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Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:37 pm
by A Thing of Eternity

Joined: 04 Jun 2008
Posts: 13
Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:14 pm Post subject: Freakzilla, the man who undestands Dune


Freakzilla's password has been changed in what i can only call a childish act; either ban him or admit him Byron, be a man.
Freak as always been a nice guy and his only crimes were to express his opinions. He has always helped me out whenever i had doubts about the plot in the books and he's a person with a good sence of humor.
Thruth is that without him, this forum is empty of worth and interest.
Yes i am a friend of Freakzilla as well as Omphalos, SandChigger and Lisan Al-Gaib; people that stood up to this den of censorship and marketing scams.
Here's to you my friends. Adios.
Most discipline is hidden discipline, designed not to liberate but to limit. Do not ask Why? Be cautious with How? Why? leads inexorably to paradox. How? traps you in a universe of cause and effect. Both deny the infinite.

--The Apocrypha of Arrakis


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Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:18 pm Post subject: Re: Freakzilla, the man who undestands Dune


Seraphan wrote:

Freakzilla's password has been changed in what i can only call a childish act; either ban him or admit him Byron, be a man.
Freak as always been a nice guy and his only crimes were to express his opinions. He has always helped me out whenever i had doubts about the plot in the books and he's a person with a good sence of humor.
Thruth is that without him, this forum is empty of worth and interest.
Yes i am a friend of Freakzilla as well as Omphalos, SandChigger and Lisan Al-Gaib; people that stood up to this den of censorship and marketing scams.
Here's to you my friends. Adios.

Yeah, I'll miss Freak. I can't even imagine what he did to get banned. He seemed like the civil type. Hopefully Byron forgives him.
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Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:27 pm Post subject:


He has always been a man of polite dissent. Can't recall a time he's been rude to me ever, and I know he hates my point of view in regards to the old "classics vs. new" argument. Wish I could say I've kept my cool as constantly as he has.


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Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:33 pm Post subject:


Simon wrote:

He has always been a man of polite dissent. Can't recall a time he's been rude to me ever, and I know he hates my point of view in regards to the old "classics vs. new" argument. Wish I could say I've kept my cool as constantly as he has.

Yeah! If anybody should be banned, it's you!

Ban Simon and bring back Freak, Byron!

Kidding, of course.
Damn the spice! Save the men!


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Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:38 pm Post subject:


And Paul saw how futile were any efforts of his to change any smallest bit
of this. He had thought to oppose the jihad within himself, but the jihad would
be. His legions would rage out from Arrakis even without him.


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Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:52 pm Post subject:



Last edited by Purge on Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:09 am Post subject:


uhhhhh ohhhhh...

i sense retribution on its way here....

...egrup, dessim eb liww uoy
WOW! does anyone else in this forum like dune?


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:50 am Post subject:


I see not ALL the children are back in school...

Dare I speculate that Freakzilla may have been SUSPENDED, which is not the same thing as PERMABANNED?

(just guessing; I certainly am not privy to whatever Byron's Admin decisions may be)

Either way, posting that graphic, in my opinion, is a big "Nyah, nyah, I dare you!" sign, which is quite childish and unworthy of the person Freakzilla USED to be when I first encountered him at Arrakeen a few years ago.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:51 am Post subject:


The powers that be don't appreciate honesty. Those who don't slurp the new books aren't welcome here. Those that are honest about what they think about the new books are even less welcome.

It was only natural that Byron would resort to mass bannings after witnessing his assault on any and all posts - whether polite or not - which voiced issues with the new authors and their books. Or the long history of allowing the preeqmatures to run amock on FH fans while wielding a heavy ban-hammer against said FH enthusiasts.

Maybe Byron will be happier down the line when this board is full of morons who have never really read any of Frank's books. I am guessing if he is the reader and author he claims to be he'll regret neutering this forum at some point down the line.

Either way, I can't respect someone promoting this:

And it is even sadder that it is someone that it is his own flesh and blood.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:34 am Post subject:


Hey Hyp, why don't you shut the f*ck up. Your skill in pointing out the obvious is beyond words. If you ever said anything of substance my f*cking head would explode.
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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:51 am Post subject:


Regardless of the banned or "banned" status of Freak it still results in one-sided censorship of someone who is the most honorable and fair of all the "OH" community. I'm sure the upcoming release of PoD has nothing to do with the house-cleaning.

I'M AMPOLIROS, and I approve of this civil disobedience.

Bear of Dune says hi also.

<It's okay, I'm going back in my cave now>


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:20 am Post subject:


Crysknife wrote:

Hey Hyp, why don't you shut the f*ck up. Your skill in pointing out the obvious is beyond words. If you ever said anything of substance my f*cking head would explode.

