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Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:08 pm
by Eyes High
Okay. So here it goes: I was talking to a friend about a dream I had this morning. And I mentioned that sometimes I wonder if women dream more than men do or do women just recall their dreams more often.

So to all my friends here on T(A)U, I’m posing these questions: (I'm also post similar thread on Jacurutu and Worm's Sci-Fi Haven.) I know some of you visit them as well and some of you do not.

1. Do you dream? If so, how often? (Yeah, I know a lot of times we might dream but just don’t remember them once we wake up. Still I would like to read your thoughts on the matter.)

2. Are your dreams detailed: i.e. dreaming in color, do they include sounds, smells, and touch sensations that you can recall after you awaken?

3. Are your dreams weird or strange?

4. Can you read in your dreams? (I have someone say that they could not. That was how they would know they were dreaming. The letters made no sense)

5. How do your dreams play out for you? Is it like watching a movie or just strictly viewed from the first person perspective?

6. Do you have repeat dreams? And/or can you return to the same dream if you have been awaken before its conclusion?

7. For those who can speak multiple languages, do you dream in your native language or in a mixture of the languages you know?

I would appreciate any thoughts/discussions to these questions and any others that y’all can come up with.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:04 pm
by SandChigger
Chanilover will love this one. ;) (Seriously. He and Byron discussed prophetic dreams and déjà vu over on DN, IIRC.)

1. Yes, but I don't remember them as much as I used to. I've kept a really weird sleep schedule for several years now, and it affects how deeply into the REM cycle I get. I try to catch up on weekends and sleep for longer periods, and so I tend to remember dreams better then. (Everyone dreams, btw. Anyone who says they don't just doesn't remember them. If you don't dream, you end up screaming and running amok trying to eat people's faces. :shock: )

2. Yep. Color, sound and touch. Don't recall any with smells. Sometimes I hear music and the tunes will stay with me. (I wish I were a real musician sometimes, so I could write them down or do something with them. ;) )

3. You really have to ask?! :shock:

4. Yes.

5. Most are first-person/through my eyes, although I sometimes dream about "stories" where I'm not present/not one of the characters (so complete third-person perspective). I can't recall seeing myself as another person in a dream, although I have often dreamt I was someone else. ;)

6. Returning to a dream after waking briefly has happened to me a few times that I remember. I can't really recall having had any dreams recur over periods of days or weeks later.

7. I usually dream in English, but it's not unusual to have dreams in Japanese. Especially if I'm dreaming about something that has happened during my day or the setting is over here. (I've been over here nearly 22 years now, after all.) I sometimes dream in perfect French ... which is my mind lying to me like a dog, because I really can't speak it in real life. The weirdest dreams of this sort are the ones in which my mother appears and we speak in Japanese. (She only had a little Spanish from high school and a really bad fake "Scottish Mither" thing she used to do.)

I used to keep paper and pen by the bed and jot down notes about my dreams if I happened to wake up. Sometimes I ended up with some really surreal imagery. I used to wait until enough had collected and then would edit them into stories or poems (I guess you'd call them) and send them to friends back home as jokes. ;)

One really freaky kind of dream I have is when I'm getting sick and running a fever. I always end up in some kind of situation where I'm given a normally repetitive task to perform, or one that I have to repeat until I get it right (and keep getting it wrong). Usually I'm some kind of machine operator or even someone cyborged into the machine. Once I was even a CPU doing some hairy-a**ed math problem that seemingly had no solution.

Another fun thing is when I fall asleep in front of the tube (or with the radio or a CD playing) and the sound will invade and influence my dream. This happened again just this past weekend, on Saturday afternoon. I dozed off and "Numbers" came on. I ended up being a student in this weird outdoor classroom with the Charlie character lecturing the class on math that was way beyond anything I could understand. :P

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:29 pm
by Himachil
1. Reasonably often.

2. Mostly visual. Colour, but 9 times/10, dark and muted - like just after the sun sets but it's not dark yet. Never "colourful"

3. Not crazy abstract wierd... But some bizarre concepts. Dreams alternate between totally fantastical places and SF scenarios and a sort of warped mundane normality (ie: meeting people I used to know in a castle and walking about a bit).*

4. Never really tried.

5. First person

6. Repeat dream locations... different stuff happens though. Can't usually get back.

7. English, bad English, occasional French.

*That's regular dreaming. When I'm ill it gets proper crazy. The last time, I had to physically re-build wikipedia. It took all night. :P

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:04 pm
by SandChigger
Reading Himachil's answers just now, I realized that when ill and in one of my fever dream cycles, I almost always go back into the same dream after waking up briefly.

