World Beyond The Hill. The Story of Science Fiction as the Quest for Transcendance
Jeremy P.Tarcher, 1986
→ approche anthropologique


Aa-bc . critical historiography


KLEIN (Gérard)
« Préface » in : MEURGER (Michel) & ALTAIRAC (Joseph) /ed.
Lovecraft et la SF - II
Encrage (Cahier d'Études lovecraftiennes,V), 1995
→ on line :
< ... craft.html>


« Une histoire critiqu(é)e de la science fiction »
in: La science-fiction : Lecture et poétique d'un genre littéraire
A.Colin U, 2006



Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:50 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ

© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Aa . Age of Wonders

.............................Aa-c . historical anthologies


Aa-ca . Hall of Fame


ALDISS (Brian) /ed.
A Science Fiction Omnibus
Penguin Classics, 2007


ANDREWS (Stephen E.) & RENNISON (Nick) /ed.
100 Must-Read Science Fiction Novels
A & C Black Publishers Ltd, 2006


CARD (Orson Scott) /ed.
Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Twentieth Century
Ace Books, 2004


GOIMARD (Jacques) & GUIOT (Denis) /ed.
Nouvelles des siècles futurs: Quatre-vingts histoires de Science-Fiction
Omnibus, 2004


GUNN (James) /ed.
The Road to Science Fiction
Scarecrow Press (4 vol.), 1977-1982


RABKIN (Eric S.) /ed.
Science Fiction: A Historical Anthology
Oxford University Press, 1983


SADOUL (Jacques) /ed.
Une Histoire de la Science-fiction
Librio (5 vol.), 2001


SHIPPEY (Tom) /ed.
The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories
Oxford University Press, 2003


SILVERBERG (Robert), BOVA (Ben), CLARKE (Arthur C.), PROCTOR (G.W.) & CARR (Terry) /ed.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame [Stories & Novellas]
Sphere/Avon (9 vol.), 1970-1986


SILVERBERG (Robert) & BOVA (Ben) /ed.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame: The Greatest Science Fiction Stories [& Novellas]
of All Time Chosen by the Members of the Science Fiction Writers of America
Tor Books (3 vol.), 2005-2010


WARRICK (Patricia S.), WAUGH (Charles C.) & GREENBERG (Martin H.)
Science Fiction: The Science Fiction Research Association Anthology
Longman, 1997


Aa-cb . themes


COLLECTIVE [revue Fiction: DORÉMIEUX (Alain) et al. /ed.]
Fiction spécial
Opta (34 vol.), 1959-1984
→ collection composite qui alterne des numéros thématiques avec des anthologies nationales (12 vol.) ou des florilèges de magazines (3 vol.)


DEMUTH (Michel) /ed.
Marginal: Anthologie de l'imaginaire
Opta (16 vol.), 1973-1977


DORÉMIEUX (Alain), CHAMBON (Jacques), PAPY (Jacques) et al. /ed.
Autres temps, autres mondes: Anthologies
Casterman (36 vol), 1963-1983
→ alterne SF & Fantastique, 13 volumes de la collection sont consacrés à des auteurs particuliers (Sturgeon, Matheson, Dick, Bloch, Leiber...)


GOIMARD (Jacques), KLEIN (Gérard) & IOAKIMIDIS (Demètre) /ed.
La Grande Anthologie de la Science-fiction [GASF]
Livre de Poche (42 vol.), 1974-1985 & 1988-2005
→ reed.partielle de 4 vol. sous le titre de : Les Maîtres de la Science-fiction, 1997-1999)
→ Titres associés : Histoires de ... / Les Maîtres de la Science-fiction
→ Sous-série : La Grande Anthologie de la Science-fiction française (6 vol., 1988-2005, dirigés par/ Ellen C. HERZFELD, Dominique O. MARTEL & Gérard KLEIN)
→ 1 vol. ("Histoires de science-fiction") accompagnait un hors-série du magazine Actuel . Compilation sans élément inédit.


MILÉSI (Raymond) & STEPHAN (Bernard)
L'Aube enclavée (9 vol.), 1977-1984


Aa-cc . authors' series


DORÉMIEUX (Alain) et al. /ed.
Autres temps, autres mondes: Anthologies
Casterman (36 vol), 1963-1983
→ Note : 13 volumes de cette collection thématique sont consacrés à des auteurs particuliers (Sturgeon, Matheson, Dick, Bloch, Leiber...)


GOIMARD (Jacques) /ed.
Le Livre d'Or de la Science-fiction [LOSF]
Presses Pocket (46 vol.), 1978-1987 (réed.partielle -17 vol.- dans
Le Grand Temple de la Science-fiction 1988-1992)
→ Titre associé : Le Grand Temple de la Science-fiction
→ Sous-séries : L'Épopée fantastique (4 vol. 1978-1982) / 3 vol. d'anthologies nationales / 2 vol. d'anthologies thématiques / 1 volume spécial Orbit


GOIMARD (Jacques) /ed.
Le Grand Temple de la Science-fiction [GTSF]
Presses Pocket, 1988-1994
→ 4 vol. inédits + 17 vol. réédités de l'ancienne collection du Livre d'Or -dont 1 vol. substantiellement remanié



Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:05 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ

© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Aa . Age of Wonders

.............................Aa-d . Proto-SF & Golden Age (1870-1950)


Aa-da . proto-industrial growth & european genesis


ALKON (Paul K.)
Origins of Futuristic Fiction
University of Georgia Press, 1988


CLARK (Rex Marvin)
Perspectives on Technology in Eighteenth-Century Encyclopedias, Travel Literature, and Utopian Fiction
These, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998


Science Fiction before Wells
Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 3, special issue), nov. 1976


The Fragmented Universe and the Rise of Modern Science Fiction, 1600-1740
These, Vanderbilt Univ.[Nashville], 1999