Crysknife, I save my best "words of substance" for people I deem capable of understanding and appreciating them. Sadly, these days such posts don't make it on Dune forums at all -- because of all this stupid feuding. Why should I post my best for people who will just twist them, mock them, and lie about them anyway?

You know damn well Freakzilla has been trying to get banned from here. His reasons are childish. Why Byron hasn't obliged is not something I know or understand... in his shoes, I would have obliged him long ago, as well as any others.

HEARD FROM BARON lately? Didn't think so...

Last edited by Hyppo on Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:09 am; edited 2 times in total


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:47 am Post subject:


Uh, you obliged everybody long ago. Not that any of us care anymore.

And what the f*ck is "interstanding"? I really don't need to know about your last sexual encounters with your b*tch slappin' boyfriend ten years ago.
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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:13 am Post subject:


Thank you for pointing out my typos. I have fixed them.

Leave my ex out of this. The various sexual innuendoes you and others post here and on the other forums are quite tiresome, unfunny, and say much more about your lack of character than any traits of mine.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:18 am Post subject:


They are so funny, b*tch. and if you don't think so, you can take YOUR lack of character(which is legendary by the way) and shove it up your a$$. It would be hard to miss it.
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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:00 am Post subject:


I have no sympathy for Freakzilla. Poor Arnoldo was crucified at Jacurutu. I find most of OHer's are vicious and nasty. They are vultures waiting to tear anybody who likes KJA + BH's books to pieces.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:02 am Post subject:


You just proved my point, Crysknife. Each time I read another few days' worth of what passes for "discussion" at T(A)U and JACURUTU I see you've all lost another couple of tens of not only IQ points, but also EQ and MQ.

Admit it -- you're all mentally about 10 years old, thinking you're terribly funny and sophisticated with the innuendoes and bathroom humor, slagging people you hate just because they did their jobs to the best of their ability and it happened to not turn out that in doing so they let you continue your childish behavior.

Well, you're not as funny as you think. People are noticing and turning away in disgust.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:48 am Post subject:


This is quite the enjoyable topic. May I raise the option to not delete it Byron. This topic shows in great detail what the HLP has accomplished over the years.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:49 pm Post subject:


Hyppo wrote:

You just proved my point, Crysknife. Each time I read another few days' worth of what passes for "discussion" at T(A)U and JACURUTU I see you've all lost another couple of tens of not only IQ points, but also EQ and MQ.

Admit it -- you're all mentally about 10 years old, thinking you're terribly funny and sophisticated with the innuendoes and bathroom humor, slagging people you hate just because they did their jobs to the best of their ability and it happened to not turn out that in doing so they let you continue your childish behavior.

Well, you're not as funny as you think. People are noticing and turning away in disgust.

I agree that there is a lot of KJA&BH bashing at Jacurutu. For reasons of civility, I cannot really discuss here the degree to which I agree with it - suffice to say of the people I have seen 'bash' KJA&BH, I have also seen most of them give lucid accounts of their grievances with same.
And some of it is, while offensive, pretty clever and fun

That said, I do not agree that everyone who indulges in silly humor and namecalling, must by necessity be childish and emotionally immature. The inability to criticise constructively without it is certainly a sign of immaturity - but while I have, eg. lots of intelligent things to say against Bush and his politics, I am not above ridiculing him or enjoying jokes on his behalf.

All in all, I find it much more interesting that noone answer us 'Orthodox Herbertians' when we make our points.
Noone has told me why we should suspect Alia's memory of being wrong, noone can tell me what new, interesting themes KJA are introducing or how his handling of Frank's ideas is well done.

I came to this forum, inviting a civil discussion on the KJA&BH books and canonicity. I did the same at Jacurutu at the same time, linking back between the two.

As far as I can see, my posts here have been deleted - discussion on the topic has degenerated to me asking basic questions such as the above or trying to get people's interpretation of FH quotes and what they told us about how he envisioned the Jihad. Those who believe the new books are (or can be) consistent with the originals simply fail to answer or comment.

On Jacurutu, there has been discussion on the matter and actual points made (yes, at one point someone pointed out an error on one of my critiques of the new books - we are discussing, not reiterating what we all agree on). I would _love_ for someone to step up and try to argue lucidly against these interpretations, but it just never happens.
Zeus slandered my here and on wikipedia last time I tried, and now I am being met by a wall of silence.

The name-calling goes both ways (remember the "T a l i f a n" comment and strawmanning of our arguments?) - and is ultimately uninteresting. What is interesting is the actual debate, let's try that!

Last edited by lundse2 on Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:15 pm Post subject:


Hyppo wrote:

You just proved my point, Crysknife. Each time I read another few days' worth of what passes for "discussion" at T(A)U and JACURUTU I see you've all lost another couple of tens of not only IQ points, but also EQ and MQ.