(Wikipedia, eh? No slacker, are you? :D )

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:44 pm
by A Thing of Eternity
I had a crazy dream last night, I'll try and come back to fill this out later and relate the gist of the dream. Freak'l like it, it involved pirates. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:18 pm
by Eyes High
A Thing of Eternity wrote:I had a crazy dream last night, I'll try and come back to fill this out later and relate the gist of the dream. Freak'l like it, it involved pirates. :D
I want to hear that one.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:04 pm
by Freakzilla
I once dreamt that I was smoking crack with a vampire.

My most recurring dream is being in high school naked. But nobody seems to notice that. The drama is, I have either forgotten my locker combination or my class schedule.

The weirdest thing about my dreams, which are usually first person in HD, is that I can control them.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:12 pm
by Eyes High
In what way can you control them Freak? Would you expand on that please?

And to everyone else; thank you for what you have put up so far. Keep them coming.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:42 pm
by A Thing of Eternity
My dream was basically this:

I was a pirate, on a ship that was in the midst of a canon fight with another ship. We decided that we needed to set the other ship on fire somehow to win the battle, and that the perfect thing to drench their ship in was bear piss (which in my dreamland is apparently more flamable than gasoline...), anyways, we had a bear for some reason, so that was all good, but in oder to get it over to the other ship we had to tie about 50 seagulls to it. This worked, the seagulls dropped the bear off on the other ship, where it proceeded to run around attacking people and pissing all over everything. Then we shot the ship with some kind of burning canon ball and kaboom. We won.

Not sure if the bear made it off the other ship okay though...

Man, I couldn't have made up shit that crazy if I was trying. :lol:

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:48 pm
by A Thing of Eternity
Eyes High wrote:
1. Do you dream? If so, how often? (Yeah, I know a lot of times we might dream but just don’t remember them once we wake up. Still I would like to read your thoughts on the matter.)
I think I dream all the time, but I remember them fairly rarely. However - I find that if I wake up remembering the dream and immediately go through my memory of it in detail I will wake up the next day remembering my dreams as well, and so on until I forget to keep it up. My friend who was into lucid dreaming told me that was an important part of remembering your dreams (going over the dreams from the day before).

2. Are your dreams detailed: i.e. dreaming in color, do they include sounds, smells, and touch sensations that you can recall after you awaken?
Can't recall ever having smelled in my dreams. I'd have to give my dreams about a 5 out of 10 or less on the sensory scale, they're generally not that impressive from that point of view.
3. Are your dreams weird or strange?
I think my previous post answers this one pretty well!
4. Can you read in your dreams? (I have someone say that they could not. That was how they would know they were dreaming. The letters made no sense)
Can't recall having tried.
5. How do your dreams play out for you? Is it like watching a movie or just strictly viewed from the first person perspective?
I'm never quite sure, and I often think it's actually both at once.
6. Do you have repeat dreams? And/or can you return to the same dream if you have been awaken before its conclusion?
7. For those who can speak multiple languages, do you dream in your native language or in a mixture of the languages you know?
When I used to speak better german I would dream in german sometimes, and apparently speak german in my sleep.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:35 pm
by Eyes High
Thing, I really liked that dream. that sounded about as strange as some of mine.

I think it is neat those of you who speak multiple languages can also dream in them.

I would be interested in reading about some other dreams if anyone willing to post.

And Thing. I believe you about some of our dreams being crazier than we could make up if we tried.

Thanks everyone. Keep 'em coming.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:36 am
by The Phantom
i think i dream quite often but almost never remember them or anything about them... sometimes i'll remember for a little while but then it's gone.

lately i've had some dreams where it feels like i'm pushing outwards on my top teeth with my bottom teeth and it actually really hurts... i've worken up with a sore jaw sometimes too so i think it's a problem with how i'm sleeping that leads to physical phenomena in my dream..