RAUCH (Alan)
Moral Responsibility and the Growth of Knowledge Science in the English Novel, 1818-1860
These, Rutgers SU[New Jersey], 1989


Aa-db . anticipations & explorations (1865-1925)
Cf. aussi le pulp abordé dans les sections "frontières" et "nouvelles"


ALKON (Paul K.)
Science Fiction Before 1900: Imagination Discovers Technology
Routledge, 2002


BLEILER (Everett F.)
Science-Fiction: The Early Years: A Full Description of more than 3000 Science-Fiction Stories
from Earliest Times to the Appearance of the Genre Magazines in 1930, with Author, Title, and Motif Indexes
Kent State University Press, 1991


CLARESON (Thomas Dean)
The Emergence of American Science Fiction: 1880-1915:
A Study of the Impact of Science Upon American Romanticism
These, Univ. of Pennsylvania [Philadelphie], 1956


Some Kind of Paradise: The Emergence of American Science Fiction
Greenwood Press, 1985


Science Fiction in America, 1870-1930s: An Annotated Bibliography
Greenwood Press, 1984


HG Wells et Rosny Aîné
Revue Europe (n°s 681 & 682), Jan.-Feb. 1986


Science Fiction in the Nineteenth Century
Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 10, special issue), Jul. 1983


Science Fiction Through H.G. Wells
Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 8, special issue), March 1981


Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century
Oxford University Press, 1966


PHILMUS (Robert M.)
Into the Unknown : The Evolution of SF from Francis Godwin to H.G.Wells
University of California Press, 1970


Le roman de conquête scientifique au XIXe siècle en France, en Angleterre et aux États-Unis
These, Paris IV, 2001


SEED (David) /ed.
Anticipations: Essays on Early Science Fiction and Its Precursors (Utopianism and communitarianism)
Syracuse University Press, 1995


WILLIS (Martin)
Mesmerists, Monsters, And Machines: Science Fiction And the Cultures of Science in the nineteenth Century
Kent State University Press, 2006


WILLEMS (Philip)
The Culture of Mimesis: Futuristic Science Fiction of Late Nineteenth Century
[Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Albert Robida]
These, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, 1998


Aa-dc . postwar America & the rise of modern SF (1925-1965)


AMIS (Kingsley)
L'univers de la science-fiction
Payot, 1962
→ conserve un intérêt historiographique


BERGER (Albert Isaac)
Science Fiction and the Ideology of Change in America, 1935-1975
These, Northern Illinois Univ., 1978


BLEILER (Everett F.) & (Richard) → cf.infra Cb-a


CHENG (John)
Amazing, Astounding, Wonder: Popular Science, Culture, and the Emergence
of Science Fiction in the United States, 1926-1939
These, UC Berkeley, 1997


CIOFFI (Frank) → cf.infra Cb-a


CIOFFI (Frank Louis)
Genesis of a Genre: American Science Fiction of the Nineteen-Thirties
These, Indiana Univ.[Bloomington], 1980


CLARESON (Thomas D.)
Understanding Contemporary American Science Fiction: The Formative Period, 1926-1970
University of South Carolina Press, 1992


COCKRELL (Charles K.)
Reflections of Science and Technology in American Drama from 1913 to 1941
These, Louisiana SU at Shreveport, 1999


DEL REY (Lester)
The World of Science Fiction 1926-1976. The History of a Subculture
Garland Publishing, 1980


GOIZET (Annette)
La littérature de science-fiction anglo-saxonne de l'immédiat avant-guerre (1937-1939).
Les grands thèmes
These, Toulouse-le-Mirail, 1983


HIRSCH (Walter)
American Science Fiction, 1926-1950. A Content Analysis
These, Northwestern University, 1957


KETTERER (David) → cf.supra 312 (Apocalypse)


Il Senso del futuro. La fantascienza nella letteratura americana
Edizione di storia e letteratura, 1970


STOVER (Leon E.)
Science Fiction from Wells to Heinlein
McFarland & Co Inc, 2002


Mechanics of Wonder: The Creation of the Idea of Science Fiction
Liverpool University Press, 1999
→ réévalue l'importance respective de Gernsback, Campbell & Heinlein dans la structuration du genre


Aa-dd . anthologies


ASIMOV (Isaac), WAUGH (Charles G.) & GREENBERG (Martin H.) /ed.
The Mammoth Book of Golden Age SF: Ten Classic Stories from the Birth of Modern Science Fiction Writing
Robinson Publishing, 2007



Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:31 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ
© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Aa . Age of Wonders

.............................Aa-e . new utopias,"avant-garde" & maturity (1950-2010)


Aa-ea . Speculative fiction & New Wave (1950-1980)


CORDESSE (Gérard) → cf. infra Cb-d


The Entropy Exhibition : Michael Moorcock and the British New Wave in Science Fiction
Routledge, 1982


KLEIN (Gérard)
Malaise dans la science-fiction américaine [1975]
in LE GUIN (Ursula) Le Dit d’Aka suivi de Le nom du monde est Forêt
Livre de Poche, 2005


LOCKWOOD (Stephen P.)
The New Wave in Science Fiction
These, Indiana Univ.[Bloomington], 1985


NICOLAZZINI (Piergiorgio)
Vettori di mutamento nella science fiction americana degli anni 50 [PKDick, Vonnegut, Pohl, Kornbluth]
These, Universita degli Studi di Pavia, 1986


Utopie et réalité : spécificité du récit de science-fiction américain, de 1958 à nos jours
These, Paris III, 1980


REY (Pierre K.) & THOMAS (Pascal J.)
La nouvelle science-fiction américaine
Revue Ailleurs et Autres Infos, n°72bis, mai 1981 [tiré à part 1983]


STOVER (Léon E.) → cf. infra Ba-d


WHITE (Michael A.)
The Decade of the 1970's: A Science Fiction Renaissance
Master, Bowling Green SU, 1991