Who can count all of the intelligent posts and discussions on the part of 'Orthodox Herbertians' which have been deleted here? Or forget the posts and discussions, how about the people behind them? Gone.

Instead of obsessing about Jacurutu and TAU, if you honestly care about quality discussion, why don't you direct your wrath towards Byron, who devours quality discussions whole, and leaves no sign of them in his wake?


Admit it -- you're all mentally about 10 years old, thinking you're terribly funny and sophisticated with the innuendoes and bathroom humor, slagging people you hate just because they did their jobs to the best of their ability and it happened to not turn out that in doing so they let you continue your childish behavior.

Oh no, Hyppo is insulting our mental capacity, someone, quick, sound an alarm of some sort, preferrably a dramatic and obnoxious one.

Spare us all the epic braveheart speech, toots.

Perhaps some OHians do hate KJA and So-Frank. Personally, I take issue with their seeming hate of Frank Herbert. Generally, defecating on something/someone which/who is widely beloved and respected is frowned upon, but with the new authors/books it is embraced.


Well, you're not as funny as you think. People are noticing and turning away in disgust.

What does humor have to do with anything?

And who are these "people" you speak of?

The only people I see being turned away are posters who have been here for years, who have stimulated activity and intelligent discussion, and who have been cast out for daring to acknowledge how ill equipped these authors are/have been to write about the Dune universe.

Their eight books prove this. A ninth isn't going to suddenly flip the switch on this. FH spent six books and twenty years creating a gem, and these hacks have tried their damndest to bury it.

I don't hate them.

But I do wonder why they hate Frank so much.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:41 pm Post subject:


I am also an OH, don't forget. I just happen to be one who is capable of interacting courteously with people whose opinions are on the opposite end of the spectrum (even defying plain logic when it's pointed out to them).

I don't like what the new authors have done in the stories, either. But I'm capable of saying so without slagging their ancestry, their bank accounts, their motivations, and speculating on other unsavory things for which there is not one shred of proof. I don't post vulgar pictures or graphics and then whine and wail if the HLP and/or the Admin of this forum is offended.

There is a right way to complain and a wrong way to complain. Considering all the bannings (and the accompanying celebrations at other forums), it doesn't seem as though the "martyr wannabes" have learned the difference.

I actually happen to fundamentally agree with most of the OH points made about the two different kinds of Dune books. I just don't find the rudest, most childish ways possible of saying so.

And I don't see what's so terrible about the "alternate universe history" solution. That's also the only way I'm able to derive any enjoyment whatsoever of the TV series "Enterprise" -- because of the egregious ways it violates decades-ago established Star Trek canon. And I've said so on Star Trek forums -- and lo, I've not been banned.

Much of life isn't about what you say -- it's how you say it.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:56 pm Post subject:



I am also an OH, don't forget. I just happen to be one who is capable of interacting courteously with people whose opinions are on the opposite end of the spectrum (even defying plain logic when it's pointed out to them).

I have rarely if ever seen a courteous post from you, and that goes especially for posts directed at OH.

Must be one of those self-hating types.


I don't like what the new authors have done in the stories, either. But I'm capable of saying so without slagging their ancestry, their bank accounts, their motivations, and speculating on other unsavory things for which there is not one shred of proof. I don't post vulgar pictures or graphics and then whine and wail if the HLP and/or the Admin of this forum is offended.

Most of the people that have had their posts deleted weren't posting vulgar pictures or graphics, they had legitimate, intelligent points.

Who are you trying to convince with your oversimplifications? This thread isn't going to be here for posterity for the next round of preeks, and the rest of us know it's BS.


There is a right way to complain and a wrong way to complain. Considering all the bannings (and the accompanying celebrations at other forums), it doesn't seem as though the "martyr wannabes" have learned the difference.

You can make comments like this until the cows come home, but enough people have had posts, threads, and accounts deleted or banned to dispute this notion. Being civil makes little difference. How many civil posts of Freak's were deleted? Thousands? Be real.


I actually happen to fundamentally agree with most of the OH points made about the two different kinds of Dune books. I just don't find the rudest, most childish ways possible of saying so.

Sure you do. Keep telling yourself that.

You are making an artificial distinction. Only after numerous attempts at civility might someone get fed up with having thoughtful posts deleted all the time. An official Dune forum was extremely attractive to people who have been reading Dune books for 20-30 years, some longer. The reality quickly punched that excitement in its ovaries.


And I don't see what's so terrible about the "alternate universe history" solution. That's also the only way I'm able to derive any enjoyment whatsoever of the TV series "Enterprise" -- because of the egregious ways it violates decades-ago established Star Trek canon. And I've said so on Star Trek forums -- and lo, I've not been banned.