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:20 am
by GamePlayer
Eyes High wrote:1. Do you dream? If so, how often? (Yeah, I know a lot of times we might dream but just don’t remember them once we wake up. Still I would like to read your thoughts on the matter.)
I dream all the time and I remember most of them with clarity, such that I can often retell them from beginning to end the way one would retell a story. Luckily most of them are good dreams. Downside is the bad ones are usually really bad, which I unfortunately remember vividly. I can recall all the dreams I've had so far this week. Monday night was a threesome sex fantasy with two girls I know from the grocery store. Tuesday night I was shopping in some electronics store and had a conversation with another female customer called Poriadouslandala. I recall the name specifically because it was so difficult to pronounce and I had to verbalize it several times in my dream to remember it. It also sounded ridiculously made up and I remember feeling that way in the dream :)
2. Are your dreams detailed: i.e. dreaming in color, do they include sounds, smells, and touch sensations that you can recall after you awaken?
The dreams vary, but I dream mostly in color and they often include all my senses. Heat and cold seem to be diminished to a large degree in my dreams. I am aware if I'm in a place that is hot or a place that is cold to some degree, but environmental temperature never seems to adversely, only fire or other things. Aside from that, everything other sensation is pretty much acute. I can sense pain and touch just about everything. People are somewhat less clear than the surrounding environment. I remember people more in terms of who they are, how they feel, what they say and general appearance. I very rarely remember someone's face in specific detail. But this is a problem I have in real life as well. If I'm away from someone for a while, I can't visualize what their face looks like. I can only recall their general physical description and what they were like.
3. Are your dreams weird or strange?
Depends. I'm not sure what percentage of my dreams are truly "weird" and what are just "fantasy" types that occur in everyday type situations. I have had some really troubling nightmares throughout life, mostly because I recall dreams with clarity, good or bad. I will say that the large majority of my dreams are fun and interesting.
4. Can you read in your dreams? (I have someone say that they could not. That was how they would know they were dreaming. The letters made no sense)
Yes. I can read signs and books, but never to any great extent. There are perhaps words and maybe a few sentences, but never anything I would describe as a page. Pages of text and whole books have appeared in my dreams, but for some reason I only read a few words or a sentence at most even when looking over a full page. I've never had a dream where I've read a book or even a newspaper article.
5. How do your dreams play out for you? Is it like watching a movie or just strictly viewed from the first person perspective?
This is a weird one. I always feel like I'm dreaming from my own perspective, but every once in a while I have a dream where I feel disconnected from myself. I suppose some might say it's "out of body" but that's not right either. Even when I experience this disconnect from myself, I am still seeing the dream through what would be my eyes. But it's clear I'm not me or perhaps the I'm another person. Perhaps a form of projection or feeling that I'm not really myself? Not sure. But it is very pronounced. I can always tell when I have had a "disconnect dream" as it is VERY different from most of my other dreams. That's kinda the best I can describe it.
6. Do you have repeat dreams? And/or can you return to the same dream if you have been awaken before its conclusion?
I don't think I've had repeat dreams. After waking, I have experienced a return to the same dream in the same night, but I don't think I've ever returned to the same dream in another evening. I do dream about people (particularly women) multiple times, but they are never the "same" dream. It can be the same woman, but successive dreams are always taking place at a different time and a different set of circumstances.
I would appreciate any thoughts/discussions to these questions and any others that y’all can come up with.
I often recall dreams. I don't recall them every single night, but I can recall dreams at least 3-4 evenings per week on average and sometimes I remember several dreams in a single night. I've spoken to family and friends and they don't recall their dreams as often nor with as much clarity as I do. I'm not sure if I'm unusual or if I just don't have a dreaming kind of family and social circle.

One unfortunate part of my dreams is nightmares about the deaths of family, friends and myself. I've pretty much experienced the gamut of bad dreams, from fire, drowning or the vacuum of space to nuclear detonations, monsters and mutilations. Some nightmares are so bad I can still remember them years later. I can remember a particularly gruesome nightmare about dinosaurs in 1994. No one ever dies quietly or dignified in my nightmares. People, including myself, perish in an assortment of graphic, loud, disturbing and, unfortunately, creative ways. If you know of a movie you've watched that disturbed you so much that you won't ever watch it again, that sort of begins to approach what a really bad nightmare is like for me. Luckily, these really bad nightmares don't seem to trouble me for that long. A few days or perhaps a week or two. They are also rare, sometimes years pass in between, but they have never gone away.

So on that pleasant note, that's about it :)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:41 am
by Freakzilla
Eyes High wrote:In what way can you control them Freak? Would you expand on that please?
I might only think I can control them but my dreams are first person, I can make choices. I can't change the setting or anything like that but it seems I can control what I do.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:16 am
by Eyes High
GamePlayer wrote: ... Some nightmares are so bad I can still remember them years later. I can remember a particularly gruesome nightmare about dinosaurs in 1994. ... Luckily, these really bad nightmares don't seem to trouble me for that long. A few days or perhaps a week or two. They are also rare, sometimes years pass in between, but they have never gone away.

So on that pleasant note, that's about it :)

Thanks GamePlayer. I know what you mean about the nightmares sometimes.

I still remember one from my childhood. (20 some years later) But of course for me it was a repeating dream as well as vivid. It doesn't scare me anymore of course, but I'm still surprise to how much detail I can recall from it so many years later.

Thanks Freak; I believe I understand what you mean. Not for sure if I've ever experienced that in my dreams.

Thank you everybody. I find it very interesting. I see many similarities between some of the things y’all have described and some of the things I’ve experienced. The differences are what seem the coolest.

Keep ’em coming y’all.