ZAKI (Hoda M.)
Phoenix Renewed: The Survival and Mutation of Utopian Thought in North
American Science Fiction, 1965-1982
Borgo Press, 1993


Aa-eb . cyberpunks, postmoderns & posthumanists


Palgrave Macmillan, 2000


BARILIER (Étienne)
Steampunk !
Les Moutons électriques, 2010


BOULD (Mark)
Cyberpunk in Retrospect: Postmodernism and Transcendence in Science Fiction After 1980
These, Reading, 1999


BUTLER (Andrew M.)
Pocket Essentials, 2000


Cyberpunk and Cyberculture. Science Fiction and the work of William Gibson
Continuum International Publishing Group, 2000


Revue Science Fiction Eye (SFE 1, special issue), Winter 1987


Technoculture and Science Fiction
Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 98, special issue), March 2006


DECK (Frédéric)
Bibliographie analytique du mouvement cyberpunk
I.S.I.S. [Liège], 1995


DEHONT (Clarisse)
Voyage au centre de la fiction: l'hétérogénéité dans un nouveau courant
science-fictionnel: le steampunk
These, Université Laval [Québec], 2002


EASTON (Thomas) /ed.
Periodic Stars: An Overview of Science Fiction Literature in the 1980s and '90s
Borgo Press, 1997


FOSTER (Thomas)
The Souls of Cyberfolk: Posthumanism as Vernacular Theory
University of Minnesota Press, 2005


Understanding Contemporary American Science Fiction: The Age of Maturity, 1970-2000
Univ of South Carolina Press, 2005


HAYLES (N.Katherine)
How we became posthuman: virtual bodies in cybernetics, literature, and informatics
University of Chicago Press, 1999


HEUSER (Sabine)
Virtual Geographies: Cyberpunk at the Intersection of the Postmodern and Science Fiction
Rodopi, 2003


McCAFFERY (Larry) /ed.
Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Science Fiction
Duke University Press, 1992
→ mélange essais et anthologie


SLUSSER (George Edgar) & SHIPPEY (Tom) /ed.
Fiction 2000: Cyberpunk and the Future of Narrative
University of Georgia Press, 1992


STEPHENS (Christopher P.)
A Checklist of Some New Science Fiction Writers
Ultramarine Publishing Company, 1994


STEPHENS (Christopher P.)
A Checklist of Some New Science Fiction Writers, 1995-2007
Ultramarine Publishing Company, (forthcoming ?)


VINT (Sherryl)
Beyond Cyberpunk: New Critical Perspectives
Routledge, (forthcoming 2010)


WODON (Jimmy)
Cyberpunk et Steampunk : clés d'accès pour deux branches méconnues de la science-fiction
Mémoire, HENAC [Namur], 2003


Aa-ec . anthologies (1950-1980)
Cf.aussi anthologies de magazines (Orbit/new Worlds)


GREENBERG (Martin Harry) & SILVERBERG (Robert) /ed.
A Century of Science Fiction 1950-1959 : The Greatest Stories of the Decade
MJF Books, 1997


PRINGLE (David) /ed.
Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels : An English-Language Selection, 1949-1984
Carroll & Graf Publishers Inc, 1997


Aa-ed . anthologies cyberpunk/steampunk


ALEXANDER (Ric) /ed.
Orion, 1997


GEVERS (Nick) /ed.
Extraordinary Engines: The Definitive Steampunk Anthology
Solaris, 2008


KELLY (James Patrick) & KESSEL (John) /ed.
Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology
Tachyon Publications, 2007


McCAFFERY (Larry) /ed. → cf. supra Aa-eb


STERLING (Bruce) /ed.
Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology
Ace Books/Berkley, 1988


VANDERMEER (Ann) & (Jeff) /ed.
Tachyon Publications, 2008


Aa-ee . anthologies: best of the last decades


ASHLEY (Mike) /ed.
The Mammoth Book of Mindblowing SF
Robinson Publishing, 2009


ASIMOV (Isaac) & GREENBERG (Martin H.)/ed.
The Hugo Winners
Doubleday/Baen (14 vol.), 1962-1992
→ Titres associés : Stories from the Hugo Winners / More Stories from the Hugo Winners / The Super Hugos


ASIMOV (Isaac), GREENBERG (Martin H.), WILLIS (Connie) & BENFORD (Gregory) /ed.
The New Hugo Winners
Baen (4 vol.), 1989-1997


ATTEBERY (Brian) & LE GUIN (UrsulaK.) /ed
The Norton Book of Science Fiction
W.W. Norton & Co., 1997


BLEILER (Everett F.) & DIKTY (T.E.) /ed.
The Best Science Fiction Stories
Fredrick Fell/Grayson (8 vol.), 1949-1956


CARR (Terry) /ed.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year
Ballantine/Del Rey-Pocket/Tor Books (annuel, 16 vol.), 1972-1987
→ Titres associés : Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year / Best SF of the Year


Nebula Awards
Doubleday/Bantam/Arbor House/Harcourt/Harper & Row (annual, 44 vol.), 1966 - ...[2010]
→ Titres associés : Nebula Award Stories / Nebula Winners / Nebula Awards Showcase
→ FH a édité le vol.15 en 1982


DATLOW (Ellen) /ed.
The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Sixteen Original Works by
Speculative Fiction's Finest Voices
Del Rey, 2008


DOZOIS (Gardner) /ed.
The Year's Best Science Fiction
St. Martin's Press (annual, 27 vol.), 1984 - ...[2010]
→ Titres associés : Best New SF / The Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction


DOZOIS (Gardner) /ed.
The Mammoth Book of the Best of Best New SF. The Ultimate SF Collection.
The Cream of two decades of Science Fiction
Robinson Publishing, 2008


DOZOIS (Gardner) /ed.
The Mammoth Book of the Best Short SF Novels
Robinson Publishing, 2009