Official sequel to Dune? Does that sound alternate to you? Final climax to Dune based on Frank Herbert's own outline, notes, and ideas? All of the new books have imposed themselves on the six Dune books. The authors write them as if they are building on top of Dune, they promote them as such, and this forum and the admin of this forum promote them as such. They don't act like it is some alternate reality. They are trying to push these books as the reality, and in fact have sometimes gone to great lengths to cancel out a reality from the original books (ie. Paul's birth).


Much of life isn't about what you say -- it's how you say it.

Thanks Tony Robbins.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:04 pm Post subject:


Hyppo wrote:

I am also an OH, don't forget. I just happen to be one who is capable of interacting courteously with people whose opinions are on the opposite end of the spectrum (even defying plain logic when it's pointed out to them).

I don't like what the new authors have done in the stories, either. But I'm capable of saying so without slagging their ancestry, their bank accounts, their motivations, and speculating on other unsavory things for which there is not one shred of proof. I don't post vulgar pictures or graphics and then whine and wail if the HLP and/or the Admin of this forum is offended.

There is a right way to complain and a wrong way to complain. Considering all the bannings (and the accompanying celebrations at other forums), it doesn't seem as though the "martyr wannabes" have learned the difference.

I actually happen to fundamentally agree with most of the OH points made about the two different kinds of Dune books. I just don't find the rudest, most childish ways possible of saying so.

And I don't see what's so terrible about the "alternate universe history" solution. That's also the only way I'm able to derive any enjoyment whatsoever of the TV series "Enterprise" -- because of the egregious ways it violates decades-ago established Star Trek canon. And I've said so on Star Trek forums -- and lo, I've not been banned.

Much of life isn't about what you say -- it's how you say it.

I don't think we disagree all that much. But I still maintain that one can have fun with friends in getting out one's rage at someone you dislike - be it authors, politicians, what have you - without being childish.
As long as you are ready to also discuss the matter constructively and civilly!

The alternate universe is a good way of looking at it, yes. But this does not change that a lot of people will misread (some have already) the originals based on what they read in the new books. And this, coupled with an official insistence that their reinterpretations are 'the way Frank meant it to be' and consistent with the originals, is basically inexcusable.

Also, I refer to Purge's comments above - they have gone out of their way to overrule facts from FH's books.

And, I have to mention the fact that a lot of stuff has been deleted here - not just when a particular persons entire history went, but also serious attempts at discussion which were simply critical of the originals, in a civil manner.
Good points have been made against the new books, too - along with some rude comments. That the latter is deleted is fair enough...


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:01 pm Post subject:


I've more to say on this later, but for now, please remember that I too have had comments deleted -- good, thoughtful posts, and I was no happier at their being thrown out than the rest of you were happy about yours being deleted.

But if a post contains personal attacks against people, I can't blame Byron for deleting them or moving them or whatever other actions. As an Admin myself, I can attest that deletions are the last resort (usually) and we wish we didn't have to do things like that.

In my own opinion, the graphic banner involved in this latest argument DOES contain vulgarity, profanity, and personal attacks. Granted, you may wonder why I should care, since those attacks aren't directed against me. Well, nobody likes seeing stuff like that posted about one's family. And it IS against the rules here.

And anybody here who's been banned lately (with a couple of exceptions) has richly asked for it, as evidenced by the sniggering threads over at T(A)U and JACURUTU.

I have said that the "alternate history scenario" is the way I choose to read the nuDune books. I certainly don't regard them as canon, or anything remotely approaching canon. But if I'm going to spend part of my lifetime reading them, I want to find a way to enjoy them. This is how I do it, and it diminishes not one whit my anger at the way they were written.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:38 pm Post subject:


God, you suck Hyp. Once again saying nothing while while posting a small novel.

The official Dune forum is in my sig. That's where you can say what you want and not get it deleted, positive or negative. The fans make Dune official, and this place is running low.
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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:19 pm Post subject:


Crysknife wrote:

God, you suck Hyp. Once again saying nothing while while posting a small novel.

The official Dune forum is in my sig. That's where you can say what you want and not get it deleted, positive or negative. The fans make Dune official, and this place is running low.

So full of yourself... and still a liar. I certainly was NOT allowed to say what I wanted there.

And it's not my fault you appear to have the attention span of a micro-gnat.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:18 pm Post subject:


Hyppo wrote:

Crysknife wrote:

God, you suck Hyp. Once again saying nothing while while posting a small novel.

The official Dune forum is in my sig. That's where you can say what you want and not get it deleted, positive or negative. The fans make Dune official, and this place is running low.

So full of yourself... and still a liar. I certainly was NOT allowed to say what I wanted there.

And it's not my fault you appear to have the attention span of a micro-gnat.

