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Dangerous Visions, Harlan Ellison, Ed.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:50 pm
by Omphalos

Up until very recently SF authors have always had someone or something to follow, and by that I mean that there has always been some literary movement that the bulk of any decade's active authors followed. Starting in 1926 it was Gernsbeck's pulp movement that flew the banner that most authors stood behind (though it didn’t get that designation until much later). In the late 30's, it was the Golden Age that was pushed mostly by John Campbell. And in the 1950's and especially in the 1960's, up until the feminist movement in the 1970's, the literary movement was called the New Wave. The New Wave really started in 1950 when authors.....Please click here or on the cover above to be taken to the review.