DOZOIS (Gardner) /ed.
The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction
St. Martin's Griffin (2 vol.), 2005-2007


MANN (George)
The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction
Solaris (3 vol.), 2007-2009


SADOUL (Jacques), WINTREBERT (Joëlle) & REY (Pierre K.) /ed.
J'ai Lu (quarterly then annual, 30 vol.), 1975-1990
→ Titres associés : les 19 premiers volumes sont numérotés ("Univers 18"), les 11 derniers sont millésimés ("Univers 1984")


WOLLHEIM (Donald A.), CARR (Terry) & SAHA (Arthur) /ed.
World's Best Science Fiction
Ace/Daw (annual, 26 vol.), 1965-1990
→ Titres associés : The ... Annual World's Best SF / Wollheim's World's Best SF / The World's Best SF



Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:12 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ

© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Ab . Area Studies

.............................Ab-a . British Isles & former Dominions


Ab-aa . instruments (dictionaries, chronologies, anthologies, booklists & fictions)


Dictionary of Literary Biography, British Fantasy and Science-Fiction Writers
Thomson/Gale Research (3 vol.), 1997-2002


Galaxies intérieures
Denoël (Présence du futur, 3 vol.), 1976-1981
→ anthologie


MANN (George) /ed.
The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Science Fiction
Avalon Publishing Group, 2001
→ fortement axé sur la littérature britannique ; critiqué pour ses prises de position


RUDDICK (Nicholas)
British Science Fiction: A Chronology, 1478-1990
Greenwood Press, 1992


Ab-ab . a very British genre ...


AUFFRET-BOUCE (Hélène) /ed.
La science-fiction britannique
Revue Études anglaises (XLI°année, n°3), July-Sept. 1988


British Science Fiction Cinema
Routledge, 1999


A Very British Genre: A Short History of British Fantasy and Science Fiction
BSFA Pub., 1995


O'BRIEN (Daniel)
SF/UK: How British Science Fiction Changed the World
Reynolds & Hearn, 2000


RUDDICK (Nicholas)
Ultimate Island: On the Nature of British Science Fiction
Greenwood Press, 1993


Ab-ac . Shelley, Welles, Stapledon, Orwell ...


Formes du roman utopique en Grande Bretagne (1918-1970).
These d'État, Rouen, 1984


PAUL (Terri Goldberg)
Blasted Hopes: A Thematic Survey of Nineteenth-Century British Science Fiction
These, Ohio SU [Colombus], 1979


SCHMITT (Ronald Emil)
The Reclamation of the Future Dream: Dreams in British Science Fiction
[Mary Shelley, H. G. Wells, George Orwell, Michael Moorcock]
These, Univ. of Rhode Island, 1995


Scientific Romance in Britain, 1890-1950
Fourth Estate, 1985


SUVIN (Darko)
Victorian science fiction in the U.K.:the discourses of knowledge and power
G.K.Hall, 1983


Ab-ad . New Worlds


AUFFRET-BOUCE (Hélène) /ed.
La science-fiction britannique, 1969-1986
Didier Erudition, 1989


BOULD (Mark), BUTLER (Andrew M.) & CSICSERY-RONAY (Istvan) /ed.
The British SF Boom
Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 91, special issue), Nov. 2003


→ cf.infra Aa-ea


MURAT (Jean Christophe)
Les métamorphoses de Londres dans l'imaginaire romanesque britannique après 1945 (Angus Wilson, Doris Lessing, J.G.Ballard)
These, Paris III, 1993


Ab-ae . Fantastic Ireland


FIEROBE (Claude)
De Melmoth à Dracula
Terre de Brume, 2000


MORSE (Donald E.) & BERTHA (Csilla) /ed.
More Real Than Reality: The Fantastic in Irish Literature and the Arts
Greenwood Press, 1991


Ab-af . Canada (anglophone)


GAGNÉ (Marcel) /ed.
Canadian SF Works Database
→ on line :


IVISON (Douglas) /ed.
Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 251, Canadian Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers
The Gale Group, 2002


Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy
Oxford University Press, 1991


LEPERLIER (Henry Daniel)
Canadian Science Fiction: A Reluctant Genre
These, Univ. de Sherbrooke[Québec], 1999
→ on line (.pdf) :
< ... Q61856.pdf>
→ traite également de la SF francophone


LEROUX (Jean-François) & LA BOSSIÈRE (Camille) /ed.
Worlds of Wonder: Readings in Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature
University of Ottawa Press, 2004


PARADIS (Andrea)
Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature
Quarry Press, 1995


Ab-ag . Australia & New-Zealand


BLACKFORD (Russell), IKIN (Van) & McMULLEN (Sean) /dir.
Strange Constellations: A History of Australian Science Fiction
Greenwood Press, 1999


BLACKFORD (Russell), BLACKFORD (Jenny), SUSSEX (Lucy) & TALBOT (Norman) /ed.
Contrary modes : Worldcon 1985
Ebony Books, 1985


COLLINS (Paul) & McMULLEN (Sean) /ed.
The MUP Encyclopaedia of Australian Science Fiction & Fantasy
Melbourne University Publishing, 1998


STONE (Graham)
Notes on Australian Science Fiction
G.Stone ed., 2001



Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:33 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ
© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Ab . Area Studies

.............................Ab-b . France & francophones


Ab-ba . France : overview


Science Fiction in France
Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 16, special issue), Nov. 1989


LOFFICIER (Jean-Marc) & (Randy)
French Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Pulp Fiction: A Guide to Cinema,
Television, Radio, Animation, Comic Books and Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present
McFarland & Co Inc, 1999
→ monument d'érudition sans équivalent en langue française (si ce n'est le Versins, ancien et strictement littéraire)


Ces Français qui ont écrit demain.Société et pouvoir dans la littérature utopique française du XXème siècle
These, Bordeaux, 2007


Ab-bb . Verne to Barjavel (1850-1950)


BRIDENNE (Jean-Jacques)
La littérature d'imagination scientifique en France dans la seconde moitié du XIX° siècle
These, Lille, 1952


BRIDENNE (Jean-Jacques)
La Littérature française d'imagination scientifique
Dassonville, 1950 reed.1983 (Antarès ed.)