We don't allow people who eat their own babies.
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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:25 pm Post subject:


This is the most bitter thread I've seen on here.

I'm all for civility, but the censorship here really bothers me sometimes. If I can't say simple theories like "Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson pump out Dune novels because Dune is a cash cow," then this isn't much of a fair forum.

The statement is not rude, vulgar, nor is it likely false.

But unfortunately it will be deleted, along with this whole thread of course.
Damn the spice! Save the men!


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:35 pm Post subject:


Hyppo wrote:

Crysknife wrote:

God, you suck Hyp. Once again saying nothing while while posting a small novel.

The official Dune forum is in my sig. That's where you can say what you want and not get it deleted, positive or negative. The fans make Dune official, and this place is running low.

So full of yourself... and still a liar. I certainly was NOT allowed to say what I wanted there.

And it's not my fault you appear to have the attention span of a micro-gnat.

Oh well, looks like the liar Hyppo still hasn't learned. Do you want me to copy and paste your lies on here, Hyppo? It would be appropriate in a thread dedicated to Freakzilla, as you lied and told me he said something he didn't. So, not content with lying, you were happy to put your lying words into Freakzilla's mouth.

Belt up, Hyppo, and try to get a job.
"wHta/ I do'nt undestand, you spiud lttlre Bart!!! Youe'r na idiot! And, I*******nig hate you!" - Sloe Man


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:41 pm Post subject:


Hyppo wrote:

Crysknife wrote:

Hey Hyp, why don't you shut the f*ck up. Your skill in pointing out the obvious is beyond words. If you ever said anything of substance my f*cking head would explode.

Crysknife, I save my best "words of substance" for people I deem capable of understanding and appreciating them. Sadly, these days such posts don't make it on Dune forums at all -- because of all this stupid feuding. Why should I post my best for people who will just twist them, mock them, and lie about them anyway?

You know damn well Freakzilla has been trying to get banned from here. His reasons are childish. Why Byron hasn't obliged is not something I know or understand... in his shoes, I would have obliged him long ago, as well as any others.

HEARD FROM BARON lately? Didn't think so...

Wow, you edited that post two times and it's still full of sh!t.

You're clueless about any given subject, apart from Doctor Who and unicorns, which is the reason no one takes your posts seriously, sweetheart.
"wHta/ I do'nt undestand, you spiud lttlre Bart!!! Youe'r na idiot! And, I*******nig hate you!" - Sloe Man


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:45 pm Post subject:


DrunkenDuncan wrote:

But unfortunately it will be deleted, along with this whole thread of course.

I think you may be right D.D, the check is in the mail!


Joined: 16 Jul 2008
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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:48 pm Post subject:


My problem with the bannings here is that Byron and god knows who else systematically scan other boards and sites and will ban members here for what they say elsewhere. That is complete and utter bull@#$&. It is cowardly and completely bereft of ANYTHING resembling honor and open mindedness. The only purpose such a fascist system of censorship serves is to suppress the all too valid criticisms of these "books" in the hopes of continuing to fill the coffers of the glutenous and fecal monstrosity that is the HLP, aka Kevin J Anderson.


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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:37 pm Post subject:


Simon wrote:

DrunkenDuncan wrote:

But unfortunately it will be deleted, along with this whole thread of course.

I think you may be right D.D, the check is in the mail!

I'm surprised it made it this far!
Damn the spice! Save the men!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:38 pm
by A Thing of Eternity

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Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:47 pm Post subject:


I love the Irony that the HLP embodies everything Frank said about power structures that inherit power from a charismatic source. If he was here today, this is what he'd have to say about the HLP.

Well, so much for my attempt at being civil. All's fair in flames and banning, as they say.

Sand will cover this forum, sand will cover KJA. One blasphemy remains and the blasphemy is the HLP's attempts to censor this community.

Seriously, if the HLP had put forth any fluid response with the Dune community then this would not be happening now.

A serious author, a serious attempt at continuing Dune would not have invoked the wrath of all of the OH community; yes some would still be mad, but if the HLP had given us the smallest hint that they were concerned about what we though of Dune, most of us would have been placated. Instead, it seems we are told, 'Shut up, we have the rights, your job is to take this trash and love it'.

Too bad Frank showed us how to better think for ourselves and proclaimed a universe led by no one man's vision. The attempt to convert a great piece of American Literature and speculative thought into manufactured cash is EXACTLY the reason that our country and our world are in such dire straits at this point in history. We can be cowards, and ignore sacrilege against humanity. Or we can pass the Gom Jabbar of our time and stand up against hollow rules that attempt to subdue us. I do not lay all the woes of the world at the feet of the HLP. But I do accuse them of helping to build those walls that encapsulate us.