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:40 pm
by Omphalos
I have really never remembered my dreams. I had a recurring nightmare when I was a kid; ten or eleven times. It was a very strange one that involved miniturazitaion, spying, 747's and murder. And as weird as this sounds, I have had two dreams at different points in my life where I wrote poetry and i remembered it when I woke up and wrote it all down. One was a love poem and the other was like a Norse Epic or something like that. Other than that the few dreams that I have remembered were those kind of waking-dreams that you have when you wake up but doze off withoug going into REM sleep; I don't think that those are technically dreams as much as fantasies. Most of those were sex dreams, but a few were about running with my now-dead dog, Foxy.

That's about it. Those dreams have stuck with me because its so infrequent that I remember any. I wish I rememered more. But my recollection is so black that I can't even tell if I have had them or not.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:40 pm
by A Thing of Eternity
Freakzilla wrote:
Eyes High wrote:In what way can you control them Freak? Would you expand on that please?
I might only think I can control them but my dreams are first person, I can make choices. I can't change the setting or anything like that but it seems I can control what I do.
Semi-lucid dreaming sounds like.

I had another crazy dream last night, this time it was like soapbox racing, where everyone makes their own crapy little race cars... but it wasn't little downhill cars, it was rocket airplanes. :shock: It was awesome, I could feel the g-forces and everything. Wish I could go back to sleep right now!

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:02 pm
by Freakzilla
I once dreamt that I modified a push-lawn mower so it could fly and I flew around town.

A re-occurring feature of my dreams is running in slow motion. I'm trying to run fast but I can't, and everything else around me is gonig normal speed.

I'm sure a psychiatrist would love that one.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:08 pm
by The Phantom
in high school I had a debate for a geography class and the topic was Canada's immigration policy or something... the night before the debate, I dreamed of the debate and what I would say in some of my statements... woke up, and wrote down this like 5 minute speech from my dream.

went on to win the debate the next day :D

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:25 am
by chanilover
I haven't remembered any of my dreams for ages, but I used to have little dreams that came true and I did chat to Byron about this on Dunenovels a while ago. He said he had exactly the same types of experiences as I did so I asked him if he's spoken to Frank about it, as perhaps Frank had similar experiences which were the inspiration for his ideas of prescience in Dune. Unfortunately Byron had never spoken to Frank about it.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:15 am
by Sparafucile
1. I dream all the time, almost every night it's something new. I went through a period where I couldn't remember what I was dreaming, but recently they've become alot more vivid. Not as vivid as they used to but I can usually recall the 'plot' and the imagery pretty clearly.

2. I dream in color, though I don't recall any where my other senses were stimulated.

3. Very weird...

4. Don't think I ever had to. I do remember signs sometimes and I can recall what they say, but nothing too long.

5. Both first and third persons. Depends on the dream, but more often it's first.

6. Strictly speaking, no, but on the rare occasion I'll have dreams that, although they don't seem to have anything to do with any I've had in the past, something in the dream tells me that it's a continuation of a dream I've had before.

7. My native language is technically french, though it's been demoted to second language in the past 10 years, but I dream in english.

While I still remember it, I'll post my dream last night. Just one part mind you, the part I remember the best.

Me and my mother were going to explore this tomb. Now somehow, I knew that we were going to be ambushed by some other woman we had thwarted in the past, so I was keeping an eye out, but not telling my mother. We made it to the entrance of the tomb, which was a short staircase descending into the earth and at the bottom a trap door. The trap door was like a spring, so we had to push down on the trap door for it to open. We do so, and a few steps down a corpse stands up and starts stumbling towards us. We back up outside into the sunlight. The zombie comes up to the trap door but doesn't go past, because it doesn't want to go outside. My mom pulls out a gun and shoots it twice in the head, and it goes down and doesn't move.

We move inside. The interior is light up along the walls with blue torches, ones that get steadily dimmer as we go down the long long tomb hallway, at which point they completely go out near the end, where there is a huge bier. So we're there and my mom is checking out the bier. I look behind me, and the torches start going out one by one, but my mom doesn't notice. We're soon in pitch black. I turn on my night vision (yes, I have night vision, though not goggles like we're used to, and everything was blue, not green). I look down the hall and I see a figure walking towards us. I know it's the chick. I creep to my mom and whisper in her ear, "There's someone coming." But she doesn't seem to hear me, and says, "What?" over and over.

I try to explain to her but suddenly I'm kicked back against the wall, and my mom is thrown down the hall. She laughs and she exits the room through a gate just to the left of the bier which is lit up in magenta lights. The gate closes and we're locked in. Somehow, though, I know the key to opening the door. There are a couple rocks in the wall that you could push in, so I do so, and the gate opens. I start chasing her (my mom is now out of the dream). I chase the guy (he is now a guy, though in the tomb it was a girl, and a completely different person) through this massive empty concrete parking lot. My friends are there as well. I catch my roommate but when I look over my friends had caught a duplicate of him as well. Somehow I knew that the guy I was holding was the real roommate who was innocent of the tomb attack, and that the other duplicate was the guilty party. So I let my roommate go and apologize.