DAUSSY (Frédéric)
La littérature française de science-fiction dans la première moitié du XX° siècle
Mémoire, Clermont Ferrand, 1975


GOUANVIC (Jean-Marc)
La Science-Fiction française au XX° siècle (1900-1968). Essai de socio-poétique d'un genre en émergence
Éditions Rodopi, 1994
→ ouvrage fondamental, tiré d'une thèse soutenue en 1983 à McGill-Montréal (La Science-fiction française 1918-1969.)


PEREZ (Claude)
Anticipation et science-fiction dans les revues littéraires françaises (1918-1968)
These, Aix-Marseille, 1986


Ab-bc . 1945-1975: Yankee hegemony ?


France Through Science Fiction after World War II
These, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001


Flowers for Algernon, de Daniel Keyes: Etude des niveaux dans la traduction de Roger Durand
Master, Montréal, 1970


DESGORCE (Christian)
Thèmes et structures dans les nouvelles du domaine du fantastique et de la science-fiction
(dans la revue Fiction du n°1 d'Octobre 1953 au n°50 de Janvier 1958)
These, Paris XII, 1989


La science-fiction française sous la IV° République : influence de l'histoire de la IV° République
sur les éléments romanesques de la collection du Fleuve Noir Anticipation (1951-1961) et
comment fut favorisé le nationalisme
These, Limoges, 1982


GOUANVIC (Jean-Marc)
Sociologie de la traduction. La science-fiction américaine dans l’espace culturel français des années 1950
Artois Presses Université, 1999


LEHMANN (Vivian V.)
Contemporary French Science Fiction (1950-1980): A Literature of Crisis
These, Stanford, 2002


LYAU (Bradford)
The Anxiety of Progress: The French Anticipation Novels of the 1950s
These, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1988


Ab-bd . 1975-2000


BEAULÉ (Sophie)
L'institution de la science-fiction française, 1977-1983
Mémoire, Montréal-McGill, 1985


Émergence d'une nouvelle science-fiction en 1960. Influence des science-fictions
américaines et anglaises des années 60 sur la science-fiction française de 1974 à 1980
Thèse, Limoges, 1989
→ travail important, y compris pour son analyse de la New Wave anglo-saxonne


Ab-be . Québec


GAGNÉ (Marcel) /ed.
Canadian SF Works Database
→ on line :


PARADIS (Andrea) /ed.
Visions d'autres mondes: la littérature fantastique et de science-fiction canadienne
Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec/Quarry Press, 1995


PETTIGREW (Jean) & JANELLE (Claude) /ed.
L'Année de la Science-Fiction et du Fantastique Québécois [1984-1992 & 1997-2000]
Le Passeur/Alire (annuel -avec retards et coupures-, 13 vol.), 1985-2001
+ 2 volumes rétrospectifs :
[JANELLE (Claude) /ed., La Décennie charnière (1960-1969), Alire, 2006] /
[BOIVIN (Aurélien), ÉMOND (Maurice) & LORD (Michel), Bibliographie analytique de la
science-fiction et du fantastique québécois (1960-1985), Nuit Blanche/Alire, 1992]
→ online indexes (non complete) :


Science Fiction from Quebec: A Postcolonial Study
McFarland & Co Inc, 2009


Ab-bf . Belgium & Switzerland


HUFTIER (Arnaud) /ed.
La Belgique: un jeu de cartes. De Rosny Aîné à Jacques Brel
Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, 2003


WARFA (Dominique)
« Vue en coupe d'une SF malade »
in Les voix du Nord, Octa Spécial, n°10, August 1992, pp.134-144
→ online :
<http://quelquesarticlesdejupille.blogsp ... chive.html>


WARFA (Dominique)
« Science-fiction belge francophone. Essai chronologique »
in Les voix du Nord, Octa Spécial, n°10, August 1992, pp.145-148
→ online :
<http://quelquesarticlesdejupille.blogsp ... l?spref=fb>


Ab-bg . french-speaking anthologies & booklists


J'ai Lu, 1996


COLLECTIVE [Rédaction de Fiction]
SF Made in France / 15 récits inédits de science-fiction française
Opta (Fiction spécial, n°12 & 18), 1967 & 1971


La première anthologie de la science-fiction française /
De passionnants récits d'anticipation par les meilleurs auteurs français
Opta (Fiction spécial, n°1 & 2), 1959 & 1960


Anthologie de la science-fiction française
Opta (Fiction spécial, n°4/5, 2 vol.), 1963-1964


GESSLER (Vincent) & VALLAT (Anthony) /ed.
Dimension Suisse. Anthologie de science-fiction et de fantastique romande
Rivière Blanche, 2010


HERZFELD (Ellen C.), MARTEL (Dominique O.) & KLEIN (Gérard) /ed.
La Grande Anthologie de la Science-fiction ["française"(titre informel)]
Livre de Poche (6 vol.), 1988-2005
→ sous-série de la GASF (avec ses propres directeurs)


KLEIN (Gérard), GOIMARD (Jacques) & BATTESTINI (Monique) /ed.
Anthologie de la Science-Fiction française [1950-1970]
Seghers (3 vol.), 1975-1977
→ un 4° vol. consacré aux 70's fut annoncé à l'époque mais n'est jamais paru


LEHMAN (Serge) /ed.
Chasseurs de chimères : l’âge d’or de la science-fiction française
Omnibus, 2006