I can understand from their point of view, that Frank left them a great inheritance, and i don't believe for a second that Frank didn't mean for them to profit off of it as he had. But I do believe that he would be saddened at how quickly they cheapened and perverted that inheritance.
Dune is a "Manual on Humanity" as I describe it to friends and new fans. The new "books" do nothing to honor that legacy short of proving completely how right he was about inherited power.

To the HLP. Only you can save Dune from what you have made it into. The Orthodox Herbertians will always be with you. I would suggest you listen to them. History is on our side, that is not under dispute, there is no way the new 'books' will ever be accepted as canon as long as the entire spirit of those 'writings' is soley the spirit of monetary profit. I WANT YOU TO MAKE MONEY OFF DUNE. I bought the originals to support Frank. I would not be here now if his words had not touched me in a way i describe as a spiritual experience. Dune is more than the money it made, more than the awards it won, and more than the lively hood it made for Frank. It is a Truth, one which was so profound that its creator had to publicly proclaim he was not trying to start a new religion.

It is a pity that the winds of deletion will cover my words. To those who know them, to those who understand them, they are written in stone, they are written in the human spirit, and that cannot be deleted and cannot be ignored.

deleted/banned in 3...2....1


Joined: 09 Aug 2007
Posts: 2486
Location: Cincinnati,Oh
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:53 pm Post subject:


DrunkenDuncan wrote:

Simon wrote:

DrunkenDuncan wrote:

But unfortunately it will be deleted, along with this whole thread of course.

I think you may be right D.D, the check is in the mail!

I'm surprised it made it this far!

That makes two of us.


Joined: 04 Jun 2006
Posts: 176
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:55 pm Post subject:


Byron must have slept in.

bakka the weeper

Joined: 24 Jul 2008
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Location: many places at once
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:02 pm Post subject:


Funny, I'm not denying that, even spot on in places. But it's a bit harsh, this is the official website, and it's akin to insulting someone in their own living room. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just saying......
Ya hai ya chouhada!


Joined: 26 Mar 2008
Posts: 241
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:04 pm Post subject:


bakka the weeper wrote:

Funny, I'm not denying that, even spot on in places. But it's a bit harsh, this is the official website, and it's akin to insulting someone in their own living room. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just saying......

I don't think that's an adequate analogy. The official site wanted to hold host a forum, but they don't want people to really talk about what's on their minds? Doesn't sound right to me. But Fondak was spot-on in many places.
Damn the spice! Save the men!


Joined: 02 Jun 2006
Posts: 682
Location: Deep desert
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:07 pm Post subject:


Nice post Fondak Love the pic!

Hyppo is a cold dead c*nt
a cold dead c*nt
Say it again?
a cold dead c*unt

Everybody join in!
Former Admin of Arrakeen,
Never to return


Joined: 09 Aug 2007
Posts: 2491
Location: Cincinnati,Oh
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:14 pm Post subject:


bakka the weeper wrote:

Funny, I'm not denying that, even spot on in places. But it's a bit harsh, this is the official website, and it's akin to insulting someone in their own living room. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just saying......

I agree with that.

[from edit]
But (IMHO) both sides have gotten a bit crazy at times.

Last edited by Simon on Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:26 pm; edited 1 time in total


Joined: 26 Mar 2008
Posts: 243
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:16 pm Post subject:


Crysknife wrote:

Nice post Fondak Love the pic!

Hyppo is a cold dead c*nt
a cold dead c*nt
Say it again?
a cold dead c*unt

Everybody join in!

Okay, now you're just being a dick. Frack off.
Damn the spice! Save the men!


Joined: 18 Feb 2008
Posts: 485
Location: everywhere at once
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:51 pm Post subject:


well, opinions are out in the open--better make sure you get what you want to say in, everyone, before Byron deletes it!

as for myself...i simply can't help but laugh at these comments.

Hyppo's were hilarious because she was only feeding the thing she claims to be against, and everyone else knows this thread is gonna be GONE (along with more than a couple accounts, i'd guess) as soon as Byron smells it.

sadly, that's what it's come down to. anything questioning or criticizing the new novels or KJA/BH gets deleted. i'm sick of it. if my opinions continue to get censored much longer, i'm most likely just going to leave.

in a blaze of glory of course.
WOW! does anyone else in this forum like dune?


Joined: 09 Aug 2007
Posts: 2491
Location: Cincinnati,Oh
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:54 pm Post subject:


oneeyedunicornhunter wrote:

as for myself...i simply can't help but laugh at these comments.

My exact reaction when I signed in!

Like: The forcast for today, BALLS OUT.


Joined: 18 Feb 2008
Posts: 489
Location: everywhere at once
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:51 pm Post subject:


well, opinions are out in the open--better make sure you get what you want to say in, everyone, before Byron deletes it!

as for myself...i simply can't help but laugh at these comments.