That's all I can remember enough to post about. There was also a part where I was sitting down with my mom's side of the family at a restaurant and the waiter asks me what soda I want to drink and he says they have 'anything'. I say, 'really, anything?'. Annoyed he names some. He then says, 'I might have some Dr. Pepper, but really, if you tell any black man that there is no Dr. Pepper, he'll raise a ruckus and get some for you.'

Very strange.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:02 am
by Eyes High
Thank you Sparafucile for posting you dream. It was an interesting read. Would like to read more in the future if you don't mind.

Thanks everyone who has answered the questions so far. Keep them coming.

Have a nice day everyone.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:20 am
by SandChigger
One of the more disturbing things about dreams is when relatives who have passed on make an appearance and I suddenly remember that they're gone.

(Reading about Sparafucile's dream I just remembered that I dreamt of my maternal grandmother last week, for the first time in ages. That I can remember, that is. ;) )

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:37 am
by GamePlayer
Hehehe, I like Sparafucile's dream. I've had dreams like that before. Absolutely nothing makes any literal sense. But it's kinda fun, in a silly sorta way.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:57 am
by Sparafucile
Eyes High wrote:Thank you Sparafucile for posting you dream. It was an interesting read. Would like to read more in the future if you don't mind.

Thanks everyone who has answered the questions so far. Keep them coming.

Have a nice day everyone.
Hehe thanks.

As I mentioned, I used to dream very vividly and would almost always remember what I dreamed, so I wrote them all down for personal amusement down the road. I have another 15 or so.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:04 pm
by SandChigger
I dreamt last night that a bunch of us got together somewhere; not really a con setting, but might have been adjunct to one?

We really need to try this in RL. :)

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:06 pm
by Omphalos
I picked the first one because I have never been able to remember my dreams, but I do have them.

We really should set our sites on meeting in Reno in 2011 when World Con is there. There are a lot of us in the west.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:02 am
by SandChigger
69th WorldCon in Reno, Nevada August 17-21, 2011
That probably works for me. :D

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:50 pm
by Freakzilla
I fell asleep the other night watching The History Channel and I drempt I was the ghola Hitler's lawn boy. He had a set of large, leatherbound, illustrated Dune books inside he'd let me look at.

I was impressed.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:41 pm
by SandChigger
Is there some reason you don't mention the inappropriate contact part? :shock:

(I mean, if you don't want to, that's cool. I didn't mention the orgy that took place in mine! :P )

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:00 pm
by Freakzilla
SandChigger wrote:Is there some reason you don't mention the inappropriate contact part? :shock:

(I mean, if you don't want to, that's cool. I didn't mention the orgy that took place in mine! :P )
There was no contact.

But I could tell he wanted me.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:46 am
by SandChigger
Knew it! :P

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:08 am
by Freakzilla
We need another voting option: erotic.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:19 pm
by inhuien
Pfff...... I was going to say something about boring and but I'll save you that, remember thats one you owe me. :)

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:05 pm
by chanilover
SandChigger wrote:Is there some reason you don't mention the inappropriate contact part? :shock:

(I mean, if you don't want to, that's cool. I didn't mention the orgy that took place in mine! :P )
Dreaming about Hyppo again?

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:37 am
by SandChigger
chanilover wrote:Dreaming about Hyppo again?
No. But you were there. Looked like James McAvoy, for some reason. :P

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:28 am
by Omphalos
SandChigger wrote:
chanilover wrote:Dreaming about Hyppo again?
No. But you were there. Looked like James McAvoy, for some reason. :P
And he was bearing a bandoleer of rotten duck eggs?

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:03 pm
by SandChigger
Ah, so that's what that smell was! :P

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:36 am
by chanilover
Wherever Hyppo goes, the smell of rotten eggs and cat piss follows.

Anywat, my latest dream was I was in a lift (elevator for people who struggle with English) and pressed the button for the floor I wanted, then the lift tilted until it was on its side and I was standing on the side of the lift. Because there were so many people trying to get to work, all the lifts in London were struggling to cope, so the lifts were tilting onto their sides and being carried up to the floors by cranes. When I reached my floor, the crane started swinging the lift and I had to time it right to jump out of the lift and onto the floor I wanted. There was a big hole in the side of the building for me to jump through, and I could see loads of other people jumping from lifts being swung by cranes into the building on different floors.

Fucking weird.