LEHMAN (Serge) /ed.
Escales sur l'horizon
Fleuve Noir, 1998


LEHMAN (Serge) /ed.
Retour sur l'horizon
Denoël, 2009


LORD (Michel)
Anthologie de la science-fiction québécoise contemporaine
Bibliothèque Québecquoise, 1988


LYSOE (Eric)
Belgique, terre de l'étrange
Labor Editions (4 vol.), 2003-2010


THOMAS (Jean-François) /ed.
Défricheurs d'imaginaire. Une anthologie historique de science-fiction suisse romande
Bernard Campiche Éditeur, 2009


WARFA (Dominique) /ed.
Au nord de nulle-part
Groupe Phi, 1992



Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:52 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ
© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Ab . Area Studies

.............................Ab-c . "continental SF"


Ab-ca . Benelux & nordic countries


Fantasfeer. Bibliografie van science fiction en fantasy in het Nederlands
Meulenhoff, 1979


Ab-cb . Germany, Austria, Switzerland


BOUSCH (Denis) /ed.
Utopie et science-fiction dans le roman de langue allemande
L'Harmattan, 2007


DEBENAT (Jean-Paul), GUILLAUD (Lauric) & PICHON (Jean-Charles) /ed.
Le cauchemar de fer: l'imaginaire face au Nazisme
Recto verso, 1993


FISCHER (Peter S.)
Fantasy and Politics: Visions of the Future in the Weimar Republic
University of Wisconsin Press, 1991


FISCHER (William B.)
The Empire Strikes Back : Kurd Lasswitz, Hans Dominik and the Development of
German Science Fiction
Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1985


FRIEDRICH (Hans-Edwin)
Science Fiction in der deutschsprachigen Literatur: Ein Referat zur Forschung bis 1993
Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1995


Alternate Worlds, Alternate Visions: Cultural Politics and Socialist Critique in East
German Science Fiction
These, Univ. of Minnesota, 2001


Science Fiction Literature in East Germany
Peter Lang Pub Inc, 2006


GAAR (Alice Carol)
German Science Fiction. Variations on the theme of survivalism in the space time continuum
These, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1973


HECHT (Susan Kay)
Technology, Representation, and the German Nation, 1900-1929
These, Univ. of California|Irvine], 2000


NAGL (Manfred)
Science Fiction in Deutschland: Untersuchungen zur Genese, Soziographie,
und Ideologie der phantastischen Massenliteratur
Tübingen Vereinigung für Volkstunde, 1972


Utopias for a Dying World: Contemporary German Science Fiction's Plea for a
New Ecological Awareness
Peter Lang Pub Inc, 1993
→ tiré d'une thèse soutenue en 1992 à l'Univ. of Wisconsin[Madison] sous le titre :
Future Perspectives: Contemporary German Science Fiction's Contribution to an Ecological Bewesstseinswandel


Ab-cc . Eastern Europe


KASACK (Wolfgang)
Science Fiction in Osteuropa: Beiträge zur russischen, polnischen und tschechischen phantastischen Literatur
Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 1984


MORSE (Donald E.)
Anatomy of Science Fiction
Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006
→ un point de vue magyar sur la SF, assez rare pour être souligné


SOHAR (Aniko)
The Cultural Transfer of Science Fiction and Fantasy in Hungary 1989-1995
Peter Lang Publishing, 1999


TEVIS (Yvonne P.)
East of the Sun: Russian and Eastern European Science Fiction
Sagapress, 1987


ZEBROWSKI (George) /ed.
Beneath the Red Star: Studies on International Science Fiction
Borgo Press, 1996


Ab-cd . Soviet & russian SF


BANERJEE (Anindita)
Genesis and Evolution of Science Fiction in Fin de Siècle Russia, 1880-1921
These, UCLA [Los Angeles], 2000


Soviet Science Fiction: The Thaw and After
Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 94, special issue), Nov. 2004


COLLECTIF [MARKALOVA (Nadia) & The Science Fiction Fan Club Solaris]
On Russian SF
→ on line :


GILES (Stacie Lee Martin)
Russian Science Fiction: Window into Which Future?
Master, UCLA [Los Angeles], 1995


Three Tomorrows : American, British and Soviet Science Fiction
Barnes & Noble, 1980


HARTLEY (Matthew R.)
The Image of Space in Soviet Literature
Master, Univ. of Massachusetts [Amherst], 1993


HELLER (Leonid)
De la science-fiction soviétique : par delà le dogme, un univers
L'Age d'Homme, 1979


LAHANA (Jacqueline)
Les Mondes parallèles de la science-fiction soviétique
L'Age d'Homme, 1979
→ tiré d'une thèse soutenue à Paris III (Individu et société dans la science-fiction soviétique de 1956 à 1970)


LAJOYE (Patrice)
Science Fiction soviétique
→ on line (last rev. May 26, 2007) :


LAJOYE (Patrice)
Russkaya Fantastika: Littérature fantastique et de science fiction russe
→ on line (blog) :


McGUIRE (Patrick)
Red Stars : Political Aspects of Soviet Science Fiction
University of Michigan Research Press, 1977
→ tiré d'une thèse du même nom


PETERSON (Nadezhda L.)
Fantasy and Utopia in the Contemporary Soviet Novel, 1976-1981
These, Indiana Univ.[Bloomington], 1986


SAMUEL (Scott Randall)
Soviet Science Fiction: New Critical Approaches
These, Stanford, 1982


VATOLIN (Dmitriy) & MONASTYRSKY (Alexei) /ed.
Russian Science Fiction & Fantasy [website]
→ on line :


Ab-ce . german-speaking anthologies & booklists


ALPERS (Hans Joachim) & HAHN (Ronald M.)
Science Fiction Aus Deutschland
Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1974


The Black Mirror & Other Stories: An Anthology of Science Fiction From Germany and Austria
Wesleyan Press, 2009


WALTHER (Daniel) /ed.
Etrangers à Utopolis, le Livre d'Or de la SF allemande
Presses Pocket (LOSF, n°20), 1980