Hyppo's were hilarious because she was only feeding the thing she claims to be against, and everyone else knows this thread is gonna be GONE (along with more than a couple accounts, i'd guess) as soon as Byron smells it.

sadly, that's what it's come down to. anything questioning or criticizing the new novels or KJA/BH gets deleted. i'm sick of it. if my opinions continue to get censored much longer, i'm most likely just going to leave.

in a blaze of glory of course.
WOW! does anyone else in this forum like (real) Dune?


Joined: 16 Jul 2008
Posts: 33
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:01 pm Post subject:


How does Fondak's post not get deleted and this one does?

Sandusky wrote:

My problem with the bannings here is that Byron and god knows who else
systematically scan other boards and sites and will ban members here for
what they say elsewhere. That is complete and utter bull@#$&. It is cowardly
and completely bereft of ANYTHING resembling honor and open
mindedness. The only purpose such a fascist system of censorship serves is
to suppress the all too valid criticisms of these "books" in the hopes of
continuing to fill the coffers of the glutenous and fecal monstrosity that is the
HLP, aka Kevin J Anderson.

Despite the difference in tone, I think the intenst are pretty similar.


Joined: 04 Sep 2008
Posts: 11
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:06 pm Post subject:


Maybe, admin is e-mailing mine to the other HLP. Maybe they are taking an honest look at what is going on.

Or maybe he just hasn't read it yet.


Joined: 02 Jun 2006
Posts: 683
Location: Deep desert
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:29 pm Post subject:


DrunkenDuncan wrote:

Crysknife wrote:

Nice post Fondak Love the pic!

Hyppo is a cold dead c*nt
a cold dead c*nt
Say it again?
a cold dead c*unt

Everybody join in!

Okay, now you're just being a dick. Frack off.

Come on, it's a good tune! Once you start singing, you're not gonna want to stop!

And it's impossible to be a dick to someone like Hyp. Skunks stink, that's just the reality.
Former Admin of Arrakeen,
Never to return

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:39 pm
by A Thing of Eternity
Anything after this needs to be copied by someone else, I’m off for the day/weekend. Somebody better copy it all, I want to see how this ends!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:20 pm
by A Thing of Eternity

Joined: 12 Jul 2007
Posts: 551
Location: Imperial Library, Arrakeen branch
Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:05 am Post subject:


Crysknife wrote:
Hyppo wrote:
Crysknife wrote:
God, you suck Hyp. Once again saying nothing while while posting a small novel.

The official Dune forum is in my sig. That's where you can say what you want and not get it deleted, positive or negative. The fans make Dune official, and this place is running low.

So full of yourself... and still a liar. I certainly was NOT allowed to say what I wanted there.

And it's not my fault you appear to have the attention span of a micro-gnat.

We don't allow people who eat their own babies.

That doesn't make any sense at all. How many times have I said to you that insults only work if your target doesn't immediately think "WTF?" and conclude that you need professional psychological help.

As for the rest of your vulgarities, Crysknife... there was a time when I looked up to you and respected you as a Dune scholar who could help me learn about these books. You weren't in Freakzilla's league -- none of us are -- but you still understood some of it better than I did, and I appreciated your willingness to help the rest of us learn and understand.

But somewhere along the line last year, you revealed your inner self to be unworthy of my respect -- and too arrogant to even consider the idea that somebody other than you just might be right.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:20 pm
by A Thing of Eternity
A Thing of Eternity wrote:Anything after this needs to be copied by someone else, I’m off for the day/weekend. Somebody better copy it all, I want to see how this ends!
Okay, I mean this for real now.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:28 pm
by Omphalos
Someone tell that dumb cunt that they are not writing "alternate universe" books. They are writing fucking "direct sequels." Fucking apologist preek stalker slat.

And to everyone, good job sticking up for Freak and the righteous OH cause!

Especially you, Crys. Just like I would have done it. :wink:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:05 pm
by Robspierre
Monitoring, nothing new to add. Had to find a new proxy, Byron banned the old one.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:02 pm
by A Thing of Eternity
Robspierre wrote:Monitoring, nothing new to add. Had to find a new proxy, Byron banned the old one.

It's pretty funny how many proxy's he's banned now since taking out all those sockpuppets.

Anyways, I take it this thread has been deleted from DN by now??

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:58 pm
by Rakis
A Thing of Eternity wrote:
Robspierre wrote:Monitoring, nothing new to add. Had to find a new proxy, Byron banned the old one.

It's pretty funny how many proxy's he's banned now since taking out all those sockpuppets.

Anyways, I take it this thread has been deleted from DN by now??
Indeed and a few people got banned also, among others, Crysknife,Fondak, Purge...