PS I don't understand the bandoleer of rotten duck eggs thing. :oops:

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:44 am
by Omphalos
chanilover wrote:PS I don't understand the bandoleer of rotten duck eggs thing. :oops:
A lame balut joke. i was imagining a young Leto striking back at Alia et al, wearing a bandolier. But what would a half Filipino with a crush on leto be wearing? See? Stupid joke.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:56 am
by chanilover
Omphalos wrote:
chanilover wrote:PS I don't understand the bandoleer of rotten duck eggs thing. :oops:
A lame balut joke. i was imagining a young Leto striking back at Alia et al, wearing a bandolier. But what would a half Filipino with a crush on leto be wearing? See? Stupid joke.
:lol=: Death by balut! What a way to go. I'm going to a Filipino restaurant this weekend, let's see if they've got balut on the menu.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:22 pm
by A Thing of Eternity

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:26 pm
by Eyes High
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who dreams about this place or its members.

Freakzilla had a cameo in one of my dreams here-while-back. I was in a resteraunt where they put up the names of the customer, on this digital board, whose turn it was to pay for there meal. While looking around I saw Freak's real name up there and was telling my husband "Freak is here somewhere!" I kept looking around but never could see him because other people kept blocking my view.

Other members have also popped up in a few dreams here and there.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:21 am
by SandChigger
It was mid-afternoon and my shift was coming on at the plant and we were just running down the checklist making sure the line was ready to start back up again when we heard this horrific crash from outside that I swear actually made the ground shake. Some of us ran outside through the emergency side door to see what was happening when we started hearing screams and people shouting. And more explosions. It's hard to describe what was happening...

There were these enormous pieces of rock, some of them as big as buildings, falling slowly—way too slowly—out of the sky and smashing into the center of town. I watched one of them bounce off another and take out the top half of the Laveck Tower. It was unbelievable. As more and more of them hit, the ground began shaking constantly. We just stood there, as best we could, staring with our mouths hanging open. Fortunately someone else came outside and looked up in time and saw the small rocks now directly over where we were. People started running in every direction, but there was really nowhere to run. The rocks kept getting bigger and started doing some real damage around the plant when they hit. Eventually there was this enormous sucker coming down overhead that I just knew was going to flatten the entire factory site, there was no way anyone was going to get away. So I just stopped running and watched it come.

And then it was like I was watching some special effect in a movie, because the rock (hell, it was a mountain) started to go fuzzy and transparent and it slowed its descent and looked like it was turning into this black smoke that slowly continued to fall until it came down around us and we could finally see that it was just this dark dirty dust stuff. It was all just too weird. And people were trying to pretend that it wasn't as weird as it really was as they went around trying to help the wounded and started to clean up.

And things went on like that until the second time it happened, about a week later. Yeah, that was the time with the people.

I actually saw the thing some people call "The Ball" that time. There were smaller ... associations, of course, just a few people clumped together, up to ten or more sometimes, and also the occasional individual body. Those were bad enough to watch falling and hear hitting, but The Ball was something too horrible to believe.... Someone figured up afterwards that there must have been more than 500 people in it ... and all of them dressed in white lab coats. And all still alive.

I know they were alive, because I can still hear their screams as they fell....

Fortunately that's when I woke up. :(

OK, this was from early in the weekend and I've been meaning to post about it but I kept forgetting until I'd see the 2012 trailer or someone would mention it but then I'd get sidetracked by something else and ... anyway:

The other night I caught the last half hour or so of that COMPLETELY SHIT eco-nonsense movie by Mid Night "Wham, Bam, Damn, a Lamb?" Shlamayam called The Happening (in which basically nothing happened except a lot of bad almost-acting). You probably remember the ads, with people jumping off buildings right and left. Well, I didn't even SEE that part of it, just remembered the ads from like a year or more ago. And even though it was just like the last 30~45-minute stretch of it that I watched, it seemed like they were playing the damned 2012 trailer every five minutes or so.

So it finally, mercifully, ended and I just shook my head and said, "Thank GAWD we didn't waste money going to see that at the Teatoru!"

"Yep," Bint agreed and scratched her butts for emphasis as she hopped off into the kitchen mumbling something about ice creams. (If she found any, she didn't bring me none. :( )

Anyway, sometime in the wee earlies of the next morning, 2012 met The Happening (and maybe Avatar?) in my subconscious and decided to party. While the result was not an experience I would have wished on anyone, it's still interesting to be able to spot the sources for certain parts of it. ;)

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:06 am
by inhuien
Have you been eating the mushrooms from under the cooker again? :D :P

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:03 am
by Freakzilla
Eyes High wrote:Freakzilla had a cameo in one of my dreams here-while-back.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:19 pm
by SandChigger
inhuien wrote:Have you been eating the mushrooms from under the cooker again? :D :P
Um ... nope.

I'm not sure what it is, but I've been remembering a lot more of my dreams lately. There for a long time (several years now?), it seemed like I wasn't dreaming at all. :( I used to have some really weird ones, and I've missed them. Almost without realizing it. :P

This one was a bit too much, though. It was really DETAILED and too realistic. My heart was pounding when I woke up, and it's stuck with me for three days now. :shock:

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:25 pm
by Freakzilla
Been drinking less?