WEIGAND (Jörg) /ed.
Demain... l'Allemagne
Opta (Fiction spécial, n°29/31, 2 vol.), 1978-1980


Ab-cf . russian anthologies & booklists


BELIAEV (Alexander) /ed.
A Visitor from Outer Space: Science-Fiction Stories by Soviet Writers
Fredonia Books, 2001


FETZER (Leland) /ed.
Pre-Revolutionary Russian Science Fiction: An Anthology
Ardis, 1982


HELLER (Leonid) /ed.
La science fiction soviétique
Presses Pocket (LOSF, n°36), 1984


LAJOYE (Patrice) /ed.
Dimension URSS
Rivière Blanche, 2009


LAJOYE (Patrice) & (Victoriya) /ed.
Dimension Russie
Rivière Blanche, 2010


LEVITSKY (Alexander) /ed.
Worlds Apart: An Anthology of Russian Fantasy and Science Fiction
Overlook TP, 2008


YEFREMOV (Ivan) et al. /ed.
The Heart of the Serpent: Soviet Science Fiction
Fredonia Books, 2002


Ab-cg . european anthologies & booklists


DELLA CHIESA (Bruno)/ed.
L'Atalante (2 vol.), 2000-2001


Creatures of Glass and Light: New European Stories of the Fantastic
Science Fiction Cirklen, 2007


View From Another Shore: European Science Fiction
Liverpool University Press, 1999 [1°ed. 1973]



Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:06 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ
© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Ab . Area Studies

.............................Ab-d . Mediterranean SF


Ab-da . Italy


CIONI (Anna Maria)
Le récit du futur : futurisme et science-fiction
These, Paris III, 1993


Gli Eredi del Capitano Nemo. La fantascienza e il fantastico dal settecento ad oggi
Little Nemo, 1993


PILO (Gianni)
Catalogo generale della fantascienza in Italia
Fanucci (2 vol.), 1979-1983


RUSSO (Luigi)
La Fantascienza e la critica
Feltrinelli, 1980


Ab-db . Spain & hispanic SF (overview)


CAPANNA ( Pablo)
El mundo de la Ciencia Ficcion (sentido e historia)
Ediciones Letra Buena ,1992


Del realismo espanol al fantastico hispanoamericano
Droz, 1996


GAVILAN (Yolanda Molina)
Ciencia ficcion Hispana: Un estudio de casos Argentinos y Espanoles
These, Arizona SU[Phoenix], 1996


GOORDEN (Bernard)
De quelques thèmes originaux dans la Science-Fiction espagnole et hispano-américaine
Recto verso, 1984


GOORDEN (Bernard) & SAIZ CIDONCHA (Carlos)
Histoire de la science-fiction et du fantastique espagnols
Recto verso, 1986


MARTINEZ DE LA HIDALGA (Fernando) et al. /ed.
La ciencia ficcion española
Ediciones Robel, 2002


Ciencia Ficcion en espanol, una mitologia moderna ante el cambio
The Edwin Mellen Press, 2002


Ab-dc . Northern Africa/Levant/Turkey


AHMAD (Muhammad Aurengzeb)
Islam and Science Fiction: A Website on Islam, Muslims and Science Fiction
→ on line :


AYED (Kawthar)
La littérature d'anticipation dystopique et l'expression de la crise dans le monde occidental et arabe
These, Aix-Marseille, 2008


AYED (Kawthar)
« La fiction d’anticipation arabe sous les auspices du cauchemar »
in PRAT (Michel) & SEBBAH (Alain) /ed.
Fictions d'anticipation politique
Revue Eidôlon [PU Bordeaux] (n°73), Nov. 2006


CHAULET-ACHOUR (Christiane) /ed.
Les 1001 nuits et l’imaginaire du XXe siècle
L’Harmattan, 2004


CHRAÏBI (Aboubakr) /ed.
Les Mille et une nuits ” en partage
Sinbad & Actes Sud, 2004


WEBER (Edgar)
Aspects de l'imaginaire arabe
These, Paris III, 1990


Ab-dd . Israël & Diaspora


SAGIV (Inbal)
Science Fiction in Israel
Master, Tel-Aviv, 1999


SILVER (Steven H.)
Jewish Science Fiction and Fantasy
→ on line (last rev. 2007) :


Ab-de . italian anthologies & booklists


EVANGELISTI (Valerio) /ed.
Fragments d'un miroir brisé
Payot, 1999


FONTANA (Jean-Pierre)/ed.
Demain l'Italie...
Opta (Fiction spécial, n°30), 1979


FONTANA (Jean-Pierre) & ALDANI (Lino) /ed.
Science-fiction italienne
Presses Pocket (LOSF, n°30), 1981


STRAGLIATI (Roland) /ed.
Anthologie de la science-fiction italienne
Opta (Fiction spécial, n°6), 1964


Ab-df . spanish anthologies & booklists


BELL (Andrea L.) & MOLINA-GAVILAN (Yolanda) /ed.
Cosmos Latinos: An Anthology of Science Fiction from Latin America and Spain
Wesleyan, 2003


MILLER (Sylvie) /ed.
Dimension Espagne
Rivière Blanche, 2006


Ab-dg . arabo-islamic SF : anthologies & booklists


AHMAD (Muhammad Aurengzeb) & KHAN (Ahmed A.) /ed.
A Mosque Among the Stars
Golden Acorn Press, 2008



Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:15 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ
© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Ab . Area Studies

.............................Ab-e . Latin America


Ab-ea . overview


BRANDO (Oscar)
Fantasmas latinoamericanos: lecturas de Quiroga, Borges, Bioy, Cortazar, Arreola
T’ecnica Ediciones, 2004


CANO (Luis C.)
Tiempo y Analogia: La ciencia ficcion en la narrativa hispanoamericana
These, Univ. of Pennsylvania[Philadelphie], 1999