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:41 pm
by Robspierre
It was deleted between 9 am and 120 pm mountain standard time today nothing new had been added to the conversation.


Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:43 am
by Omphalos

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:20 pm
by Freakzilla

I'm going to miss him too!

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:24 pm
by Eyes High

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:50 pm
by Omphalos
Eyes High wrote:WHAT!?
This is an old thread, Eyes. I just bumped it with a test message. Im figuring out how the new board works. This is from when Freak got Freakbanned from DN.

This board is really different, BTW.

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:05 pm
by SandChigger
Jeez ... don't do this shit to old hearts. :roll:

(I mean, you could kill SR or something! :character-oldtimer: )

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:09 am
by Rakis
SandChigger wrote:Jeez ... don't do this shit to old hearts. :roll:

(I mean, you could kill SR or something! :character-oldtimer: )

He does look like him, isn't he?...

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:12 pm
by SandChigger
Put a little gray Rebel cap on 'im and it would be perfect. :P

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:29 pm
by Omphalos

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:08 am
by SandChigger
Don't DO that! :(

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:18 am
by Omphalos
Sorry. I was reassuring myself that layered forums worked in a certain way. Forgot to delete it afterwards.

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:26 am
by The Phantom
Omphalos wrote:Sorry. I was reassuring myself that layered forums worked in a certain way. Forgot to delete it afterwards.
lol everytime someone posts in this forum, i always wonder wtf happened to him :P

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:52 am
by Freakzilla
Be assured, I will not go quietly into the night. :wink:

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:12 am
by Omphalos
Independence Day.

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:14 am
by Freakzilla
One of these days I'm going to see if I can make it a whole day using nothing but movie quotes.

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:27 am
by The Phantom
Freakzilla wrote:One of these days I'm going to see if I can make it a whole day using nothing but movie quotes.
I'm fairly sure GP could pull it off lol

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:23 am
by Freakzilla
Baraka Bryan wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:One of these days I'm going to see if I can make it a whole day using nothing but movie quotes.
I'm fairly sure GP could pull it off lol

I'd definately going to try it on an off-day, there just not enough fire movies out there.

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:55 pm
by SandChigger
(Btw, that line's originally from a poem by Dylan Thomas. ;) )

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:22 pm
by Omphalos
SandChigger wrote:(Btw, that line's originally from a poem by Dylan Thomas. ;) )
So everyone but you understands what Freak's source was? :P

One thing I know nothing about is poetry. There is a significant body of SF poetry out there that I would like to review (and not all of it sucks - Nobel laureate Harry Martinson won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1974 for his body of literatrue, but a poem called Anaira, about a generational starship lost in space, was cited as the work that won him the award), but I find poetry criticism too daunting.

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:46 pm
by SandChigger
Omphalos wrote:So everyone but you understands what Freak's source was? :P
Yeah, right, that must be it. :roll: :lol:
I find poetry criticism too daunting.
Well don't look at me! ;) I've read a number of senior theses dealing with poetry over the last few years, but I don't dabble in it myself. My rather blithe and dismissive evaluation of the field is that it's basically "anything goes".

That said (or typed? :P ), I do remember rather enjoying Harold Bloom's analysis of Paradise Lost in his Western canon book. :)

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:03 am
by Freakzilla
I hate poetry, but every now and then someone pens a good line.

BTW, I knew where it was from. :wink:

Do not go gentle into that good night...

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:51 am
by SandChigger
...Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Where's SR got to again? :D

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:54 am
by Freakzilla
SandChigger wrote:...Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Where's SR got to again? :D
I bet he's jousting windmills again.

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:21 am
by The Phantom
Freakzilla wrote:
SandChigger wrote:...Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Where's SR got to again? :D
I bet he's jousting windmills again.
:lol: :lol: what an image lol

that's a great poem

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:08 pm
by Freakzilla
Baraka Bryan wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:
SandChigger wrote:...Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Where's SR got to again? :D
I bet he's jousting windmills again.
:lol: :lol: what an image lol

that's a great poem
Poetry sucks! :wink:

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:07 pm
by SandRider
Well, I'm sorry to see Freak go, & I'll miss him,
but I understand his need to go to the Middle East
and rip out the throats of all those close-minded,
fanatical, militant evil-doers of evil doings.

Unfortunately, while he's away, we'll be
bringing the communist revolution to
fruition at home. Free health care for everyone
and CEOs swinging from telephone poles.

oh yeah, and Sean Hannity is a raving asshole.
wrong about everything. amusingly stupid.
perfect spokesman for the Republicans.
better than Rush, even when he's hyped up on drugs.

Farewell, my friend. Kill them all & let G-d sort them out.

Re: Goodbye to Freak

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:06 pm
by Omphalos
Ill be sure to send you some flea collars for your ankles!