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:28 pm
by Omphalos
SandChigger wrote:
inhuien wrote:Have you been eating the mushrooms from under the cooker again? :D :P
Um ... nope.

I'm not sure what it is, but I've been remembering a lot more of my dreams lately. There for a long time (several years now?), it seemed like I wasn't dreaming at all. :( I used to have some really weird ones, and I've missed them. Almost without realizing it. :P

This one was a bit too much, though. It was really DETAILED and too realistic. My heart was pounding when I woke up, and it's stuck with me for three days now. :shock:
I don't say this to tease, but Ive heard in the past that as you age your sleep is lighter, and that you tend to remember more dreams.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:50 am
by SandChigger
Freakzilla wrote:Been drinking less?
Yeah, but that's been true of the last six or seven years, not just these last few months. ;)
Omphalos wrote:I don't say this to tease, but Ive heard in the past that as you age your sleep is lighter, and that you tend to remember more dreams.
Always possible, of course, and it makes sense. But I used to remember a lot more of my dreams. I'd even write them up and mail them to friends back home. :P

Hey ... maybe it's because I gradually stopped drinking as much? :D

(Not that I was a lush, by any means! Nah ... that can't be it: I haven't started drinking again. :( )

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:40 am
by Freakzilla
I had a wierd one last night.

I was a marine (I know, right? Not the weird part, though...) in the South Pacific in WWII. I was alwaysrunning outammo and cigarettes.

This is the weird part, my five-year-old son was there along with all the other marines' sons. Not fighting along side us but kind of bringing up the rear, elementary school lunch line style. After each battle we'd get to meet up with our kids.

It was extrememly vivid (I could smell the gunpowder and blood and feel the sand in my boots) and for some reason extremely disturbing to me. I can't get it out of my head.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:25 am
by inhuien
SandChigger wrote:
inhuien wrote:Have you been eating the mushrooms from under the cooker again? :D :P
Um ... nope.

I'm not sure what it is, but I've been remembering a lot more of my dreams lately. There for a long time (several years now?), it seemed like I wasn't dreaming at all. :( I used to have some really weird ones, and I've missed them. Almost without realizing it. :P

This one was a bit too much, though. It was really DETAILED and too realistic. My heart was pounding when I woke up, and it's stuck with me for three days now. :shock:
But you had to think about. Seriously though I know what you mean some dreams really get their hooks into you.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:44 pm
by chanilover
SandChigger wrote:It was mid-afternoon and my shift was coming on at the plant and we were just running down the checklist making sure the line was ready to start back up again when we heard this horrific crash from outside that I swear actually made the ground shake. Some of us ran outside through the emergency side door to see what was happening when we started hearing screams and people shouting. And more explosions. It's hard to describe what was happening...

There were these enormous pieces of rock, some of them as big as buildings, falling slowly—way too slowly—out of the sky and smashing into the center of town. I watched one of them bounce off another and take out the top half of the Laveck Tower. It was unbelievable. As more and more of them hit, the ground began shaking constantly. We just stood there, as best we could, staring with our mouths hanging open. Fortunately someone else came outside and looked up in time and saw the small rocks now directly over where we were. People started running in every direction, but there was really nowhere to run. The rocks kept getting bigger and started doing some real damage around the plant when they hit. Eventually there was this enormous sucker coming down overhead that I just knew was going to flatten the entire factory site, there was no way anyone was going to get away. So I just stopped running and watched it come.

And then it was like I was watching some special effect in a movie, because the rock (hell, it was a mountain) started to go fuzzy and transparent and it slowed its descent and looked like it was turning into this black smoke that slowly continued to fall until it came down around us and we could finally see that it was just this dark dirty dust stuff. It was all just too weird. And people were trying to pretend that it wasn't as weird as it really was as they went around trying to help the wounded and started to clean up.

And things went on like that until the second time it happened, about a week later. Yeah, that was the time with the people.

I actually saw the thing some people call "The Ball" that time. There were smaller ... associations, of course, just a few people clumped together, up to ten or more sometimes, and also the occasional individual body. Those were bad enough to watch falling and hear hitting, but The Ball was something too horrible to believe.... Someone figured up afterwards that there must have been more than 500 people in it ... and all of them dressed in white lab coats. And all still alive.

I know they were alive, because I can still hear their screams as they fell....

Fortunately that's when I woke up. :(
It's probably a representation of gravity taking over and slowly making you sag more than you used to.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:23 am
by SandChigger
So the tent I was pitching when I woke up would represent what ... a battle against gravity? :P

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:53 am
by Freakzilla
Last night I dremt I was naked at an Atlanta Braves baseball game. The score was 10-4, Braves.