Latino Fiction and the Modernist Imagination: Literature of the Borderland
Routledge, 1998


On Latin American SF
Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 103, special issue), Nov. 2007


DURAN (Juan G.)
Literatura y utopia en Hispanoamerica
These, Cornell University, 1972


Le "réel merveilleux" chez Alejo Carpentier, René Depestre et Gabriel Garcia Marquez
These, Université de la Réunion, 2002


Les Origines du "réalisme magique" en Amérique latine
Recto verso, 1981


LAROCHE (Maximilien)
Contribution à l'étude du réalisme merveilleux
These, Université de Laval [Québec], 1987


LOCKHART (Darrell B.) /ed.
Latin American Science Fiction Writers: An A-To-Z Guide
Greenwood Press, 2004


Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community
Duke University Press, 1995


ROMERO (Oscar Gonzalez)
Science Fiction and the Critique of Modernity from the Periphery: A Study of Selected Works
by Nineteenth Century Latin American Writers [Amado Nervo/Leopoldo Lugones/Eduardo Ladislao Holmberg]
These, UC Berkeley, 2002


Ab-eb . national monographs


BROWN (J.Andrew)
Test Tube Envy: Science and Power in Argentine Narrative
Bucknell University Press, 2005


DUNCAN (Cynthia K.)
The Fantastic and Magical Realism in the Contemporary Mexican Short Story
These, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1983


JUSSEL (Dean A.)
Alien Nation: The Theme of Self-Estrangement in the Work of Two Argentine Science Fiction Writers
Master, Univ. of Wyoming, 1996


KOON (Daniel W.)
Cuban Science Fiction: La Ciencia Ficción Cubana
→ on line :


MARTRÉ (Gonzalo)
La Ciencia ficcion en Mexico : hasta el ano 2002
Instituto Politecnico Nacional, 2004


QUINONES (Miguel Angel Estrada)
La ciencia ficcion mexicana contemporana y el mundo distopico en los espacios urbanos
(Federico Schaffler, Mauricio Molina, Alejandra Alonso)
These, Albuquerque, 2005


Ciencia-Ficcion Cubana: El proyecto nacional del hombre nuevo socialista
These, Miami, 2002


Ab-ec . Brazil & lusophone SF


Introdução ao estudo da 'science-fiction'
Consenhlo estudual de cultura comissao de litteratura, 1968


DUNBAR (David Lincoln)
Unique Motifs in Brazilian Science Fiction
These, Arizona SU[Phoenix], 1976


GINWAY (Mary Elizabeth)
The Brazilian Miracle: Technology in Brazilian Fiction
These, Vanderbilt Univ.[Nashville], 1989


GINWAY (Mary Elizabeth)
Brazilian Science Fiction: Cultural Myths and Nationhood in the Land of the Future
Bucknell University Press, 2004


SOUSA CAUSO (Roberto de)
Ficçao cientifica, fantasia e horror no Brasil (1875 a 1950)
Ed. da UFMG, 2003


Ab-ed . anthologies & booklists


BELL (Andrea L.) & MOLINA-GAVILAN (Yolanda) /ed.
Cosmos Latinos: An Anthology of Science Fiction from Latin America and Spain
Wesleyan, 2003


FERNANDEZ (Adriana) & PIGOLI (Edgardo) /ed.
Historias Futuras: Anthology of Argentine Science Fiction
Emecé Editores S.A., 2000


MILLER (Sylvie) /ed.
Dimension Latino: Anthologie de SF Latino-Americaine
Rivière Blanche, 2007



Re: 4.2.2 /A - SF History & Geography [REF. LIST]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:25 pm
by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ
© ŁLβ ~ Łαmρα∂αs Liβrαry / August 2010


A . Unity in diversity ? SF History & Geography

.................Ab . Area Studies

.............................Ab-f. Japan /Far East


Ab-fa . comparative works & national monographs


BOLTON (Christopher) & CSICSERY-RONAY (Istvan) /ed.
Robot Ghosts and Wired Dreams: Japanese Science Fiction from Origins to Anime
University of Minnesota Press, 2007


Japanese Science Fiction
Revue Science Fiction Studies (SFS 29, special issue), Nov.2002


KELTS (Roland)
Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the U.S.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2006


MATTHEW (Robert)
Japanese Science Fiction. A View of a Changing Society
Routledge/Nissan Institute, 1989


MING (Feng-ying)
In Search of a Position: The Paradox of Genre Typology in Late Qing Polygeneric Novel:
Romance, Political-Detective, and Science Fiction Novel, 1898-1911
These, UCLA[Los Angeles], 1999


MIZUNO (Hiromi)
Science, Ideology, Empire: A History of the 'Scientific' in Japan from the 1920s to the 1940s
These, UCLA[Los Angeles], 2001


TATSUMI (Takayuki), JAMESON (Fredric) & FISH (Stanley) /ed.
Full Metal Apache: Transactions Between Cyberpunk Japan and Avant-Pop America
Duke University Press, 2006


WEISSER (Thomas) & (Yukio Mihara)
Japanese Cinema: Encyclopedia. Horror, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Vital Books, 1998


Ab-fb . anthologies & booklists


APOSTOLOU (John L.) & GREENBERG (Martin) /ed.
The Best Japanese Science Fiction Stories
Barricade Books, 1997


CHOI (Eric) & MAK (Derwin) /ed.
The Dragon and the Stars
Daw Books, 2010
→ 1ère anthologie de la SFF produite par la diaspora chinoise (Amérique du Nord, Singapour, Philippines)


VAN TROYER (Gene) & GRANIA (Davis)/ed.
Speculative Japan: Outstanding Tales of Japanese Science Fiction and Fantasy
Kurodohan, 2007


WU (Dingbo) & MURPHY (Patrick D.) /ed.
Science Fiction from China: Eight Stories
Greenwood Press, 1989