The night before I dremt Grossadmiral Karl Doenitz was helping me move, which is pretty nice for a Nazi.


Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:33 am
by Freakzilla
Last night I dreamt I was up all night doing drugs with President Obama.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:37 am
by Eyes High
Freakzilla wrote:Last night I dreamt I was up all night doing drugs with President Obama.
I say it's time to lay off the booze, or the late night snacks. ;-)

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:41 am
by Freakzilla
Eyes High wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:Last night I dreamt I was up all night doing drugs with President Obama.
I say it's time to lay off the booze, or the late night snacks. ;-)
Didn't have any of those last night. I think it means I need to do some drugs.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:42 am
by A Thing of Eternity
Freakzilla wrote:Last night I dreamt I was up all night doing drugs with President Obama.
Man, that would probably be one of the coolest nights ever.

I had a zombie apocalypse dream the other night, THAT was one badass dream. Some of my friends got eaten though, which was very sad.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:47 am
by Freakzilla
A Thing of Eternity wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:Last night I dreamt I was up all night doing drugs with President Obama.
Man, that would probably be one of the coolest nights ever.
That depends on the drug, marijuana sure, but I don't want to seem him in the depths of a meth binge. :snooty:

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:56 am
by A Thing of Eternity
Freakzilla wrote:
A Thing of Eternity wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:Last night I dreamt I was up all night doing drugs with President Obama.
Man, that would probably be one of the coolest nights ever.
That depends on the drug, marijuana sure, but I don't want to seem him in the depths of a meth binge. :snooty:
Fair nuff. I'd love to hang out with the guy on mushrooms though...

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:23 pm
by Eyes High
Y'all are so nuts. :roll: :lol:

Sweet dreams y'all and keep posting those insights to your psyche.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:34 am
by SandChigger
A Thing of Eternity wrote:Some of my friends got eaten though, which was very sad.
The ex wasn't among them, was she? OH PLEASE GODS NO!!! ;)

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:33 pm
by A Thing of Eternity
SandChigger wrote:
A Thing of Eternity wrote:Some of my friends got eaten though, which was very sad.
The ex wasn't among them, was she? OH PLEASE GODS NO!!! ;)
Haha, don't actually think she was in it - the girl I currently like got eaten though. :shock=:

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:53 pm
by SadisticCynic
I think the time is ripe for some Freudian psychoanalysis. Who wants to start? :P

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:51 pm
by A Thing of Eternity
Well, if one of them had been a zombie and eaten the other one, then the answer would be clear - I secretly desire a threesome with the both of them. :wink:

But in reality I would actually prefer for that to not happen, would be the most awkward experience of my life! I'd take just sleeping with the new one... yes that'd do. Not likely to happen, but it'd do.

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:46 pm
by Eyes High
SadisticCynic wrote:I think the time is ripe for some Freudian psychoanalysis. Who wants to start? :P
When one dreams of the object of ones affection being devoured, then one is secretly consumed with the fear of said interest being lost. :ugeek:

Does that sound 'doctory' enough? :mrgreen:

Now the scary question --- what does it mean when I dream about :think: you knot-heads?

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:10 am
by SadisticCynic
Eyes High wrote:When one dreams of the object of ones affection being devoured, then one is secretly consumed with the fear of said interest being lost.

That's fantastic!


Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:35 am
by Eyes High
SadisticCynic wrote:
Eyes High wrote:When one dreams of the object of ones affection being devoured, then one is secretly consumed with the fear of said interest being lost.

That's fantastic!

:text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyoublue: I'm here every week. (unless someone tells me to buzz off then you'll just have to catch me on Facebook, but it's not as much fun over there.)

:greetings-wavegreen: Don't forget to tip your waitress.

We need a "DR" smilie. :shifty:

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:32 am
by ULFsurfer
I very rarely dream about anything Dune related, but last night I did for a little bit.

At one point I randomly dreamed that archaeologists had found 600 year old bones that matched the Atreides family.

Later on I had a movie-like scene of Paul (envisioned as in the Lynch movie) being a regular office employee getting into an argument with his boss, who happened to be Tom Selleck. It went something like this.. Selleck: "You really go on my nerves sometimes. I should fire you." Paul: "You know very well that my skills are invaluable to this company. That's not gonna happen."
After that Paul was wandering around in the corridors until he thought of going back to his boss' office to speak some more with him. As he approached he saw through the door window that Selleck was busy porking his secretary and decided to leave it alone.

End of dream (this part at least).

Re: Dreams and Dreaming

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:42 am
by Omphalos
Last night my boy dreamed that his momma died in a flood. The poor kid climbed into our bed for some snuggling to get rid of the heebie-jeebies he was having. Unfortunately I farted on his head in my sleep. So he snuggled with his momma alone.